Chapter 1784 Leave!

The chains that locked the Douluo collapsed in an instant.


Now it is completely broken like an ice cube.

Then, Douluo flew towards Tang Zhong.

That speed is extremely fast!
Tang Zhong saw it, now this is his chance!
Immediately jumped up and walked towards the Douluo.

The faces of Mie Wang and Di Xuan suddenly turned ugly.

"We must not let him go!" Mie Wang roared.

If Tang Zhong escaped from this place, the impact would be too great for him.

Dixuan also knew that this time was the biggest opportunity for him to work under Emperor Cang, and he didn't want to miss it.

"Stop him!" Dixuan roared wildly.

The people around Tang Zhong didn't dare to go up now, because if they go up, they might die, and they can't stop them.

So no one dares to go up now.

But at this moment, Dixuan roared wildly when he saw this: "Go up to me, stop him, don't let him leave, or you will all die!"

He is the king of a country and has the power to execute people!
What about those powerful people, at this time, you look at me, I look at you, don't know what to do?
The person in the middle is extremely powerful, but Di Xuan is equally powerful, if the other party wants them to die, they will not survive at all.

It would be better for everyone to catch this man in front of him and kill him now!

"Let's do it together, don't let him open this place!"

"it is good!"

At this time, everyone looked at each other and started to fight together.

This time, no one moved forward rashly, but all the people got closer together and attacked Tang Zhong.


I only saw countless attacks, and at this moment they rushed over together, trying to drown Tang Zhong.

And Tang Zhong stood there, holding the Yanlong stick, and swept it out with one stick.

From above the stick, the power of thunder and fire erupted.

Wherever he went, it could be said to be crazily suppressed.


Another person was blasted into blood.

Those people couldn't stop Tang Zhong at all.

Now for Tang Zhong, the most fearful thing is the cooperation between Emperor Xuan and Mie Wang. With the help of the dragon avatar, he can barely hold on for a while, but if he can't, he will be closer to death.

"Longzu, come up!" Shuilongwei Great Elder shouted at this time.

When Tang Zhong heard it, he jumped towards the spaceship in front of him, and the whole person flew out.

directly on the spaceship.

close the door!

Start the spaceship.

Back on the Douluo, Tang Zhong immediately started to control it, and saw the Douluo flying out quickly!

Seeing this, Di Xuan yelled angrily: "Immediately, control the spaceship and stop them for me!"

Everyone dare not neglect.

Tang Zhong arrived at the spaceship, started the Douluo, flames erupted from behind, and rushed out into the distance!

But following Dixuan's order, there was already a spaceship on the outermost side in the opposite direction of Tang Zhong at this time, and now it rushed out!

Those spaceships rammed directly, and they were planning to use the spaceships to knock Douluo down.

Tang Zhong saw those spaceships approaching, and immediately said coldly: "Douluo, turn on the defense mode!"

Immediately, around the Douluo, a small blue hood appeared, surrounding the Douluo.

In an instant, countless spaceships rushed over.

Even the small blue cover outside the Douluo was not destroyed.

There was a rumbling sound, and when those spaceships hit, they were smashed directly, without any chance to fight back, they fell directly from the sky.

There is no way to compare these spaceships with Tang Zhong's.

See those spaceships go up into the air one by one, and then explode!
Di Xuan's face was even more ugly.

If those spaceships can't stop Tang Zhong, then Tang Zhong will escape.

And now Tang Zhong was leaving.

Swish, pass through the encirclement, and leave this place.

Dixuan saw it, and roared: "Give me immediately, stop him immediately, don't let him go, if he leaves, you all come to me directly with your heads!"

Di Xuan roared.

The faces of everyone in Xuanyi Universe Kingdom were extremely ugly, but they finally chased after him.

Now they really don't know what to do.

If they stayed, Dixuan would definitely kill them.

Immediately caught up!

"Damn it..." Mie Wang roared, "This is our best chance, but now that the chance has collapsed, I'm really upset!"

"That guy hasn't left yet, we still have a chance!" Dixuan shouted.

There is indeed a chance now!

At this time, Jiang Weiwei rushed out from behind, wanting to see how his brother Tang was doing, but he didn't see Tang Zhong's figure, and now he saw Mie Wang's ugly face, so he knew that Brother Tang was running away up.

Immediately, Jiang Weiwei breathed a sigh of relief.

Brother Tang is fine!

If brother Tang had an accident this time, she really didn't know what would happen.

Now, seeing Tang Zhong's strength, she has hope in her heart.

During this period of time, she had no news about Tang Zhong, but now that she finally saw Tang Zhong appear, how could she not be excited.

At this time, King Mie saw Jiang Weiwei coming out, and immediately asked, "Beauty, why did you come out? What are you doing here? We were arresting the rebellious party just now. If we hurt you, it will be bad." !"

Facing King Mie, Jiang Weiwei showed a cold face, and said, "I don't want you to worry about it!"

Mie Wang's face suddenly turned ugly: "Mandala, let me tell you, we are going to get married in a few months, I don't have time to wait for you for so long, you'd better be good to me, otherwise I will definitely marry you." It will make your death ugly!"

Jiang Weiwei didn't speak any more, she turned and left.

It's best not to say anything now, because the more you talk, the more trouble you will get.

Brother Tang said just now that when he puts on the golden armor, he will come back.

So now, Jiang Weiwei mainly just waits here.

Wait for Brother Tang to come back and save her!

And she just needs to keep herself safe!
thought here.

Jiang slightly pursed his lips and laughed.

The others didn't know what Jiang Weiwei was thinking.

Mie Wang looked at Jiang Weiwei's back and trembled with anger, but he soon recovered.

This time, he didn't want to wait any longer, he wanted this beauty to be taken down.

Then he looked at Tang Zhong's distant direction, trembling all over, now he had to wait for news from Long Zu, and see if Emperor Xuan's people could catch him, if they could catch him, that would be the best, and if If he can't, then he has to think of other ways. This time, he came to this Xuanyi Universe Kingdom to attend the Xuanyi Conference. He really didn't expect to meet Longzu. If he knew, he would definitely not be like this people come.

(End of this chapter)

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