Chapter 1785 East!

Soon, news came from the front that there were so many of them, they couldn't stop Tang Zhong at all.

Tang Zhong was so fast that he rushed out of their encirclement!

Emperor Xuanqi could only order the killing.

You know, this time is a great opportunity for him. If he grasps this guy well, he will be able to work under Emperor Cang in the future.

But now he missed a big opportunity.

Those who went out to look for Tang Zhong, but to no avail.

Emperor Xuan ordered to kill them all, and the method of killing them was unique.

The Xuanyi Conference was originally a major event for the Xuanyi Universe, but now such a scene has appeared, which many people have never thought of.

Soon, Xuanyi Universe Kingdom entered the stage of national self-examination to find out why Tang Zhong appeared here, but there was no result at all.

And the other side.

In the Douluo spaceship.

Tang Zhong was sitting quietly in one place at the moment, holding the dragon and phoenix jade pendant in his hand, staring at it intently.

Just now when he met Wei Wei, he thought of this jade pendant.

In my mind, I recalled the many things on the earth!
To be honest, thinking about it now, it still feels like it was yesterday.

At this time, outside, the elder Shuilong Wei walked in.

After Tang Zhong saw the other party, he directly put away the dragon and phoenix jade pendant.

"What's the matter?" Tang Zhong asked.

The elder of Shuilongwei Fushen said: "Ancestor Long, when I used the technique of searching for dragons, I detected the aura of Dragon Godwei!"

When Tang Zhong heard this, he immediately stood up, did it have anything to do with the aura before?

"It doesn't matter, I noticed this breath, it's in the east!" Fu Chen said.


Tang Zhong murmured: "Then let the Douluo go to the east immediately!"

"Don't... I feel something is wrong. I not only feel the aura of the Dragon God Guard, but also the breath of a lot of dragon blood, which means that this Dragon God Guard has many descendants!" Fu Shen said.

"That means there are more people in this Dragon Guard, but does it matter?" Tang Zhong said.

The Dragon Guards never dared to expand their goals, so they rarely had children, because they were afraid that the weapons they guarded would be found, so they generally would not have children.

But now, with so many descendants, it completely violated the original intention of the establishment of Dragon God Guard!

When Tang Zhong heard this, he chose to believe in Fuchen, because Fuchen was the Great Elder of Water Dragon Guard, who knew much more about Dragon God Guard than he did.

"But since there is breath, why don't we go and have a look?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Of course, go and have a look, but it may not be now!" Shuilongwei said.

"Why?" Tang Zhong asked.

"You are the Dragon Ancestor, you have to keep yourself safe, and you must not act rashly until you are sure of the danger!" said the Elder Shuilongwei.

"I know, but this is an opportunity!" Tang Zhong said.

He directly started to control the Douluo, and positioned a Dongfang.

"Let's go and see what's going on?"

Elder Shuilongwei didn't say anything more at this time, and now it's up to Tang Zhong, because Tang Zhong is the ancestor of the dragon, and no one will resist the order of the other party.

Soon, the Douluo outside began to change.

The whole body armor quickly transformed.

The Douluo has already shown up in the Xuanyi Universe Kingdom before, so now this form cannot be used outside.

After all, Xuanyi Universe Kingdom has discovered him now. If there is no accident, Tang Zhong and the others will definitely be wanted outside by then.

Maybe people in the whole universe now know about Xuanyi Universe Kingdom, if he is not careful, it will directly bring him down.

Sure enough, he glanced at the universe news.

Now the entire universe is starting to arrest Tang Zhong.

And the Douluo spaceship.

Said that Tang Zhong is a big demon, and also said that if you see Tang Zhong and the others, you should contact Mie Wang and Di Xuan immediately!
If nothing unexpected happens, Tang Zhong is now famous throughout the universe.

But that's fine too.

Those who care about Tang Zhong can also know that Tang Zhong is still alive.

Whether it was from the predators or from the galaxy, they were all ecstatic when they knew that Tang Zhong was still alive.

They all thought Tang Zhong was dead.

Among the predators, Xia Yuqing learned that Tang Zhong was still alive, and began to practice even harder.

All along, she has been causing trouble to Tang Zhong, but now, she doesn't want to bring trouble to Tang Zhong any more.

She wanted to help Tang Zhong.

No matter what kind of help, as long as Tang Zhong is happy!
So he has to work harder!

And on the Douluo, in front of the table.

Tang Zhong and Elder Shuilong Wei were there discussing what to do next.

He looked at the map and found that the area he was going to in the east was the barren land of the entire universe country.

There is a desert.

And according to the investigation, Tang Zhong also knew that that place was the place where space refugees were exiled.

For example, those who have nowhere to go after the cosmic country is destroyed, they are all gathered in that place now.

There are also some people who have committed the most crimes, but they have no reason to arrest them and directly exile them to the East.

There is no name for this place. If there is a name, it might be the Land of Exile.

In this place, is there really the aura of the Dragon God Guard?
The current Tang Zhong is skeptical.

But the Elder Shuilongwei said that he felt the dragon's breath was here, so generally there would be no problems.

Tang Zhong believes in the art of finding dragons, because Shuilongwei was found by Yan Gang with him.

And now the Book of Dragon Search is the only thing Tang Zhong can rely on, so he has no reason not to believe it.

During the flight, encountered many checkpoints.

Those people conducted a rigorous search of the spacecraft.

Of course, the search is just a scan. It must be because of the picket order issued by Xuanyi Universe Kingdom, so this situation must have happened!
But now the Douluo has changed its appearance, so it is difficult to be seen now.

Sure enough, after scanning the past, nothing was found.

After all, with an ordinary scan, how could it be possible to see what was inside the Douluo? It was simply impossible.

And Tang Zhong didn't show up either.

There are many people from the water dragon guards. When searching, let the people from the water dragon guards come forward.

Along the way, the levels were of no use to him at all.

Finally, after three days, the East was defeated.

During these three days of walking, we have crossed five cosmic countries, and we are getting closer and closer to the east.

Human traces became rare.

Tang Zhong knew that the east he was going to was getting closer and closer.

And now the Great Elder Water Dragon Guard uses the Book of Dragon Search to find the existence of other Dragon Guards, and finds that the aura has become stronger, that is to say, there are Dragon Guards here!
(End of this chapter)

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