Chapter 1786 Guanglongwei!
The elder Shuilongwei found that the aura of the Dragon Godwei here became stronger and stronger.In other words, there are Dragon Guards here.

After he reported the matter to Tang Zhong, Tang Zhong frowned.

He was looking at a map, a map of the Exiled Lands.

The map is very large, there are no special buildings, it is all desert.

And it's rare.

Among the spaceships, they could see some people in dilapidated spaceships shuttling back and forth, hunting treasures in the sea of ​​sand, and few people had conflicts.

There is no conflict at all.

This place is a place of exile, and most of the people who are sent here are people who secretly violated the rules and were exiled, and they don't have any treasures on them.

Of course, in this land of exile, there are also forces.

When Tang Zhong first arrived here, it seemed that a group of people were following him.

Those people were around Tang Zhong, observing the Douluo, but they didn't come forward.

The main reason is that they didn't understand what Tang Zhong was doing here, so they didn't act rashly.

If these people didn't make a move, Tang Zhong would naturally not make a move either, the two sides were at such a stalemate.

But Tang Zhong didn't bother to pay attention to them, so he looked for the breath of the Dragon God Guard first.

"Fushen, is there a result?" Tang Zhong asked.

Shuilong Wei's great elder, Fushen, was practicing the dragon-hunting technique in his hands. After finishing it over and over again, he shook his head: "Suddenly the breath stopped, and I don't know what happened?"

"How could this be?" Tang Zhong frowned slightly.

If the breath is broken, it will have a great impact.

"I guess the other party knew we were coming, but they didn't know who we were, so they blocked their aura!" said the elder Shuilong Wei.

Tang Zhong wondered: "Shouldn't Dragon God Guards be the only ones who have the technique of finding dragons? They should know that Dragon God Guards came to find them, so why bother?"

Fu Chen shook his head and said, "I don't know about this, I can only wait for other clues!"

Tang nodded his head, it's okay to be in a hurry now.

But he is really strange, only the Dragon God Guard has the skill of finding a dragon. What are the Dragon God Guards in this exiled land waiting for now?

Tang Zhong really didn't understand!

The spaceship moved on.

There is yellow sand all over the place, and beast roars can be heard from time to time. You can see the ground, where huge monsters are roaring.

This place is really dangerous!
If they weren't flying in the sky, those monsters would really eat them!
This place of exile is simply a place of death!

"Stop!" the elder Shuilongwei said suddenly.

"What happened?" Tang Zhong was slightly taken aback.

"I feel something is wrong ahead!" Shuilongwei said.

Tang Zhong didn't speak, he watched the scene outside the huge glass port of the Douluo!
I found that apart from yellow sand and tornadoes, everything else seemed to be gone.

"Isn't this all right?" Tang Zhong said.

"'s something!" Shuilongwei said, and suddenly he shouted: "Here we come!"

In the next second, someone rushed out from the yellow sand underground, wearing armor and holding a light cannon, blasting towards the Douluo.

The huge light cannon exploded and fluctuated!
The number of people is dense, there may be thousands of people, they are lying in ambush underground, waiting for this moment to attack!
"Defense!" Tang Zhong shouted immediately after seeing those people.

The outside of the Douluo was immediately covered with a mask.

All the white fluctuations emitted by those light cannons were blocked outside.

Then Tang Zhong prepared to fight back.

"Wait!" Shuilongwei said.

"What happened?" Tang Zhong said.

"These people have the aura of Dragon God Guard!" said the Elder Water Dragon Guard.

"Are they from the Dragon God Guard?" Tang Zhong asked back.

But... since when did the Dragon Guards have so many troops.

But since he is one of his own, he must not kill him!

Immediately shouted on the spaceship.

"Stop, I want to talk to your boss!" Tang Zhong said.

It is impossible for him to directly reveal his identity as Longzu.

Mostly the Exiled Lands, but there are definitely others.

And at this moment, at the end of that group of troops.

A dark-haired woman in armor watches as the Douluo is besieged, and she is the commander of all.

Someone next to him said: "My lord, the people in the spaceship want to talk to you!"

The woman said: "They may be from Emperor Cang, so there is no need to talk!"

"Yes, my lord!"

Then the man left and went to the front to increase the firepower to fight the opponent!
Tang Zhong didn't intend to hurt others, but at this moment, he felt that the attack methods around him were getting stronger and stronger.

"These people didn't stop at all!" Tang Zhong said.

"They are very vigilant!" Shuilongwei said.

"We have to take some measures!" Tang Zhong said.

He directly took out the Yanlong stick.

Flew out from the Douluo.

A stick crashed down.

That moment.

On the Yanlong stick, the flame surged up, and at the same time, it exploded in the air.

Countless fire points flew out, flying towards those who shot the Douluo.

Those people were not opponents at all, and were directly sent flying.

The armor on his body was directly destroyed, but his body was not injured.

The weapons of those people were also destroyed.

Then Tang Zhong stood in the air, looked at those people and said, "I want to see your boss now!"

On the rear front, the person who informed the woman before came again. This time, he was extremely anxious: "My lord, it's not good, that person is very strong, and our people are no match for him!"

The woman frowned slightly: "Then resist, don't let him come here!"

"The man was holding a stick in his hand, it was amazing!"

When the woman heard this, she hurriedly said, "What did you say? What kind of stick is that?"

"That stick is carved with dragons, and it can also release flames, and I feel that the person holding the stick has the same breath as us!" The man continued.

When the woman heard this, her pupils widened and she immediately got up: "Quick, take me to see him!"


Shi Yan holds the Yanlong stick in his hand, looking at those who are going to the end, he has no intention of killing, he believes that someone will come soon.

From a distance, a black-haired woman came out, looked at Tang Zhong, looked up and down, her eyes fell on the Yanlong stick in Tang Zhong's hand, her eyes were bright, and she said: "Who is your Excellency?"

"I'm holding a Yanlong stick, who do you think I am?" Tang Zhong asked.

The black-haired woman immediately knelt on the ground: "Long Zu..."

Tang Zhong was taken aback, and stared at the woman. This woman was a bit strange. He was holding a Yanlong stick, not saying that he belonged to Yanlongwei, but that he was the ancestor of the dragon!

No matter what, these people have the aura of Dragon God Guards, so that's right.

If you are recognized as the Dragon Ancestor, you must be the Dragon Ancestor.

Immediately Tang Zhong said: "I am!"

"Congratulations to Long Zu!" The black-haired woman said.

"Which guard are you?" Tang Zhong asked back.

"We are Guanglongwei!" the black-haired woman said.

(End of this chapter)

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