Chapter 1788 Earth Dragon Guardian!
"Say, who are you guys?" Tang Zhongjian pointed at the other party and said coldly.

Adama's face was extremely ugly: "Tang Zhong..."

Tang Zhong frowned, this person could actually call her name, it seems that he was ambushing him, but why does the other party have dragon blood in his body, and also know Guanglongwei!
"You'd better let me go!" Adama continued coldly.

When Tang Zhong heard this, he didn't give the opponent any face, and directly stabbed out with the Demon Dragon Sword.

With a puff, it pierced Adama's throat, and blood spurted out.

Then the body fell to the ground.

Adama didn't close her eyes until she died!
Tang Zhong retracted his sword and left the place with Elder Shuilongwei and the others.

But not yet.

Ashero rushed in with someone outside, and when he saw Adama lying on the belt, his expression was ugly: "Daughter..."

Then he stared at Tang Zhong and said coldly: "You killed my daughter!"

Tang Zhong ignored the other party: "Who the hell are you?"

Ashero gritted his teeth and stared at Shi Yan: "You killed my daughter, I want you to pay for it!"

Immediately, he started to move, and his breath surged.

What I didn't expect at all was that when Ashero was, he was actually the Immortal God King!
He took a big knife and slashed towards Tang Zhong!

"You killed my daughter, and I will make you pay for it!"

All of a sudden, the crazy saber energy raged out at this moment!
Tang Chong was just about to use the Demon Dragon Sword to fight, and now he wanted to ask how these people knew Guanglongwei, so he had to tell them to defeat them.

But at this moment, suddenly, he felt movement underground, as if something had appeared.

Behind Ashero and the others, there were some people with weapons ready to kill.

However, before they moved, a steel blade pierced the ground from the ground, penetrating through the soles of these people's feet.

A scream came out.

Immediately afterwards, the entire leg was torn off, and without the legs, those people fell to the ground.

But as soon as he landed, another sharp knife stabbed out from the ground, directly piercing through the body of the person to the end.

Before those people had time to scream, their bodies were riddled with holes and died directly.

The people who died were all domain master level people, and now their death is too cheap!
Ashero also saw that his people fell to the ground at this time, their faces extremely ugly. I don't know what's going on?

Tang Zhong also frowned, how could people die suddenly?
The elder of Shuilongwei came and said happily: "I feel another aura of Dragon Godwei, which is nearby. I think this ability is probably Earth Dragonwei!"

Earth Dragon Guard?
At this time.

Boom boom boom.

From under the ground, someone rushed out, wearing a khaki armor.

There are almost 20 people, and everyone seems to be an elite.

The first person is extremely burly.

As soon as he came out, he looked at Tang Zhong: "Savi, the captain of the Earth Dragon Guard, pays his respects to the Dragon Ancestor!"

Tang Zhong looked at that person, but he didn't expect that it was actually a member of Earth Dragon Guard.

He was not surprised at all when he was recognized by the other party, as long as he had the power of a dragon avatar on him, the other party would definitely recognize him at a glance.

He thought that these Earth Dragon Guards must have sensed his aura, so they came here.

"En!" Tang nodded emphatically.

When Ashero saw the people of Earth Dragon Guard at this time, his expression was extremely ugly.

Now being flanked by both Earth Dragon Guard and Long Zu, the momentum just now was gone.

Tang Zhong looked at Ashero, and said coldly: "Tell me, who are you?"

Then he approached Ashero little by little.

Ashero stared at Tang Chong and sneered, "Bastard, you killed my daughter, and I will make you pay for it!"

Suddenly, the knife in his hand moved again.

Ashero, the immortal god king, is not comparable to the god king of Mie Wang. The current Ashero, I am afraid that he only has the strength of the immortal god king.

Tang Zhong saw the opponent make a move, holding the dragon sword in his hand, and slashed out with a single sword. It was covered with black fire, roaring like a dragon.

With a click, he met the knife in Ashero's hand, and cut off the knife in the opponent's hand in an instant!
The knife in Ashero's hand was broken, and he retreated violently.

Tang Zhong asked again: "Say, who are you?"

Ashero seemed to have made up his mind to die, and immediately said coldly: "I won't say anything even if I die, I know what you want to ask, don't you just want to know, why do we have the dragon blood breath of Guanglongwei on us? ? Haha, if you let me go, I'll tell you!"

Tang Zhong really wanted to know why Ashero and the others had the dragon blood aura of Guanglongwei on them. You know, the blood was bestowed by the dragon, but they possessed it. This is really abnormal. Generally speaking, it would not This happens.

But it's impossible to release Ashero!
If a man does not speak, it is easy to make him speak.

Tang Zhong approached Ashero and stabbed out with a sword.

Ashero knew that Tang Zhong wanted to know why he had the aura of Dragon God Guard in his body. He thought that if Tang Zhong wanted to know, he would not dare to touch him, but he thought too much.


Ashero was stabbed in the chest by the dragon sword.

The point of the sword almost penetrated his body, and blood came out from it.

"Say it now?"

To make a man tell the truth is to torture him severely.

Ravage him!
"You hurt me, I won't say it even if I die!" Ashero laughed wildly.

Tang Zhong laughed.

Another sword.

He stabbed three times and went out.

Ashero's body was bloody.

Every time the sword pierced into his body, he almost frantically stirred a few times.

Ashero was screaming in pain.

Ordinary swords are fine, but the magic dragon sword is powerful, and her damage is even stronger. From the blade, there are black flames constantly swimming in Ashero's body.

devour his body.

From the outer layer of the skin, the flesh and blood inside can be seen turning into black water.

"Tell me, how do you know Guanglongwei!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

The reason why he used such ruthless methods was because, since these people got the dragon blood of Guang Longwei, they must know about Guang Longwei. He had a guess that all of Guang Longwei's people had been arrested. And the blood was taken away and poured into the bodies of these people!

Of course, this is just speculation, not the real situation, so I have to ask Ashero.

I saw Ashero screaming in pain at this moment, almost unable to bear it anymore.

"Say it!" Tang Zhong became angry.

The black fire on the sword spreads over the opponent's body, devouring the opponent's flesh and blood, trying to burn it into black liquid!
Naashero couldn't bear it any longer, and shouted at this time: "I said, I said everything, the reason why we know Guanglongwei is because Guanglongwei's people have been captured by the Emperor Cang. !"

"What?" Tang Zhong's face became more and more ugly.

(End of this chapter)

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