Chapter 1789 Underground Palace!

Tang Zhong never expected such a thing to happen.

Guang Longwei was actually captured by Emperor Cang's men.

What Ashero said must be true, and there can be no falsehood.

But how is it possible?
But if they are not caught, the blood breath in their bodies cannot be explained.

It can only be said that he was arrested.

"When did this happen?" Tang Zhong asked coldly.

"It was before this!" Ashero said.

"When? I need a more specific answer now!" Tang Zhong said.

He suddenly understood why both Yan Gang and Shuilongwei Great Elder would find an unstable Dragon Godwei aura before this, so it was like this!
Guang Longwei was arrested.

"Half a year ago!" Ashero said.

Tang Zhong's face was even more ugly.

If Guanglongwei is in the hands of Emperor Cang, how can he fight against Emperor Cang!
It would be extremely terrifying if Emperor Cang obtained the Light Dragon Claw.

Emperor Cang's strength is already very strong!

Tang Zhong pondered.

Beside, Ashero saw this and said, "I said everything, you let me go!"

"Let me let you go, hehe, you are such a waste, with dragon blood in your body, you are completely defiled!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

He swept across with a sword.

Stand directly on Ashero!
These people have dragon blood in their bodies, they are tarnishing the Dragon Ancestor!
Kill them and take all the blood.

The others, in the hands of the Earth Dragon Guards, were also beheaded directly, and their bodies fell to the ground.

Tang Zhongzhong absorbed all the dragon's blood.

He stretched out his hand, and from his hand, an invisible force of absorption appeared.

I saw a red light slowly flying out from the bodies of those people underground.

It turned into rays of light, and finally fell into Tang Zhong's hands.

He is the ancestor of the dragon, which can stimulate dragon blood, not to mention that the dragon blood was originally bestowed by the dragon in the past. He has a dragon clone in his body, which means that he is a dragon.

Those rays of light all entered his hands.

In the end it was all absorbed.

Tang Zhong breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't feel more blood from the Dragon God Guard. Obviously, Emperor Cang didn't pour much into these people.

After all, if they were poured with dragon blood, they would explode and die.

Moreover, dragon blood is so precious, it is impossible for Emperor Cang to waste it on these little people.

After Tang Zhong absorbed the dragon's blood, he turned around and stared at the people of Earth Dragon Guard, and finally his eyes fell on the burly man in the middle.

That man's name is Savy!

At this moment Sawei looked at Tang Zhong and said, "Long Zu!"

Tang Zhong asked to get up quickly!
"My parents and seniors have been using the technique of searching for dragons and discovered the aura of the water dragon guard, so I sent it to see the situation. I didn't expect it to be the Dragon Ancestor!" Savi said.

"Your parents? Take me there quickly!" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes, Longzu!" Savi said.

I saw him clapping his hands, and an earth-penetrating spaceship came out from the ground.

In front of the spaceship, there is a drill bit, and the structure inside is similar to that of a chariot!

"Ancestor Dragon, please get on the chariot!" Savi said.

"I don't need it anymore, I have it!" Tang Zhong said.

Then he looked at Douluo.


I saw the Douluo changing in the air, and finally turned from a spaceship into a chariot!
It is exactly the same as the chariot of Tulongwei!

The Douluo has [-] changes, whether it is flying in the sky, going underground, or swimming in the water, it can be done completely.

Savi saw it and laughed: "I almost forgot, Longzu has a Douluo, and our base camp is underground!"

Tang Zhong boarded the Douluo and said, "Lead the way ahead!"

"Yes, Longzu!" Savi said.

Then he boarded the spaceship.

I saw the ground-penetrating vehicle drill a hole in the ground.

And then not into it.

Others also entered the spaceship.

Tang Zhong asked the water dragon guards to sit down, then started the Douluo and headed down.

In the land of exile, there is the most yellow sand.

Huge drills penetrate the ground.

Soon the car body was completely submerged, and Savi and the others were leading the way ahead, so they just had to follow.

It is very easy for the drill to break through the yellow sand.

But the quicksand is invisible, the hole they just broke, the sand will soon return to its original shape, and it is impossible to see that someone has drilled a hole there.

And they have to leave this place as soon as possible, because they killed Ashero, those people must be under surveillance, they obey the orders of Emperor Cang, and now that they are dead, Emperor Cang will definitely know as soon as possible.

If nothing else, it will come right away.

Sure enough, within half an hour.

In the sky, a gate of time and space appeared.

With a whoosh, many people emerged from the gate of time and space.

As soon as they appeared, they looked around.

Ashero and the others died here, which means that Longzu has been here!

The leader had white hair and said coldly, "Go find someone!"

The others were wearing armor, answered yes, and quickly dispersed.

They shuttled here, looking for Long Zu.

But nothing at all!
People who went out to search one by one found nothing!

"could not find it!"

"could not find it!"

Everyone came back with this answer!
The white-haired man's face was extremely ugly: "Impossible, Ashero's aura died here. We let them carry the power of dragon blood to attract the dragon ancestor to use the dragon-seeking technique. How did they die? ? Could it be that Long Zu saw through it?"

If it was really seen through by Long Zu, then Long Zu should have killed him.

Suddenly, someone shouted: "My lord, here we found Ashero's body!"

The white-haired man went over immediately.

Ashero's body was dragged out of the yellow sand, and it had no head.

The white-haired man looked at the other party, but did not find any breath of dragon blood.

He was even more sure that Dragon Ancestor had come, found these people pretending to be Guanglongwei, and then killed them and drew their dragon blood!

"Continue looking for me here, the Dragon Ancestor is here, even if you open this land of exile, you must find me the whereabouts of the Dragon Ancestor!"


The people around immediately dispersed.

And this moment.

A hundred thousand miles underground.

Savi took Tang Zhong and the others to the entrance of a huge underground palace.

Palace gate.

Savi got off the chariot: "Longzu, we are here!"

Tang Zhong got off the car, and immediately saw a huge earth dragon at the entrance of the palace, lifelike, and there was a huge dragon ball in the mouth of the earth dragon!
At the door, there were two other members of the Earth Dragon Guard. When they saw Longzu, they immediately felt the pressure.

Savi looked at the two of them and shouted loudly: " go and inform my father that the Dragon Ancestor is here!"

As soon as the two heard it, they immediately went in to report, and they went all the way, shouting all the way.

"The Dragon Ancestor is here, the Dragon Ancestor is here!"

The sound was loud and soon spread throughout the palace.

Soon from the palace, an old man walked out tremblingly, leaning on a cane.

(End of this chapter)

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