Chapter 1790 Earth Dragon Axe!
Soon from the palace, an old man walked out slowly with a cane. The old man had blond hair and looked very old.

Others followed behind him.

At this time, they all seem extremely excited!
Tang Zhong followed Savi in.

Savi immediately stepped forward and said to the old man, "Grandpa, I brought him back, and he is the Dragon Ancestor!"

After speaking, he pointed to Tang Zhong who was not far behind him.

The old man looked at Tang Zhong and walked out slowly. When he saw Tang Zhong, he knelt on the ground and said, "Meet the Dragon Ancestor!"

"Old man, get up!" Tang Zhong said quickly when he saw the other party's behavior.

The old man hurriedly said: "No, no, this is a salute. You are the future dragon ancestor, and we must bow down to you!"

Tang Zhong smiled awkwardly, and now he can only accept it!
Soon the old man stood up and introduced himself: "My name is Sardin, and I am the [-]th generation heir of the Earth Dragon Guard. We Earth Dragon Guards have been waiting for the Dragon Ancestor to appear for generations, and now you have finally appeared!"

Tang Zhong hurriedly said: "I kept you waiting for a long time!"

"No, no, it won't be long at all!" The old man said with a smile, "Longzu, follow me into the palace!"

"Okay!" Tang nodded his head.

When Fuchen came down at this time, Satin saw Fuchen and recognized him at a glance: "Water dragon guard?"

"Yes!" Fu Shen nodded.

"Haha, I didn't expect that Dragon Ancestor has already found so many dragon guards, and the revival of Dragon Ancestor in the future is just around the corner!" Sa Ding said.

In the palace, almost all of them are from Earth Dragon Guards.

They knelt on the ground one after another to welcome Long Zu's arrival.

All the way to the palace!

Earth Dragon Guard is ready for dinner!
Tang Zhong really did not expect that there would be such a palace in this kind of place.

You must know that this place is under quicksand!

Dining starts soon!
After Tang Zhong had almost eaten, it was time to talk about the business.

"When did Earth Dragon Guard come to this place of exile?" Tang Zhong asked.

"This was a long, long time ago!" Satin said.

"How did you discover my existence?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Actually, a long time ago, we knew that the Dragon Ancestor had appeared. One of the Dragon God Guards shook the dragon pillar. The Dragon Pillar is another means of communication for the Dragon God Guard besides the dragon-seeking technique. We knew that the Dragon Ancestor existed!" Sa Ding Dao.

"Then you already knew when I entered the Exiled Lands!" Tang Zhong said.

"It can also be said that we have known for a long time, but we have no way to be sure. As for why, I think you, Long Zu, also know about those things about Guanglongwei!" Satin said.

Don nodded his head.

The man named Ashero poured the dragon's blood into his body, which indeed led Tang Zhong's sight.

If those pretended to be like Long Shenwei, then Tang Zhong and the others would really overturn, and they may have been caught by Emperor Cang and the others by now.

"I know this!" Tang Zhong said.

"That's why our people have been staring at you, knowing that we saw you fighting those people, so our people chose to help Long Zu!" Satin said.

When Tang Zhong heard this, he nodded.

"I want to see the Earth Dragon Ax guarded by the Earth Dragon Guard!" Tang Zhong continued.

"Yes!" Satin nodded: "Longzu comes with me!"

He got up and stood up, telling others not to follow, and only took Tang Zhong to go.

Tang Zhong followed behind.

The two of them walked out of the palace and went to another palace.

I saw a stone gate appeared in front of me, and beside the stone gate, there was a palm print.

Satin stepped forward, stretched out his hand, and stuck it on the palm print.


The stone gate began to spread apart, and it could be seen that the stone gate had not been opened for a long time, but there was no trace of drowsiness.

"Long Zu, this is where the Earth Dragon Ax is hidden!" Satin said.

Tang nodded emphatically.

Satin stepped forward.

Tang Zhong followed behind.

The front is a dark passage, as long as you walk through it, there will be blue lights on both sides of the passage, like some kind of illuminating stones.

"This is the spirit stone... As long as someone passes by, the stone will shine!" Satin said.

Tang Zhong didn't speak. At this time, behind him, the Demon Dragon Sword suddenly trembled violently, apparently feeling the power of the Earth Dragon Axe!

Passage passed quickly.

Satin stopped, and said: "Ancestor Long, the Earth Dragon Ax is the sacred object of my Earth Dragon Guard, and it is absolutely inviolable by us. Only Ancestor Long can pass by himself!"

Tang Zhong didn't speak, he knew that Long Shenwei and the others valued this kind of etiquette very much, so he nodded immediately and moved on.

At the end, he saw a huge rotunda!

In the very center, there is a high platform, and on the high platform, there is an axe.

There was a golden breath on the axe!
Like loess.

That should be the Earth Dragon Axe!
The blade is sharp.

The handle is huge!

Obviously not Fanpin!

And at this time, behind him, the Demon Dragon Sword, Flame Dragon Stick, and Water Dragon Halberd all began to tremble, and finally flew into the air!

Get close to the earth dragon axe, and turn around the opponent.

It was like seeing an old friend.

Tang Zhong knew why.

These weapons are all related to Dragon Ancestor, that's why this happens now, just like reminiscing with old friends.

However, several weapons of the Demon Dragon Sword are shining with light.

However, the Earth Dragon Ax did not respond at all.

Immediately afterwards, black flames flew out from the Demon Dragon Sword.

On the Yanlong stick, there is a red flame.

There is also water gushing out from the water dragon halberd.

The three forces finally poured into the Earth Dragon Axe.

Immediately, I saw a yellow light flickering on the earth dragon axe, as if it had been activated.

The previous Earth Dragon Ax should have been broken, and it must be three forces guiding the Earth Dragon Ax to bring the Earth Dragon Ax back to life.

I saw the golden light on the Earth Dragon Ax getting brighter and brighter, until at the last moment, with a click, it flew up from the stone platform, suspended in the air, and its volume also became much larger.

Looking at the Earth Dragon Axe, Tang Zhong felt that the power released by the other party was exactly the same as that released by the Demon Dragon Sword, Flame, Dragon Stick, Water Dragon Halberd and the others.

That is to say, now this ax has been awakened.

Immediately when Tang Zhong stretched out his hand, he saw the ax flying over, and Tang Zhong grabbed it in the palm of his hand.

Now Tang Zhong can feel that the power carried by the ax is very powerful, and it is very domineering, capable of destroying everything.

Is this the power of this axe?

I saw Tang Zhong holding the ax in his hand, inserting it into the stone platform in front of him and chopping it down.

A beam of light flew out.

The stone platform in front was cut off with ease.

This power is indeed strong enough.

(End of this chapter)

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