Chapter 1791 Bloody Battle!
Tang Zhong held the ax tightly, and could feel the power on the ax.

He felt that now that he had four weapons, if he was facing King Mie, he would be able to fight easily and win the competition.

This is the power that the weapon brings to him, as well as the strong self-confidence.

The Earth Dragon Ax was subdued by him so quickly!

He raised the axe, and in the air, the Demon Dragon Sword, Flame Dragon Cudgel, and Water Dragon Halberd were all slowly falling down, and they were caught by him.

Now he can fight against King Mie, but he is still far away from fighting with Emperor Cang.

At least 12 weapons must be found.

Now there are only four.

To be precise, he now knows that he has five, but Guanglongclaw is not in his hands at all now, and it seems that he was caught by Emperor Cang.

If none of the twelve weapons can be obtained from Tang Zhong, then he will not be able to fight Emperor Cang.

And now that I just got the Earth Dragon Axe, I have to use it a few times to see how powerful this ax is?
Immediately holding the earth dragon axe, the whole person began to dance in the cave.

Because of the dragon blood in his body, the Earth Dragon Ax can be easily manipulated.

His ax tore through the void, and he could see the golden light appear.

The power of the ax can be seen.

He smashed the ax against the wall.

The walls were blasted away.

And when the ax struck the ground, the ground cracked open, as if it had been hit by a major earthquake.

At last.

Tang Zhong looked at the Earth Dragon Ax in shock, the power on this ax was really too powerful.

If nothing else, the earth dragon ax represents strength.

Immediately, he walked out of the hole with an ax in hand.

Outside, Satin was waiting there. When he saw Tang Zhong coming out with the Earth Dragon Ax in his hand, he said, "Congratulations to Dragon Ancestor, you got the Earth Dragon Ax!"

He knelt on the ground, first knelt towards Tang Zhong, and then glanced at the earth dragon axe.

For the Earth Dragon Guards, the Earth Dragon Ax is a spiritual item, a treasure they have guarded for generations, and today it finally returned to its original owner, how could they be unhappy.

After Satin knelt down, he stood up and looked at Tang Zhong and said, "Longzu, since you have obtained the Earth Dragon Axe, now I will hand over the moves on this axe to you!"

"Okay!" Tang nodded his head.

Satin continued: "The move of the Earth Dragon Ax is called Blood Slash, and there is only one move. Look at this video!"

I saw Satin moving his hand in front of him, and an electronic screen appeared in front of him.

On the electronic screen there is a virtual character with an ax in his hand.

I saw him flying up into the air suddenly with an ax in his hand, and then chopped down with an axe.

Suddenly, it rumbled and fell to the ground.

From the axe, power raged violently.

Straight to the ground.

The ground was directly smashed.

The whole ground was lifted abruptly.

It was as if there had been a major earthquake.

The ground that was lifted up finally broke into thousands of pieces!

" is this possible?" Tang Zhong was surprised.

What this virtual character shows should be a bloody battle, but this combat skill is too powerful.

"This is Blood Slash!" Satin said, "I will teach you all the formulas now!"

Satin stretched out his hand, and each word was directly transmitted to Tang Zhong's mind.

"The bloody battle against the wilderness is to destroy the earth and lift up the sky, and the world is invincible!"

After Tang Zhong got the formula, he began to look carefully.

Soon, he understood it all.

Seeing that Tang Zhong knew almost everything, Satin quietly withdrew: "Long Zu, you are here to comprehend, I will go out first!"

Satin quickly retreated.

In this palace, only Tang Zhong was left.

Bloody battles.

It is a domineering combat technique!

I saw Tang Zhong holding a huge axe, and chopped it down with one axe!

That giant ax was extremely powerful.

Crazy suppression.

Blast to the ground, forcibly smashing the ground into a big hole.

But there is still a long way to go before that virtual character!

Come again!

Tang Zhong held the ax in his hand and slashed down again.

His strength is more violent.


The second time was much better than the first.

He is practicing here.

But on the ground, it is another picture.

The white-haired man is still looking for Tang Zhong.

But they searched all over the Exiled Lands, but they still couldn't find a trace.

The white-haired man was standing on a mountain, and the people beside him were reporting the news: "My lord, we still haven't found that Dragon Ancestor!"

"We searched the entire Exiled Lands!"

The white-haired man listened to the people's report, and his face was slightly ugly: "Look, even if you turn the ground over, you have to find it. If you don't find it on the ground, maybe they are underground now!"


Those people leave quickly.

The white-haired man looked ahead. This time, with the trace of Longzu, he would not miss any chance, and he must find that person!
After the others leave, immediately bring help from the headquarters!
As a result, there were many more spaceships outside the Exiled Lands.

Now they can't find anyone on the ground, and now they can only look for them underground.

Long Zu is very important to Emperor Cang, even if the land is turned over, he must be found!
And underground.

The inside line left by Earth Dragon Guard discovered the other party's actions, and went back to report to Savy!

When Savi heard this, he went to find Sadin and reported the matter.

"Grandpa, it's not good, those Cangdi people seem to be looking for someone from the ground!"

After hearing this, many people in Earth Dragon Guard turned ugly.

They have been hidden underground for so many years, will they be found this time?
The crowd discussed in low voices.

Satin shouted: "Don't talk, listen to me, everyone should be vigilant to me now, don't be found out by the people above, now Longzu is retreating, we can't cause trouble for him, wait until he comes out of retreat , listen to his command!"

"Okay!" The people of Earth Dragon Guard nodded one after another.

In their hearts, Long Zu is the strongest.

The order of Longzu is the order of heaven, they will never go back on their word!

And Tang Zhong is still practicing bloody battles.

Day after day, his cultivation is improving bit by bit!

And on the ground.

More and more people came to the land of exile to look for someone, because those people in Ashero died here, and the dragon blood in their bodies disappeared, indicating that the ancestor of the dragon was here, and they had already investigated the land of exile In the nearby cities, no suspicious person was found, which means that they are still here. As long as the underground is not finished, they will not let it go!

After digging through this land, they also want to find it.

The Exiled Lands is huge, but it's hard to find.

It's been a month, and half of the exiled lands have been found.

The people of Earth Dragon Guard became more and more flustered. It's been almost a month, and Longzu still hasn't come out.

Could something be wrong?

And just today, with a bang, the gate of the palace was directly split open.

(End of this chapter)

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