Chapter 1793 White-haired old man!

This was Tang Zhong's first battle with the Dragon Guard.

The moment the ax fell.

The white-haired man's face was extremely ugly.

Looking at the blade of the axe, he felt a sense of danger.

You must know that the strength of the white-haired man is the Immortal King, but now in front of the opponent, he is like a soldier.

He went from being self-confident to being terrified now.

He quickly raised the sword in his hand to block the axe.

He doesn't even think about attacking now, all he thinks about is defending.

Tang Zhong struck down with an ax in the air.

"Death!" he yelled.

The ax fell on the ax all at once.

A click.

The sword blade in the white-haired man's hand was cut off in an instant.

The breath of thunder and lightning exploded.

"How is it possible?" The white-haired man panicked.

The second he attacked just now, he actually felt as if his arm was about to break.

It was really hard for him to imagine that the other party would be so strong!
But this time, he was even more frightened.

Because Tang Zhong didn't stop when he struck down with the ax, but the speed was faster than before, and this time, it was his head that was chopped off.

"No!" The white-haired man panicked.

But click!

The ax fell on his head.

The ax was so powerful that it directly crushed the opponent's body, turning it into a pile of blood!
This scene was seen by the people around them, and they were all stunned. The white-haired man was their boss, but now he was instantly killed, and they were all dumbfounded.

Now he has completely given up resistance, and dare not say a word.

They are much weaker.

In the hands of those people from Earth Dragon Guard, they were killed with an axe.

There are people running everywhere.

There are a lot of Emperor Cang's people here, all of them are domain masters, but now they are like slaughtered dogs.

Tang Zhong held the earth dragon ax and continued to kill.

There was lightning under his feet.

Wherever he went, people were hacked to death with an axe.

Those people are not opponents at all.


All the people here were killed.

After Tang Zhong chopped off the body of the last escaped man with the last axe, he stopped.

Holding the earth dragon ax in his hand, he roared wildly there, roaring for victory.

The giant dragon clone is powerful, and when this sound came out, it was a real dragon roar.

The whole world is trembling.

Seeing this, the surrounding Earth Dragon Guards knelt on the ground one after another.

"Long live the Dragon Ancestor!"

"Long live the Dragon Ancestor!"

"Get up!" Tang Zhong said when he saw the people around him.

Only then did those people start to stand up straight.

Tang Zhong regained his human body, looked around, and shouted: "Dragon God Guards, believe me, I will definitely lead everyone to revive the dragon. This is just the first battle, and there will be more wars. One day, We'll go back to where we were!"

Around, the people of Earth Dragon Guard looked at Tang Zhong with burning eyes.

They have guarded the Earth Dragon Guard for so many years, and finally, they waited until the Dragon Ancestor came back.

In the past, their Dragon God Palace was an invincible existence in this universe, and in the future, they will definitely be an invincible existence.

Satin stepped forward and said, "Long Zu, where are we going now?"

"Let's go to the Heavenly Extermination Universe Kingdom!" Tang Zhong said.

The last time I saw Wei Wei, now it is impossible for him to let Wei Wei be by someone else's side, his woman should be by his side!

Satin was stunned: "What are you doing in the universe country?"

"Snatch the bride!" Tang Zhong said.

This time, to find Weiwei, he wants to realize what he said at the beginning.

And the fiasco of the man in white soon spread to the Cangshen Palace!
On the throne of the starry sky.

A huge figure from the back, Emperor Cang's face became ugly when he heard the report from his subordinates.

Standing up suddenly, he roared wildly: "Waste, what a bunch of waste!"

Emperor Cang was wearing a black robe and a bamboo hat on his head, so he couldn't see his face clearly!

When he was angry, the thunder in the sky was now rumbling.

The servants are now trembling with fright and dare not speak. They feel the coercion released from each other, and they are trembling all over!

"Emperor Cang, please forgive me!"

"Emperor Cang, please forgive me!"

"Trash!" Emperor Cang roared, "Take me to that old guy!"


I saw Emperor Cang go out.

Above the void, a door appeared, that is the door of teleportation.

In the next second, Emperor Cang appeared in front of a huge light gate.

He went in alone.

The body did not enter the light gate, and after the one appeared, it arrived at a place of bright starry sky.

Here, there was a roaring sound.

Here is a prison.

All kinds of torture instruments exist.

In this prison, no one can display their strength.

In other words, in this prison, everyone is like an ordinary person.

He was walking on the road, and on both sides of the road, there were all corpses, either severed limbs, short heads, or rivers of blood, in short, it was horrible.

It was like arriving at the Shura slaughterhouse.

Inside, there are two titans, representatives of abomination, guarding the prison!

When Emperor Cang walked in, the Titan turned his head to salute Emperor Cang.

Emperor Cang said: "How is the person?"

"If you go back to Emperor Cang, you will pass out!" the Titan said.

"Let him wake me up!" Emperor Cang said.


The giant titan took out a red-hot soldering iron from the stove and walked forward.

Ahead, on a rack, an old man was trapped there.

The old man looked like a dragon, with two horns on the top of his head, the skin on his body was made of white dragon scales, and his feet were also dragon claws.

But now his whole body is wounded and his head is down.

The giant titan walked up with the soldering iron, and imprinted on the chest of the old man.

Immediately, the flesh and blood on the old man's chest began to blur.

The old man who seemed to have fainted at first suddenly roared.

He raised his head, opened his mouth and shouted, his pupils were white!


After the Titans with a soldering iron.

Then the device was activated, and the lightning appeared and passed to the old man.

You know, the people here now don't have any strength.

With such a powerful thunder and lightning going on, they have no room to fight back!
The old man was woken up by the shock, panting there, it can be said that he was dying!
The giant titan took out the red-hot blade, ready to chop on the opponent.

Just go up.

"Stop!" At this moment, Emperor Cang said.

The titans listened.

"Go out now!" Emperor Cang said.

The two titans left panting.

In this prison, only Emperor Cang and the white-haired old man remained.

When the white-haired old man saw Emperor Cang, he laughed, and the laughter became louder and louder, and finally, he laughed wildly.

"Emperor Cang... You came to look for me because you encountered something that didn't go your way, did Long Zu come here?"

(End of this chapter)

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