Chapter 1794 Blood Dragon Armor!
"You came to look for me, did Long Zu come here?" The old man said with a sneer.

I only saw Emperor Cang's complexion turned ugly for a moment, but he quickly recovered his calm, and said coldly: "I came to you to ask you about Guanglongclaw, teach me!"

The old man is from Guanglongwei.

Hearing Emperor Cang's words, he sneered: "It's just a dream for you to get the Light Dragon Claw, what are you?"

Emperor Cang's face suddenly became ugly: "You don't give me the dragon claws, because you think that person is qualified to fight with me? It's just a dream, no one can fight with me, trash!"

"Haha, Emperor Cang, are you afraid?" the old man said with a sneer.

"I think you should worry about yourself now!" Emperor Cang stretched out his hand.

That hand is not a human hand, but like a ghost claw, his nails are very long!

I saw a black air appearing on the old man's neck, directly locking the other party's throat.

The old man was out of breath immediately.

But there was no trace of anger on the other party's face.

The other party doesn't seem to be afraid at all!
The old man actually laughed loudly: "Emperor Cang, you are just afraid, but you are right to be afraid, Long Zu will definitely appear again one day, he will enter your Cangshen Palace and destroy you, You once killed the dragon, and that is the price!"

When Emperor Cang heard this, he became even angrier, and his hands tightened.

It could be seen that the old man's head began to twist.

As if it was about to be pinched and exploded.

But the old man was still smiling.

"Where is the light dragon claw?" Emperor Cang roared: "Say it quickly, if you don't say it, I will definitely kill you!"

"I won't say it, Emperor Cang, what I want is that you be afraid, and I will give the light dragon claw to Long Zu!" said the old man
At this moment, Emperor Cang roared furiously.

Sudden force.

The black air pervading Emperor Cang's body was locked up all of a sudden.

I saw the old man fainted to death!

Emperor Cang saw the old man fainted, turned around and left the place.

Seeing Emperor Cang come out, the two Titans hurriedly said, "Emperor Cang, what are we going to do?"

"Continue, torture him to death, use the most vicious punishment, I want him to live and die!"

After Cangdi finished speaking, he left, and the two giants walked in, holding the prison, directly torturing the white-haired old man!
Emperor Cang knew that after returning to his spaceship, there was no one else inside, so he took off his black robe.

You can see his skin, which is no longer human.

There was not a single hair on his face, and half of his face was black. It was extremely dark, and the black aura seemed to be still moving under his skin.

And his skin is also extremely shrinking.

The hands are even more terrifying, like the hands of a demon. If you look carefully, Emperor Cang now looks like a combination of ghosts and humans.

At this time, Emperor Cang glanced at his hand, extremely annoyed.

"Dragon... I killed you with my own hands, why do you keep chattering like this... I have cultivated a successor, and I must do it myself, capture him, and kill him!"

"I believe that his blood can definitely wash away the breath of other ghosts on my body!"

"I hate being a White Walker, and I hate you even more..."


And Tang Zhong at this moment.

The people who have taken the Earth Dragonguard have left the Exiled Lands.

This time, he was going to find King Mie.

Now with four weapons in hand, he can definitely fight the opponent!
He wants to kill King Mie.

Then, save Wei Wei.

This time Tang Zhong made up his mind.

The destination of his spaceship is the Heaven Destruction Universe Kingdom.

But Tang Zhong can't be blatant yet.

Because since he was wanted by Emperor Xuan in Emperor Xuan Universe, the other universe kings must have known him Tang Zhong.

In this universe.

Emperor Cang is the king.

They all worked their lives for Emperor Cang, and when they knew about Tang Zhong's existence, they would never let him go.

Therefore, snatching a marriage must be done without anyone noticing.

Shi Yan is not a fool, he will never fight that kind of unprepared battle, if he wants to fight, he must win.

If he loses, the impact will be too great for him.

When I arrived at the space station, I found that the people on the space station were indeed much stricter.

After each spacecraft passes by, it must be strictly monitored.

The examiner looked at Tang Zhong and said, "Tell me, who are you?"

"We are from the land of exile!" Tang Zhong said.

When the other party heard the name of Exiled Lands, they were obviously taken aback for a moment, and didn't think of it at all, but they finally let it go.

Because Tang Zhong and the others have changed their appearance, this kind of machine can't detect Tang Zhong's problem at all.

A space station passed, and there was another space station.

According to the map on the Douluo, he has been looking for the territory of Tiande Universe Kingdom.

And at the same time, keep checking the virtual universe news.

Discovered a shocking secret!
"King Mie wants to get married early!"

In other words, the chance of killing the king and getting married has been brought forward a little bit.

This is bad news for Tang Zhong!

After carefully counting the time, Tang Zhong let out a long sigh of relief.

Only a few days left...

There is still enough time!

Sardin and the others now know what Tang Zhong wants to do in Tianmiie Universe Kingdom.

But they saw that Tang Zhong didn't go to Tianniu Universe Kingdom, they were slightly taken aback: "Longzu, what are we going to do?"

"Find a place where you can make armor!" Tang Zhong said.

Satin was stunned and said, "Does Dragon Ancestor want armor? I have a pair of armor here, which is the armor that Dragon Ancestor used long ago!"

Tang Zhong quickly asked: "What color is the armor?"

"It's golden!" Satin recalled for a moment and said.

"I want to see!" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes!" Satin said.

Then he went to explore, and after a while, he saw a box being taken out.

The box was extremely primitive, obviously it had been closed for a long time.

"I haven't used this box since I brought it out of Dragon God Palace!" Satin said.

On the other side, after seeing it, the elder of Shuilong Wei, Fushen, exclaimed: "This is... this is the Blood Dragon Armor?"

"Yes!" Satin nodded.

Blood Dragon Armor?
Tang Zhong walked over immediately.

Satin handed over the box.

Tang Zhong received it in his hand and touched the box. He could feel something vibrating inside, as if the armor had received his attraction!

This is a good armor!

Immediately, Tang Zhong opened the box.

Suddenly, a golden light burst out from the box.

And under the golden light, it was a pair of golden armor.

What caught my eye was a dragon head!
Blood Dragon Armor!
(End of this chapter)

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