Chapter 1797 The hexagram is not good!

To say that in the universe, the most exciting thing is the wedding of King Mie.

The Heavenly Extinction Universe Kingdom is an absolute power in the universe.

Therefore, the marriage of King Mie is extremely popular!
The lords of the major cosmic countries have all accepted the invitation.

Participate on your wedding day!
Of course, the Universe Star University and forces like the Predators were also invited.

As a result, from the major cosmic forces, spaceships started to set off one after another, arriving at the kingdom of the universe.

Because killing the king is the focus.

Therefore, the Heavenly Extinction Universe is outside the space station.

Countless spaceships passed by.

"The Heaven's End Universe Kingdom has arrived!" As the people on the spaceship revealed their identities, the receptionist on the Heaven's End Universe Kingdom's side shouted.

Then let the spaceship pass by.

"The Heavenly Star Universe Kingdom has arrived!"

As spaceships arrived one after another, they were picked up by the reception desk of the Heavenly Extinction Universe Kingdom.

Moreover, the rulers of the major cosmic countries all know each other.

"Brother Mo, long time no see!"

"Brother Xingyun, you are here too!"|
"Of course, King Mie's wedding, how could I not come, although it's not today's wedding, but I have to prepare in advance!"

"That's right!"

"Ha ha!"

One after another spaceships arrive here!
So one day, so the next day!
In the Heavenly Extinction Universe Kingdom, it became the place with the most people.

Until the day before the wedding!
In the depths of the universe, Tang Zhong and the others are still on the Douluo, and he is still waiting for the wedding day. The defense of the Heavenly Extinction Universe Kingdom is the weakest.

But Tang Zhong is still practicing.

Now in the practice field.

Tang Zhong sat there cross-legged, in front of him, there were four weapons standing in a row.

Demon Dragon Sword, Flame Dragon Stick, Water Dragon Halberd, and Earth Dragon Axe.

Shining with a different light.

Tang Zhong looked at the four weapons, and suddenly, he got up.

The four weapons also moved with his heart.

The Demon Dragon Sword was in his hand all of a sudden, and he killed it with one blow.

Immediately, he saw the crazy sword energy raging.

He let go of the Demon Dragon Sword, the Flame Dragon Stick was in his hand, and the surging flames were burning there.

But the Water Dragon Halberd turned into water and kept walking around his body, changing into different forms every time, either to protect Tang Zhong, or to strengthen Tang Zhong's power.

Last but not least is the Earth Dragon Axe.

When Blood Slashing Eight Wastes is used.

Flames were streaming from the corners of his eyes.

Suddenly cut down with an axe.


After all the moves have been used in a row.

Only then did Tang Zhong return to normal, but his forehead was covered with sweat, and he was panting heavily!

He didn't move, all he could think about was Wei Wei's appearance, and when he recalled the other party's appearance in his mind, he laughed.

This moment is coming soon.

He can finally see Wei Wei.

There is only success tomorrow, and there must be no failure.

very soon.

"Wei Wei, we can be together!"


And at this moment, outside, someone knocked on the door suddenly.

Tang Zhong got up immediately, and after opening the door, he saw that Sardin Fushen and the others were actually together.

Tang Zhong frowned suddenly: "What happened?"

Satin said seriously: "Longzu, we feel the breath of the strange ghost!"

"A different ghost again?" Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes.

"They seem to be approaching the Heavenly Destroyer Universe Kingdom..." Satin said.

"What are they going to do?" Tang Zhong's face changed slightly.

This species of ghosts does not know where it came from.

What are they going to Tianmiie Universe Kingdom for, but the purpose is definitely not pure!
"I don't know!" Satin shook his head.

"Don't pay attention to them yet!" Tang Zhong said.

Creatures like White Walkers are really annoying.

He wants to save Weiwei tomorrow, and he hopes that nothing will happen.

He looked at Fuchen and said, "Fuchen, help me make a divination!"

Fu Chen, that is, the elder of Shuilong Wei, immediately took out the crystal ball: "Longzu, put your hand up!"

Tang Zhong did as he did and put his hand on it.

Immediately, the crystal ball flashed, and many strange lines appeared on it.

Fu Chen began to divination, but soon, he frowned.

Tang Zhong saw the other party's performance and asked: "What happened? What is the hexagram?"

"I can only help Longzu, it's unlucky to save people this time!" Fu Chen said.

"What?" Tang Zhong's face turned ugly for a moment.

But he didn't continue talking.

He sat down silently.

It is absolutely certain that Fushen is unlucky, and Fushen will not lie.

But what is wrong there?

Is it the White Walkers, or something else?

Tang Zhong really didn't know, he only knew that this time was his only chance.

In such a long time, he can only grow up to this point, no matter what?That's all.

The same goes for the last stand!

At this moment, Satin and Fuchen stood together, and the two started whispering.

"How about the hexagram?" Satin asked.

Fu Chen shook his head and said: "This time, I'm afraid Long Zu will suffer some kind of disaster!"

Satin's face became serious: "What is the catastrophe, can you specify it?"

I saw Fu Shen shook his head.

The two are not talking.

Because Longzu would go to the Heavenly Destroyer Universe Kingdom no matter what, so it was useless for them to stop him. It would be better not to ask anything, just follow along.

Tang Zhong was still thinking, but he couldn't figure it out at all. The hexagrams showed that it was the will of the heavens, but today, Tang Zhong wanted to go against the sky.

Wei Wei, he saved it.

Immediately turned around and saw the blood dragon battle armor in the box!
Reach out and grab it!

And at this moment, in the Heavenly Destroyer Universe Kingdom.

In the dungeon.

At this moment, a beautiful figure slowly walked into the dungeon.

There are many soldiers guarding the dungeon.

At this time, as the beautiful figure walked in, the soldiers looked at each other and respectfully said, "Miss Mandala!"

It was Jiang Weiwei who came to this dungeon.

I saw Jiang Weiwei looked at those soldiers extremely indifferently, and said, "Go down first!"

The soldiers looked at each other and became embarrassed.

"Miss Mandala, the prisoner here is a repeat offender!"

Mandala said coldly: "What? You don't even stop talking to me now?"

"Don't dare!" Several people said hastily.

"Since you dare not, then back off!" Jiang Weiwei continued to say coldly.

When the soldier heard this, he had no choice but to back down. They naturally knew about the wedding between the other party and their King Mie.

If you think about it carefully, you will soon be the one who killed the king, and you probably won't do anything out of the ordinary.

Immediately they all backed away.

Get out of the way.

Jiang Weiwei just walked into the dungeon, but after entering, she said coldly to those people: "During the time I'm inside, I don't want others to disturb you, so let's go!"


Jiang Weiwei walked into the dungeon.

I saw an old man, tied up by iron chains, and his body was in the magma!

If you look carefully, you will find that this old man is Yan Gang.

(Tomorrow will start to explode, and it is also the beginning of snatching...)
(End of this chapter)

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