Chapter 1798 Robbery! (first update)
The old man was Yan Gang, standing in the middle of the magma, surrounded by chains.

With disheveled hair, you can't move at all!
His lute bone was also locked, and at this moment, he couldn't move at all.

When he saw someone coming in, he raised his head and looked at Jiang Weiwei who was in front of him: "Mie Wang didn't come today, can someone else come?"

When Jiang Weiwei saw Yan Gang, he knew who Yan Gang was, and it was related to his brother Tang!

She hurriedly said: "Senior, I am not the one who destroys the king!"

She had wanted to come to Yan Gang for a long time, but today finally gave her the chance.

Yan Gang sneered: "Hehe, you lied to me? If you weren't the one who killed the king, how could you appear here?"

Jiang Weiwei quickly explained: "I'm really not the one who killed the king, I know you are the one who belonged to Longzu!"

"Everyone here knows that I am a member of Long Zu, so you don't need to waste your efforts here!" Yan Gang sneered.

"I know that the name of Longzu is Tang Zhong!" Jiang Weiwei continued.

Immediately, Yan Gang's face changed.

He knew Tang Zhong's name, but none of the people in Tianmie Universe Kingdom knew it. They only knew that the other party's name was Long Zu.

Could this woman really know Long Zu!

"And then?" Yan Gang wasn't quite sure, now he had to confirm.

"I know, my brother Tang will come to Tianniu Universe Kingdom tomorrow, you belong to him, I hope he will take you away!" Jiang Weiwei said.

When Yan Gang heard this, he still looked at Jiang Weiwei in shock, and couldn't believe that there was such a person in the Heavenly Mie Universe Kingdom, this is completely wrong!
Suddenly he thought of it, before Tang Zhong said that he must come to Heaven to Exterminate the Universe Kingdom, it was for a woman, presumably it was for this person!
At this moment, Jiang Weiwei handed Yan Gang a small blaster, which was only the size of a sesame seed.

"This thing can help you get out of here. As soon as Brother Tang comes tomorrow, if you hear any noise, do it immediately!" Jiang Weiwei said.

Yan Gang was stunned: "How did you know he would come?"

Jiang Weiwei turned around and smiled, and said, "Tomorrow is my wedding, if he doesn't come, who am I going to marry?"

After speaking, he walked away.

Yan Gang didn't know what to say, he knew that tomorrow was the wedding between Mie Wang and this girl, but this girl said it was her wedding with Long Zu, which shows how much the other party trusts Long Zu!

He immediately squeezed the blaster in his hand!
If Long Zu comes tomorrow, he will follow Long Zu and leave this place!

But at this moment, Jiang Weiwei arrived at the gate of the dungeon, saw the guarding soldiers, and immediately turned cold: "Don't let this person leave here!"

"Yes!" said the two soldiers.

Then Jiang Weiwei left here!


Time passed little by little.

The day of marriage is getting closer and closer.

that day.

Tiande Universe Kingdom is not only a national day, but also a wedding day!

Dawn is just breaking!

In Jiang Weiwei's boudoir.

Jiang Weiwei was already wearing a wedding dress, swinging back and forth in front of the mirror, among the thousands of wedding dresses, she chose a red dress, similar to the ancient wedding dress on Earth.

And Feng Yaoyao was on the side, looking at Jiang Weiwei, she didn't know what to say.

She felt that Jiang Weiwei's claim that the person she likes would come here to save him was a lie!
Because, until today, no one has come.

"Wei Wei, tell me, will the person you like come?" Feng Yaoyao asked.

She was afraid that the other party would not come, which made Wei Wei very sad.

"Of course I will!" Jiang Weiwei said with a smile.

"'s such a time!" Feng Yaoyao said.

"What's the matter at this time? He will definitely come here when everyone is watching!" Jiang said with a slight smile.

"Is that person really so good?" Feng Yaoyao was still surprised.

She is looking forward to seeing the person Jiang Weiwei is talking about now, but she doesn't know if that person can come!

"Of course, he is the most outstanding person in this universe!" Jiang Weiwei said, the corners of her lips curled up endlessly.

Feng Yaoyao beside him shook her head helplessly: "Miss sister, don't lie to me, I have seen all the sons of the major universe kingdoms in this universe, are they not as good as him?"

"Of course!"

"I think you are just beauty in the eye of the beholder!" Feng Yaoyao said.

At this moment, someone knocked on the door slowly.

"Beauty, I'm coming in!"

It was the voice of the King of Extermination.

I saw King Mie pushing open the door, wearing a groom's suit and a red dress!
But still can't hide his ugliness, his complexion is extremely dark!
He walked in with a smile, looked at Jiang Weiwei and said, " are so beautiful today!"

Jiang Weiwei kept a straight face and didn't say a word.

Meanwhile, Feng Yaoyao just shut up.

Seeing that Jiang Weiwei didn't speak, Mie Wang was still smiling: "Beauty, tell me something!"

Jiang Weiwei only combed her hair in front of the mirror, completely ignoring the other party.

Mie Wang's expression quickly became ugly: "Still arrogant here, Mandala, I'm going to marry you soon, do you just look at me like this?"

"Forget it, we will get married soon. By then, you will be mine. I want to see how long you can be proud?"

Jiang Weiwei still didn't speak.

Mie Wang turned and left angrily.

Jiang Weiwei didn't speak, but kept watching Mie Wang leave.

Feng Yaoyao didn't speak, she sighed, seeing this scene, the more she felt that Tianfeng Universe Country was sorry for Jiang Weiwei, if Wei Wei married such a guy, he would have a miserable life.

For their Tianfeng universe country.

She really felt sorry for Wei Wei!
"Or, let's not get married!" Feng Yaoyao said.

As a woman, she knew what it would be like not to marry a man she liked.

"No!" Jiang Wei shook his head slightly.

"Don't worry, my Brother Tang will come and take me away when the time comes, and if I don't marry, Mie Wang will definitely turn his anger on Tianfeng Universe Kingdom, and if I am taken away, it will be a different picture!" Jiang Weiwei so to speak.

Feng Yaoyao was even more moved when she heard this, Jiang Weiwei is still thinking about their Tianfeng Universe!

But... will that man really come?
At this very moment, there are lights and festoons in the Heaven Extinguishing Universe Kingdom.

Have entered the land of joy!

This is the beginning of the wedding banquet, and the climax has not yet been reached.

King Mie is outside to welcome the others.

But at this moment, in the depths of the universe, in the room, Tang Zhong took out the Blood Dragon Armor from the box, put it on, the golden light shone, and looked at himself in the mirror, like a general of martial arts.

Behind him is Fushen, Sardin and the others.

Tang Zhong grinned, and immediately ordered: "Everyone obeys the order, set out to destroy the universe and snatch the marriage!"

Immediately, I saw the Douluo turning the head of the spaceship, speeding up, and heading towards the Heavenly Destroyer Universe Kingdom!
Their purpose is obvious!
ps: I don’t know how many updates I have today, so I will write with all my strength!
(End of this chapter)

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