Chapter 1799 The giant python clears the way! (Second more)

Their purpose is obvious, which is to destroy the universe country.

The spaceship rumbled and headed in that direction.

Tang Zhong stood in the very center of the Douluo, looking at the picture in front of him, the vast starry sky was in his eyes, but he didn't have the heart to look at the surrounding pictures at all, because his heart was already beside that person.

The spacecraft flies all the way to the space station here.

There are not many people in today's space station of Tianmiie Universe.

Most of the people went to the wedding in the middle school.

So now there are only two or three people waiting again.

The Douluo slowly flew out!
The people on the space station were distressed because they couldn't go to the wedding. Suddenly, they saw the spaceship coming from a distance, and they became suspicious.

Whose spaceship is this?

Why haven't I seen it before?
Could it be someone else?
But shouldn't all the masters of the universe come together?
One hundred and eighth universe kingdom masters came together yesterday.

As for the president of the Universe Star University, who is also here, but now it is very strange, who is this spaceship?

Several people did not dare to be negligent, and began to ask: "This place is the territory of the Heavenly Mie Universe Kingdom, who are you?"

Tang Zhong stood inside the Douluo and said, "Let us go, I won't kill you!"

The few people in the space station were slightly taken aback when they heard this, and then sneered. They all knew that these people were looking for trouble. Is there anyone in the universe who doesn't know that today is the wedding of King Mie?How dare you come to seek death, really seek death!
"Mie Wang's wedding, you leave quickly!" The person at the space station said coldly: "Otherwise, we will definitely cut you into pieces!"

Then they will also go to the space station. They believe that no one dares to break into the universe country today.

And just as they entered the space station, a huge laser cannon came from behind them.

After a few people reacted and looked back, their eyes widened suddenly, but the laser cannon directly flooded their house.

At that moment, there was a loud bang and the flames shot into the sky.

The space station was directly destroyed.

At the same time, intercept the light door ahead and slowly open it.

Tang Zhong drove the Douluo and continued to move forward.

Along the way, I encountered a lot of space stations, but there were very few people guarding them, so I drove the Douluo and ran straight past them.

At the same time, the sky destroyed the Universe Kingdom.

Jiang Weiwei was ready.

Feng Yaoyao was on the side, looking at Wei Wei: "Can he still come?"

"Yes!" Jiang Weiwei said firmly.

Feng Yaoyao didn't speak any more, she walked to the window, opened it, and looked at the scene outside.

You can see people coming and going!
"If that person came today, I'm afraid he will be the enemy of the entire universe!" Feng Yaoyao murmured.

This time Mie Wang got married and called a lot of people to come here.

The monarchs of the major cosmic countries, that is to say, the lords of the major cosmic countries are all on the side of King Mie. It is hard to imagine what kind of picture it will be after that person comes?
Think about it now.

All feel fear!

Can the power of one person fight against the entire universe?
Even if it is Longzu, I'm afraid it won't work!
Feng Yaoyao turned her head to look at Jiang Weiwei again, and found that Jiang Weiwei didn't say a word, and finally stopped talking.

Let this be Jiang Weiwei's last thought!

Outside, someone came in and said, "After Mie, King Mie has been waiting for you for a long time!"

Jiang Weiwei stood up and said, "I see, tell him, I'll go out right away!"

"Yes!" the man said, then backed out.

But he found that Jiang Weiwei didn't move at all.

"Aren't you going?" Feng Yaoyao asked.

"I want to buy Brother Tang some time, the later the better!" Jiang Weiwei said.

Feng Yaoyao really has nothing to say.

And the more she looked forward to that person.

Only this time.

King Mie came in wearing a wedding dress, and said coldly: "Mandala, what do you mean? My people have been waiting for you here for so long, and you still don't leave. This is too shameful, you He will soon be my man, so it would be inappropriate to do so!"

When Jiang Weiwei heard this, she stood up: "I'm leaving now!"

She was also nervous!

The only thing she can do now is to take time and give Tang Zhong a chance to catch his breath!
But now I can't trust you anymore, so let's go!
Feng Yaoyao was dressed in bridesmaid's clothes, holding Jiang Weiwei's hand.

The two went out.

Seeing this, Mie Wang laughed and followed behind.

As soon as you go out.

I saw a car waiting here. The cart was a strange beast, similar to a unicorn, but far worse than a unicorn. It was still pitch black!
"Get in the car!" Mie Wang said.

Jiang Weiwei and Feng Yaoyao got into the car!

Mie Wang continued: "Now you are in the car, I will take you to meet the guests!"

He grinned and transformed into a giant python with three gemstones on his forehead, which were the real body of King Mie.

Immediately, the giant python flew into the air and moved forward.

At the same time, the unicorn-like beast roared, stepped on the starry sky, and flew up with a cart!
Jiang Weiwei, who was in the middle of the car, tightly held onto Feng Yaoyao!
This is Jiang Weiwei's boudoir, and now she is going to meet someone.

The king-killing python is ahead, flying three miles into the air!

Overlook the underground!

There are people everywhere.

They are all citizens of Tianmiie Universe Kingdom, and now they raise their heads high, look at the sky, and are happy for the marriage of King Mie!
It's time for the visitor area!

Mountain-like pavilions.

There are people from all major universe countries everywhere.

Seeing the giant python flying into the air, they all congratulated.

"Long live the wedding of King Mie!"

"Long live Lord Slayer!"

"Wang Mie's wedding is overjoyed!"

It's all a blessing!

Finally, on the biggest wedding platform.

The giant python landed slowly, vacated and changed, and became King Mie again.

Mie Wang laughed heartily: "Everyone came to my Mie Wang's wedding, I am really happy!"

Then, the strange beast pulled the car, and finally stopped, the car was crushed.

Jiang Weiwei and Feng Yaoyao walked down.

Looking at the mountains and plains in front of him full of people, Feng Yaoyao's face became even more difficult to look at.

She felt that the person Jiang Weiwei liked might not come.

There are so many people here, there is only one dead end here.

That person can't be so stupid, come here!
Immediately, she grabbed Wei Wei's hand and tightened it even tighter: "Wei Wei!"

"It's okay!" Jiang Weiwei knew what Feng Yaoyao was worried about, and said immediately.

"Are you really okay?" Feng Yaoyao is still scared now!
"It'll be fine!" Jiang Weiwei nodded seriously.

She believed that her brother Tang would definitely come, and it should be soon, so she immediately looked into the sky.

Thinking of that day, what Tang Zhong said to her, he would come to fetch her in golden armor, Brother Tang would never break his promise!
Jiang Weiwei firmly believed that she immediately clenched her fists and smiled, that today, she would be the most beautiful bride.

(End of this chapter)

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