Chapter 1800 Lady, come home with me!

Today, she will be the most beautiful bride!

Quietly waiting for brother Tang's arrival.

At this moment, she was sitting there dignifiedly, looking at the front and smiling.

Feng Yaoyao stood aside.

King Mie laughed and raised his glass, "Thank you for coming to my wedding today. I, King Mie, can't thank you enough!"

Immediately, the guests in the distance burst into laughter.

"It is our honor to be able to participate in the wedding of King Mie!"


More and more people open their mouths to flatter.

After all, Tiande Universe Kingdom is still a very powerful existence in the universe, as long as it is the leader of a universe country, it will give the other party a little face!
When Mie Wang heard this, he laughed even more heartily: "Everyone, the people who came today are all allies of my Heaven Mie Universe Kingdom. If something happens to you in the future, just report my name!"

The kings of the universe became excited when they heard this, and with the protection of King Mie, they will be a powerful ally in the future!
At this time, a person stood up, holding a huge Ruyi treasure, and said: "Today, King Mie is getting married, and I have nothing to give to King Mie. I will send a Ruyi to King Mie today, and please accept it! "

From his hand, he saw the huge treasure Ruyi flying into the air, and from the Ruyi, there was an auspicious aura coming out.

You can tell at a glance that it is a rare treasure!
King Mie laughed even more.

Seeing King Mie laughing, other cosmic lords also began to take out their own gifts!
"This is the neon clothes and feather clothes. There are men's and women's styles. I know that ordinary treasures are not in the eyes of the King of Mie, so I found this treasure. According to legend, this dress was made after a long time, when the strong in the universe got married. time to pass through!"

"Okay!" King Mie smiled.

Others are now competing to offer their gifts to King Mie.

And the King of Extermination took all of them.

However, what surprised King Mie was that Emperor Cang said he would attend his wedding, but he hasn't come yet!
At the end of the gift-giving session, many universe lords asked: "Mie Wang, the time has come, why not start the wedding now?"

Mie Wang smiled and said: "Emperor Cang said he was coming today, but he hasn't come yet, how can we start the wedding? After Emperor Cang came, he found out that the wedding started, wouldn't you look down on him as an old man?"

The people around were even more shocked.

Emperor Cang actually wanted to come to the wedding of King Mie. Who was Emperor Cang, the person at the highest point in this universe? He came to attend the wedding of King Mie, which shows how much he valued King Mie.

Many people sighed slightly.

Sooner or later, Mie Wang will become the Cang Shen Wei!
That is the hope of more universe lords!


In the sky, thunder and lightning rumbled.

Today was originally a sunny day, but when such a scene suddenly appeared, everyone was stunned, not knowing what happened.

The unicorn-like beast that was pulling the cart before suddenly raised its head, its hair stood on end in an instant, stared at the air, and roared.

Mie Wang frowned when he saw the strange beast.

The strange beast has a condition, which means that there are enemies. However, with so many checkpoints in the space station, there should be no enemies.

However, this enemy, King Mie must kill them.

Because... today is his wedding, and the whole universe knows about it, but now, there are still people breaking in.

Most of the universe kings present knew about this matter, and they couldn't help frowning slightly, who was so bold and did such a terrible thing.

To be an enemy to King Mie is to be an enemy to Emperor Cang!

And when Jiang Weiwei noticed the abnormality, she immediately raised her head, and suddenly, she laughed: "Here she is!"

"What?" Feng Yaoyao was stunned at that moment!

The him that Wei Wei talks about is only the one she likes.

That person is here now?
At this moment, Jiang Weiwei closed his eyes and began to feel Tang Zhong.

"I can feel his heartbeat, he is nearby, he is approaching me!" Jiang Weiwei continued.

Feng Yaoyao was stupid, that person really dared to come, coming here today is tantamount to challenging the entire universe, and coming here, whether or not he has a chance to leave is still the same thing, what kind of stupid person is that person!

However, Feng Yaoyao still wanted to see this person very much.


The sky was full of rays of light, and for some reason a rainbow appeared across the sky.

Even the light in the sky became brighter.

From a distance, a huge flying sky swept over, appearing in the rainbow all the time.

that moment.

Everyone saw the spaceship.

This is definitely not the spaceship of Emperor Cang, it can only be the enemy's.

Who dared to break into King Mie's wedding, was he really impatient?

I don't know who is in the spaceship?

Among the crowd, there were two people whose pupils brightened up.

One of them was Dixuan, when he saw the spaceship, he sneered.

And the King of Extermination.

They all saw what that spaceship was, and it was clearly the spaceship of the Dragon Ancestor.

In other words, the person on this spaceship is Longzu!

But what is the other party doing at his wedding today?
Mie Wang didn't understand, but if the other party threw himself into the trap now, then he wouldn't let the other party leave again.

Immediately, King Mie smiled coldly.

Don't even think about leaving when you come.

The Douluo slowly stopped in mid-air!

The hatch opened slowly.

All I saw was a figure walking out from the cabin door.

Tang Zhong was wearing the blood dragon battle armor, his body was shining with golden light, and he was grinning, standing above the void.

And her gaze caught Jiang Weiwei on the stage!
And Jiang Weiwei also saw Tang Zhong.

The two looked at each other and laughed.

The people below were shocked when they saw Tang Zhong. They recognized him as Longzu. Wanted, but I didn't expect that this guy came here today because he came from a trap!

Mie Wang and Dixuan both sneered, this person came today, we can't let him run away, Emperor Cang will come soon, to arrest this person to Emperor Cang!
And Feng Yaoyao, who was next to Jiang Weiwei, glanced at Tang Zhong, and was stunned. Isn't this person the one with whom he made a video call?Why are you here now?
Could this person be Wei Wei's lover?

When Feng Yaoyao saw Jiang Weiwei's expression, she was completely sure of her guess!

Is this person the one Wei Wei misses?
Looking at the golden armor on the other party, Feng Yaoyao suddenly remembered what Jiang Weiwei said before, that the other party would wear the golden armor and come to marry him, and now... now it really came!
At this moment, the sun is shining brightly.

Tang Zhong was bathed in it, he looked at Jiang Weiwei in front of him, and grinned: "My lady, come home with me!"

When Jiang Weiwei heard this, she smiled sweetly, without losing her demeanor, and lightly nodded her forehead: "En!"

(End of this chapter)

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