Chapter 1806 Dying?

Just after the Other Ghost Hou said this, everyone's expressions were ugly!
White ghosts want to invade this universe?
what happened?

But they knew the news that the White Walkers wanted to invade this universe.

If the ghosts really come, what kind of picture will it be?

I really can't imagine!
All the universe lords present panicked at this moment.

So did Tang Zhong, his face was becoming more and more ugly at the moment.

White ghosts have invaded this universe!

Now that these words are spoken from the mouth of the strange ghost, this has been completely confirmed, which means that these are all true!
He thought that creatures like the White Walkers were just evil things in this universe, but he never expected that they came from an invasion!
The lords of the Universe Kingdom are all dumbfounded right now, unable to believe that this is true.

The White Walkers actually invaded into the universe.

They looked at Emperor Cang one after another, and found that Emperor Cang did not move, which meant that what this strange ghost said was true!

I saw the strange ghost staring at Emperor Cang, and said coldly: "Emperor Cang... within a year, my army of strange ghosts will break the entrance of this universe, and by then, everyone in your universe will be enslaved , including you!"

Emperor Cang stared at the strange ghost with an extremely ugly expression on his face.

For so many years, the thing he feared the most still happened, but there is still a turning point.

"I will stop you!" Emperor Cang said coldly.

"Since you killed Long Zu, you are helping us!" The Other Ghost Hou said: "And, you have also immediately become a Foreign Ghost, how do you fight us!"

"If I take away the body of the Dragon Ancestor, help me change another body, and when I have the body of the Dragon Ancestor, what are you different ghosts?" Emperor Cang's voice was much quieter.

Obviously feeling guilty now.

Hou Yigui sneered, glanced at Tang Zhong, and then said to Emperor Cang, "What do you think we are going to do here today?"

"You want to take his body too?" Emperor Cang said in horror.

"Otherwise?" The Other Ghost Hou laughed.

Tang Zhong has been controlled by the Light Gate of the Other Ghost Hou, unable to move, but Tang Zhong heard what they said.

They all want their bodies.

The body of my own Dragon Ancestor!
That is absolutely impossible!

Whichever party it falls into is extremely fatal to him.

In that case, he will die ugly.

He doesn't want to die yet.

At this moment, Tang Zhong clenched his fists tightly!
Staring at Yiguihou and Cangdi, he said coldly: "You guys want to take my body, have you asked me for my opinion?"

Hearing this, Yiguihou and Cangdi turned around and looked at Tang Zhong.

"A boy with no hair at all, talking to us like that? Do you think you are a dragon?" Hou Leng, the strange ghost, said, "In front of me, you are a guy who can be crushed to death at will!"

Emperor Cang didn't speak, but looked at Tang Zhong with killing intent in his eyes.

"Really?" Tang Zhong refuted the strange ghost and said: "You... I will kill you in the future!"

"That depends on whether you can survive this time!"

At this time, on the Douluo, Jiang Weiwei looked at Tang Zhong. She knew that she was helpless, so she asked Yan Gang and the others next to her for help: "I beg you, save him, I don't want to see him die, we finally got together of!"

Yan Gang could only sigh: "There is no way, unless Long Zu comes here by himself!"

"Yes!" Satin also sighed, they were also worried about Tang Zhong.

When Jiang Weiwei heard this, she wanted to get off the boat, but was stopped.

"Don't stop me, don't stop me, I'm going to find my brother Tang, if he dies here, then I will die with him too!"

"Don't be impulsive, I have made a fortune for Longzu, he should not die!" Elder Shuilongwei said floatingly.

"Old man, how likely is your hexagram to count his life?" Yan Gang asked.

The so-called hexagrams are all probabilistic, and they don't necessarily happen.

Fushen paused for a moment before saying, "One in ten thousand chance!"

The hearts of the others thumped, one in ten thousand is equal to nothing!

At this moment, Tang Zhong didn't care about anything.

All he wanted was to leave.

It's that simple!
He wanted to use his own power to break through the layer of light that Hou Yigui had imposed on him, but it didn't work at all.

The difference in strength between him and the opponent is too great.

"You'd better go to hell!" The Other Ghost Hou started.

Going directly towards Tang Zhong, one claw wanted to kill Tang Zhong.

As long as Long Zu is a trace, their army of strange ghosts can easily enter this universe.

When Emperor Cang saw this, he immediately made a move. He still wanted to grab Tang Zhong and take away the opponent's body, and immediately blocked the strange ghost.

"You are not worthy to move him!"

A palm shot out.

The two fought like thunder.

The power of shock.

Brutely, many cosmic kings were blown away.

Emperor Cang is the strongest person in this universe.

The peak of the Immortal God King.

And the ghost Hou also has such power.

The two fight against each other like gods fighting!

Tang Zhong saw the two fighting, and also saw the strength of each other.

His only chance now is to take advantage of the two of them fighting, and then escape from this place. His fists continue to bombard the light gate that traps him.

Boom boom boom.

After a dozen punches.

The light door was blasted open.

Tang Zhong was overjoyed, this is his chance!
He has to be on the Douluo!

"If you want to leave, there's no way!" the strange ghost Hou said coldly.

On the ghost claw, an invisible force approached Tang Zhong like a ghost.

Then he pulled Tang Zhong forcefully.

Tang Zhong saw the black air around him, and tried to use the giant dragon clone to struggle, but it seemed to be of no use at all.

"Damn it!" Tang Zhong gritted his teeth.

He glanced at the Douluo.

The current scene is too embarrassing.

If he falls today, everyone on the Douluo will die.

He wants to live, but right now, it's really difficult.

He still made up his mind, if he couldn't leave, then...then let the people in Douluo leave!

Tang Zhong was really heartbroken, he went through all kinds of hardships, and finally got together with Wei Wei, but he experienced such a scene.

"I absolutely can't give up on myself, I can definitely survive!" Tang Zhong clenched his fists.

Get ready to rush out of here!

He transformed into the power of a giant dragon, with dragon horns growing on his forehead, he let out a wild roar, and his body glowed with dragon energy.

Want to break through the defense!

"I want to go, trash!" Hou Hou said coldly.

The black air suddenly crushed.

Immediately, I saw Tang Zhong being dragged out forcefully.

Come down hard!

Emperor Cang also looked at Tang Zhong. Originally, Tang Zhong was already the softshell in his urn, but now that such a thing happened, it was really beyond the surprise of Emperor Cang.

He absolutely cannot let Tang Zhong run away.

Since he only wanted Tang Zhong's body, let him die.

Immediately, the field erupted, and the Asura slaughterhouse appeared, covering Tang Zhong all at once.

From the field, countless chains flew out.

With the suppression of the power of the domain, coupled with the suppression of the other ghosts, the current Tang Zhong has no chance to react at all!
The breath of death permeated Tang Zhong's surroundings.

Are you going to die?

(End of this chapter)

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