Chapter 1807 Dead?

Are you going to die?The Ghost Marquis and Emperor Cang are now planning to join forces to kill Tang Zhong.

Both of them want Tang Zhong's body, so as long as he dies, that's fine.

The two of them are working together in a tacit understanding.

In the slaughterhouse of Emperor Cang Shura, more and more chains appeared, binding Tang Zhong. At the same time, countless sword blades penetrated from the ground, directly piercing through the soles of Emperor Cang's feet!
Tang Zhong screamed in pain, the sound he made was no longer a human voice, but a painful dragon roar.

Emperor Cang made a move, and the strange ghost Hou followed suit at this time.

I saw the strange ghost's aura on his body turned into a ghost hand, crushed suddenly, crushed Tang Zhong into the ghost hand, and then grabbed it hard!

Suddenly, there was the sound of cracking bones.

The painful Tang Zhong let out a roar!
The body seems to be torn apart!
"No..." Tang Zhong roared wildly there.

Even if there is a strong will in my heart, it is useless now.

His skin had completely started to crack, and bright red blood burst out from the skin.

"No..." Tang Zhong roared there!

At this moment, almost everyone was looking at Tang Zhong, but no one spoke.

The lords of the cosmic kingdom were terrified after they knew that Emperor Cang was related to the strange ghost.

After that, I was even more afraid when I heard that the White Ghost Lord said that the White Ghost would invade this universe.

If such a powerful alien is allowed to enter the universe today, I am afraid that this universe will fall into chaos!

And the ghosts have said that they are afraid of the dragon ancestor, but now, the young dragon ancestor is about to die, and the other ghost is dead, and the ghosts will have nothing to fear, and they will all die when the time comes.

Before, they wanted to show off in front of Emperor Cang and catch Tang Zhong, but now, they all changed their minds, they wanted to help Tang Zhong, but they didn't dare!
Now it is obvious that Long Zu can't beat these two people together. If they go up to help, there is only one dead end.

However, they are not reconciled!
On the Douluo.

Yan Gang couldn't sit still: "I'm going to help Longzu!"

Satin stopped him: "There is no way, even Long Zu is not their opponent, if you go down, you will only die!"

"But are we going to see where Longzu died?" Yan Gang roared.

"But we have no choice!" Satin said: "If we go down, it will only bring trouble to Long Zu. We have to trust Long Zu, he will definitely be able to do it!"

Jiang Weiwei was even crazier, but everyone stopped her!
At this time, Tang Zhong was close to death.

His whole body's skin turned white, without a trace of blood, and his skin was torn apart.

I could see his bones were crushed!

The whole person fell to the ground like a puddle of mud in the Shura slaughterhouse.

"I don't want to die, I can't die!" Tang Zhong's spirit was calling to himself.

But the surrounding power is really too great.

With a bang, his whole body fell to the ground, and he completely lost his intuition!
That is the suppression of power!
Tang Zhong is very afraid of death, but not because he is afraid of death, but because he is afraid, if he dies, what will Wei Wei do?
He managed to meet Wei Wei in this vast universe, but now he is about to die.

"I don't want to die!" Tang Zhong roared angrily.

But in an instant, his body collapsed directly, turning into a pile of flesh and blood.

He looked at Wei Wei on the Douluo spaceship in the distance, and stretched out his hand.

Wei Wei is also calling him, crying bitterly!
Two people who love each other are now confronted with such a sad scene!
"Weiwei... I said I would wear a golden armor to marry you, and here I am, but, I... can't be with you for the rest of my life!"

Tang Zhong laughed bitterly.

"Brother Tang!" On the spaceship, Jiang Weiwei roared, her clothes were wet with tears.

If she knew that Brother Tang would be like this, she would not want any kind of wedding, she only wanted Brother Tang to live!

But... everything will be gone soon!
Yi Guihou and Emperor Cang saw that Tang Zhong was not dead yet, so they continued to fight.

The power of Emperor Cang's domain was even stronger, and at the same time, God Cang crushed it down from the sky with a palm.

That moment.

Tang Zhong's body directly turned into a mass of flesh and blood.

The dragon and phoenix jade pendant that has been hanging on Tang Zhong's chest.

Click, it shattered!

Tang Zhong's pupils also slowly closed!
He is really dead!
At that moment, the audience fell silent, no one thought that it would be like this.

All the cosmic kings were paralyzed.

If the dragon group is dead, then they have no chance of survival, and the aliens will definitely die if they invade!
Do not……

Nobody wants to die, they don't want to die at all, they all want to live!

When Emperor Cang saw Tang Zhong fell down, he sneered, isn't Long Zu very powerful?
Now, isn't it dead?

Back then, he was able to kill that dragon, but now, how could he be afraid of such a person? "

Now, his opponent is only the Other Ghost Hou.

The Ghost Marquis also looked at Emperor Cang, and said: "Emperor Cang, now that the dragon group is dead, if you surrender to me, you will be my general!"

"Are you two different ghosts? I'm a human, not a different ghost!" Emperor Cang said coldly.

"Do you still look like a human now?" The White Ghost Hou laughed.

"As long as I get that guy's blood, I will be human. What are you different ghosts in front of me?" Emperor Cang retorted.

"But can you get it?" The Other Ghost Hou said with a smile.

Immediately, the two started to fight.

The Ghost Lord burst out with pitch-black ghost hands, tearing apart the past!

And the Emperor Cang Shura slaughterhouse broke out!
Two people fight together.

The ghost of the ghost prince, at this time, also joined the battlefield.

The other masters of the universe don't know what to do!

"If you don't want to die, just fight. I have the blood of Dragon Ancestor, and I will protect you!" Emperor Cang's voice echoed at this moment.

At this moment, the lords of the universe kingdoms panicked.

Choose a shot.

"Believe in Emperor Cang first, or we will all die!"

"Yes, that's right, let's do it!"

The kings and the ghosts started to fight.

But at this moment, on the Douluo, Jiang Weiwei's whole body went limp.

"He...he's dead!"

"He's dead, what's the use of my persistence?"

"What's the point of me being alive? Brother Tang is gone, so I'll go with him!"

Jiang Weiwei said coldly.

She stared at Hou Yigui and Emperor Cang, ready to go there!

"Don't be impulsive, don't be impulsive, he's not dead yet!" At this moment, Satin stopped Jiang Weiwei.

"Is there any difference between him and death?" Jiang Weiwei continued coldly.

"If he is dead, we will all dissipate, because we are all born of dragon blood, and now, we are still alive, so he is not dead, he is still working hard to stay alive, and... I feel something is wrong. Already!" Satin said slowly.

When Jiang Weiwei heard this, she immediately looked at Tang Zhong's corpse and widened her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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