Chapter 1810 Boatman!

Feng Yaoyao took advantage of the chaos to get on the spaceship.

When Jiang Weiwei saw the other party, she suddenly remembered something.

"You mean Fengzu?" Feng Yaoyao asked.

"Yes!" Feng Yaoyao nodded.

Fengzu, unlike Longzu, is just an old ancestor in Tianfeng Universe!

"Go, I'll take him to find the ancestor now!" Jiang Weiwei said.

Then he stood next to Tang Zhong, stretching out his hand to caress Tang Zhong's body, Jiang Weiwei only felt the coldness of that glass-like body.

She didn't expect that one day, after meeting Brother Tang, it would be like this, but at least the two of them are together.

Jiang Weiwei hugged Tang Zhong and remained motionless.

The Douluo was flying quietly.

The people of Dragon God Guard controlled the direction of the spaceship, followed Feng Yaoyao's guidance, and headed towards Tianfeng Universe Kingdom.

Feng Yaoyao didn't say a word.

She knew that this matter was very serious to Tianmie Universe Kingdom, because Tianfeng Universe Kingdom was also under Emperor Cang's management.

Previously, Wei Wei dedicated herself to their Tianfeng Universe Kingdom, no matter how bastards their Tianfeng Universe Kingdom is, it is impossible for them to sit idly by!

The speed of the Douluo is very fast, and it is much more powerful than other spaceships, so it soon arrived at Tianfeng Universe Country.

The difference between Tianfeng universe country and other universe countries is that in Tianfeng universe country, women are the most. It can also be said that in universe country, all of them are women.

The guarding generals saw a spaceship rushing out from a distance, ready to attack.

"It's me!" Feng Yaoyao shouted standing on the spaceship.

Seeing that it was Feng Yaoyao, the soldiers immediately let her go.

Finally, in the Tianfeng Universe Kingdom, the Tianfeng Empress appeared.

Jiang Weiwei hugged Tang Zhong, never letting go, and kept muttering: "Brother Tang, don't worry, Weiwei will definitely find a way to save you."

At this moment, when she saw Empress Tianfeng, she immediately said, "I beg you, Empress, please save him."

At this moment, Empress Tianfeng sighed deeply when she saw Jiang Weiwei suffering so much, she had already heard her daughter Yaoyao say who this person was.

He is Weiwei's favorite person, and he is also the descendant of Universe Dragon Ancestor, who is as famous as Emperor Cang.

Empress Tianfeng has always felt guilty towards Jiang Weiwei, but she is still a little cautious.

"Wei Wei, to me, he was seriously injured, I can't save her." Empress Tianfeng sighed.

"Please ask the empress to ask Feng Zu!" Jiang Weiwei looked at the other party and said.

"You know Feng Zu's character, although you don't know if she can save people, but if you ask her for help, you have to give something!" Tianfeng Empress said.

"It's okay!" Jiang Weiwei said: "As long as Feng Zu can save me, brother Tang, I will do whatever I want!"

"Silly boy, is it worth it for a man?" Empress Tianfeng asked.

"If it's Brother Tang, then everything is worth it!" Jiang Weiwei made up her mind.

"You have lost your mind because of love!" Empress Tianfeng said, "Let's go, since you want to see Fengzu, I will send you there now!"

Tianfeng universe country.

There is a very strange person named Fengzu. No one knows how long she lived or when she appeared, but her medical skills and various abilities are extremely amazing.

But everyone knows that the other party has a weird temper and will make many strange requests.

She once saved a person whose left arm was broken.

She saved the opponent's left arm, but asked the opponent to damage the other right arm.

In short, she can save people, but she is also good at destroying people!

Empress Tianfeng didn't speak, but walked forward with Jiang Weiwei!

Jiang Weiwei carried Tang Zhong who was like a block of ice on his back, and walked forward bit by bit!

Two people take a spaceship.

After the last stop, it was in front of a mountain in Tianfeng Universe Kingdom.

The fog in front of this mountain is very deep, and there is a lake!
When they reached the shore, they stopped.

"Wait!" Empress Tianfeng said: "In a while, someone will come to pick you up, and I will communicate with him!"

Jiang Weiwei nodded heavily.

Then she looked at the deep mountains in the distance, and she knew that Fengzu lived in the deep mountains far away, and that Fengzu was a man with excellent medical skills, now Brother Tang's soul is not dead, but his body is dead.

As long as Feng Zu helps Brother Tang reshape a body, it will be fine!

I just don't know if Fengzu can do it, and if he can succeed, even Jiang Weiwei can sacrifice his life.

At this moment, from a distance, a lone boat came slowly.

The person who punted the boat was a man in a black robe and a bamboo hat. He couldn't see the other person's face clearly, so he had to look carefully.

Empress Tianfeng looked at the other party and said respectfully: "I also ask the boat father to help me inform Feng Zu that I have something to see!"

There was a red light in the pupils of the boatman, staring at the person in front of him, and finally let out a voice like a ghost: "What's the matter? Tell me!"

"The main reason is that the woman next to me is asking to see Feng Zu. She is a woman from my Tianfeng Universe Country. She has something to ask Feng Zu!" Tianfeng Empress said.

Seeing this, Jiang Weiwei immediately said to the boatman: "Please inform Master Fengzu, I want to save someone!"

The boatman stared at Jiang Weiwei and said, "Save people? Do you know that the price you have to pay to find Feng Zu to save people will be very high!"

"I'm willing to bear any price!" Jiang Weiwei said immediately.

"Okay, now you get on the boat!" the man in black said.

Jiang Weiwei took Tang Zhong on board.

Empress Tianfeng looked at Jiang Weiwei and said, "Weiwei, if you encounter any excessive demands, you must remember to refuse!"

"En!" Jiang Weiwei responded.

But in fact, no matter what the request is, he will never refuse.

The boat moved.

Only then did Jiang Weiwei realize that there was nothing under the boat at all.

"Little girl, don't worry, this boat is just like this!" said the boatman.

"Now I can guess the relationship between you and this man. If nothing happens to me, this man should be your husband-in-law!" Said the boatman.

"Yes!" Jiang Weiwei replied.

"I don't see any blood on his body anymore, and he is completely in a state of annihilation. It is too difficult for him to live!" the boatman continued.

After Jiang Weiwei paused for a moment, he said, "But I must save him, he is my man, and I will not see him die!"

The boatman didn't say anything else, but said: "I'll take you there, you will meet Feng Zu, if Feng Zu makes any excessive demands, do you agree?"

"I will!" Jiang Weiwei said immediately.

The boatman didn't say anything more, but just rocked the boat.

Through the fog ahead, there is an island in sight!
"Okay, girl, you're here, go up, but I still have to advise you, Fengzu is a man of great medical skills, but has a weird temper, you must not agree to her excessive demands, otherwise, it will be like I promised her to be here. Putting it on to be a boatman, even I know how many years it has been!" The boatman said.

(End of this chapter)

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