Chapter 1811 Test!

Said the boatman.

Jiang Weiwei thanked the other party for his kindness, and took Tang Zhong directly to the island!
Immediately, the boatman quickly disappeared.

With Tang Zhong on his back, Jiang Weiwei murmured: "Brother Tang, hold on for a while, and I can save you!"

Finally ahead, he saw a house.

Jiang Weiwei knew that it was Fengzu's place, so she walked up quickly.

Before reaching the door, a voice came from inside.


Jiang Weiwei heard the other party's words, and immediately knelt on the ground: "Jiang Weiwei from Tianfeng Universe Kingdom came to pay respects to Feng Zu!"

The voice inside continued: "Save people?"

"Yes!" Jiang Weiwei said: "The person I want to save is my father-in-law. If Feng Zu can save him, from now on... from now on, I will do my best for Feng Zu!"

Jiang Weiwei's words are not exaggerating at all.

If the other party can really help her save Brother Tang.

From now on, whatever Fengzu says will be what he says.

Jiang Weiwei will never resist.

Now she only hoped that Tang Zhong could survive!
Laughter came from inside Feng Zu, and immediately after, the door inside was opened.

Then I saw a charming girl coming out. This girl was wearing scantily dressed clothes, only wearing a classic nightgown. Her skin was white and tender. She was swaying and walking towards Jiang Weiwei!

Jiang Weiwei looked at the other person, and was also extremely shocked, obviously he did not expect such a person.

"The one you want to treat is your lover, I think he looks very handsome!" said the woman.

When she said this, Jiang Weiwei knew that this person was Feng Zu.

It looks so strange!
"Yes, he is my husband-in-law, I hope Feng Zu can save him!" Jiang Weiwei looked at the other party and said.

"Then you know the rules for asking me to help!" Feng Zu stared at Jiang Wei and smiled.

How could Jiang Weiwei not know, and said: "I will accept all Feng Zu's requests!"

"Really?" That Fengzu stared at Jiang Weiwei, with a gleam in his brows.

"Yes!" Jiang Weiwei replied.

"Very good, I think you look very handsome, you are prettier than me, as for me, what I hate the most is people who are prettier than me... So can you destroy your face?" Feng Zu said with a smile.

When Jiang Weiwei heard this, her body trembled, she never thought that it was this request, if she could save Brother Tang, even if it ruined her own face, so what?

"Do you have a knife?" Jiang Weiwei looked at the other party and asked.

That Fengzu was taken aback, but quickly took out a knife: "Yes!"

She handed it to Jiang Weiwei.

Jiang Weiwei took the knife in his hand and stabbed it in the face.

For Brother Tang, what about the prosperous appearance?
It can't match Brother Tang's smile.

But with a bang.

The knife in Jiang Weiwei's hand flew out.

She froze for a moment, looked at Feng Zu beside her, and didn't understand why.

I saw Fengzu smiled and said: "I have changed my mind now, you have passed my first test, come on, show me that man!"

Jiang Weiwei was stunned for a moment, then quickly recovered: "Thank you, Fengzu!"

She hurriedly showed Brother Tang's body to Fengzu.

Today's Tang Zhong, only the soul is still there, and his body is like someone's ice cube.

Feng Zu glanced at it, and said: "The soul is still alive, but the body has been destroyed, it is dying, but it can be saved!"

"Really?" Jiang Weiwei widened her eyes, looked at Fengzu, knelt down and thanked, "I beg you to save him!"

"I haven't promised you to save him yet... I still have a test!" Feng Zu said.

When Jiang Weiwei heard it, she quickly smiled and said, "Come on, it's okay, I will accept any test!"

"I need a snow lotus flower to put in my house right now!" Feng Zu said.

"Fengzu, where are those flowers? Can you tell me?" Jiang Weiwei asked.

"On that mountain, go and help me get it back!" Feng Zu pointed to a mountain in the distance and said.

"I'll go right away!" Jiang Weiwei said.

"You can't fly on that mountain, you can only climb up it bit by bit!" Feng Zu said.

When Jiang Weiwei heard this, she was startled, she climbed up little by little, when will she climb up?

Seeing Jiang Wei Wei's hesitation, Feng Zu smiled and said, "What? Regret it?"

"No, I'll go right away!" Jiang Weiwei left directly, heading towards the mountain.

Seeing Jiang Weiwei's actions, Fengzu shook his head helplessly: "Stupid woman, there is no man in this world to rely on? Why would you risk your own life?"

Immediately, she looked at Tang Zhong, checking his body!

But at this moment, Jiang Weiwei has already arrived under that mountain.

Looking at the mountain, he climbed up directly.

This mountain is about 1000 meters high!
If you climb with bare hands like this, it is really too long.

But for Brother Tang, Jiang Weiwei is willing.

She shook her teeth and began to climb the mountain, with her hands on the rocks, climbing bit by bit.

Now she has to hurry up, or Brother Tang will die.

He can't wait.

I don't know how long it took, and finally climbed to the middle of the mountain.

But at this moment, Jiang Weiwei was trembling all over.


Suddenly, her feet didn't stand firm, and her whole body almost fell, but luckily she caught it with her hands.

But the hands were still scratched out with bright red blood.

She forcibly held back and climbed up bit by bit.

Finally she saw a white lotus flower.

That should be what Feng Zu wanted.

Picking off the lotus with one hand, he hurried down the mountain happily.

In front of Fengzu's gate.

She came back holding a lotus flower.

Seeing Jiang Weiwei's return, Feng Zu was taken aback for a moment, especially when he saw the lotus in the opponent's hand, he was even more shocked.

"Fengzu, I brought the things back, you can save people now!" Jiang Weiwei said excitedly as she handed out the lotus.

Fengzu took the lotus in his hand and looked at it: "That's right, it's this one, but I still want to test you, there is a pond behind this house, in the pond, find a lotus root, but , in the pond, there are a few sky-swallowing crocodiles, this is your second test, I forgot to tell you, those sky-swallowing crocodiles are my pets, I don't want you to hurt them, but they don't Believe me, I might bite you!"

Jiang Weiwei didn't hesitate at all, and immediately went to the back of the house, and sure enough, she saw a lot of lotus leaves in the pond, and there were white and fat lotus roots on the lotus leaves, that's what Feng Zu wanted.

It immediately approached the pond, but as soon as it approached, several crocodiles came out from the middle of the pond.

The crocodile roared slightly at Jiang.

Jiang Weiwei resisted subconsciously, but when he remembered Feng Zu said that these crocodiles were pets.

She just didn't dare to be too hands-on.

Only close to the past.

But if you don't resist these crocodiles, it won't work at all.

Later, Jiang Weiwei thought of a way, she went in directly, didn't care about anything else, let those crocodiles bite her body, and her goal was very simple, those lotus roots!

(End of this chapter)

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