Chapter 1814 Wake Up!

Feng Zu's expression immediately became ugly: "It's really Long Zu, it really appeared."

Soon, Fengzu burst out laughing.

"It's really great that Long Zu appeared."

"Senior, do you know Long Zu?" Jiang Weiwei looked at the other party and asked.

"Of course..." Feng Zu said: "I am the Dragon God Guard, how could I not know Long Zu?"

Dragon God Guard?
When Jiang Weiwei heard this address, she was stunned, just like Yan Gang and the others.

"Who are you?" Feng Zu suddenly asked.

"I'm his wife." Jiang Weiwei said.

Fengzu's face became flustered, and he quickly apologized to Jiang Weiwei: "I don't know if it's the Dragon Queen, please forgive me."

Jiang Weiwei had never been treated like this before, she quickly waved her hands and said, "It's okay, it's okay, as long as you can save Brother Tang."

"Don't worry, the chance of his survival is very high, tell me, what kind of injury did he suffer?" Feng Zu said.

Originally, Feng Zu only healed others, and didn't care about other things at all, but now, Feng Zu will definitely do it.

Feng Zu has been living here in seclusion for many years, but she only heard about the birth of Long Zu, so she intends to look for it, but she can't, if she goes out, it will be bad if she is caught.

Even the dragon-seeking technique has never been used.

"He's fighting against Emperor Cang in the Heavenly Destroyer Universe Kingdom!" Jiang Weiwei said.

"It's Emperor Cang again." Feng Zu's expression turned ugly in an instant.

Jiang Weiwei still doesn't know who Long Zu is: "Feng Zu can tell me who this Long Zu is?"

"Longzu is the supreme figure in the world, once dominated the universe, he is No.1 in the world..." Fengzu said.

Jiang Weiwei was shocked, he was actually No.1, would his brother Tang become so good?
"At the beginning when they suppressed the other ghosts, those ghosts didn't even have a chance to react when they faced the Dragon Ancestor. At that time, the universe was at peace, and the Emperor Cang attacked the Dragon Ancestor sneakily for the sake of rights, and gained the rights and the universe. But the universe was ruled by him, but it was very chaotic, I was a little girl at that time, and now I have been waiting for many years, but there is no news of Longzu, and now he finally appeared!"

Jiang Weiwei was shocked when he heard that Fengzu had existed at that time, but he still looks very young now.

"But you look like you are only a few decades old at most...very young." Jiang Weiwei said.

"That's because there are wooden dragon needles!" Feng Zu said.

Jiang Weiwei didn't know what it was, but she saw that Tang Zhong had a lot of weapons before, so it must have something to do with it.


There was a change in Tang Zhong, and he saw that the lotus root had begun to grow, becoming his body, and now it was transforming his flesh and blood.

Feng Zu glanced at it: "That's right, the distance to success is getting closer and closer, let's leave him alone, let's go take a step first and then talk about other things."

Jiang Weiwei nodded, she listened to Feng Zu's words, turned around and left here reluctantly.

The two went out and closed the door.

And Tang Zhong is still transforming bit by bit with the lotus root.

At this moment, there was a voice echoing in Tang Zhong's mind.

The sound was so chaotic that he couldn't hear it.

Occasionally came the voice of a dragon.

The dragon saved him so that he could keep his soul here, but where is he now?
Is Wei Wei still safer now?
And the other people on the Douluo, have they all left safely now?

This is what Tang Zhong wants to know, he really wants to know, Wei Wei is safe now, he can die, but Wei Wei can't, how can loving her make her die first?

At this moment, Tang Zhong felt a little itchy in his arms, which was very strange. His body had already been destroyed when he was attacked by Hou Yiguihou and Emperor Cang, why did he feel itchy?Someone must be saving him.

It should be, who could it be? Now Tang Zhong really doesn't want to die, he wants to live, since there is life, then firmly grasp it.

Outside Fengzu's room, Jiang Weiwei would visit Tang Zhong every day, and would be very happy when seeing Tang Zhong's body well integrated, and sometimes, would talk beside Tang Zhong.

"Brother Tang, when did you wake up?"

"Brother Tang, people outside have been looking for you. Feng Zu said that this place is very safe at the moment and no one will come, so don't worry, let your body recover slowly."

"Brother Tang, I miss you."

Tang Zhong was asleep, but he could hear Jiang Weiwei's voice, and these voices accompanied him every day.

Before he knew it, Tang Zhong still didn't wake up after three months, but the effect on his body became more and more obvious.

Outside Fengzu Island, Feng Yaoyao arrived.

As soon as he saw Fengzu and Jiang Weiwei, he immediately shouted: "It's not good, Weiwei, Fengzu, get out of here quickly, the people of Emperor Cang will come to Tianfeng Universe Kingdom soon, it is very likely that our whole country will be killed because of this." and perish.”

When Jiang Weiwei heard this, her expression turned ugly. Brother Tang hadn't woken up yet, but he was about to encounter such a thing.

In the end how to do?
Fengzu's face was also ugly, but she said very calmly: "Waiting, according to my calculation, he is about to succeed."

"However, Wei Wei's previous incident angered King Mie. After Emperor Cang found out about this matter, he sent someone here. I heard it was someone from Cang Shenwei..." Feng Yaoyao was very flustered.

"Then we have to wait... I'll go and see with you, Wei Wei, you wait here!" Feng Zu looked at Jiang Wei Wei and said.

Jiang Weiwei nodded quickly.

I saw Feng Zu leaving with Feng Yaoyao, and the two went out from the island, their goal was Tianfeng Universe Kingdom.

And Jiang Weiwei was guarding Tang Zhong, seeing that the lotus root was growing into a body, her heart became more and more excited.

She had to tell Tang Zhong what Feng Yaoyao said just now.

"Brother Tang, wake up quickly. If you don't wake up, this place will really be over from now on. According to Yaoyao, the people who came here are from Cangshenwei. They will find this island sooner or later. If you don’t recover by then, it’s really over.”

"Brother Tang, don't feel that Wei Wei is thinking about something, this is just how it is."

"Brother Tang, get up, we all need you now!"

On the bed, Tang Zhong was lying there. Three days later, the dawn just appeared, and the sun shone through the window.

Usually the island is always foggy, but today it was sunny.

Jiang Weiwei has fallen asleep, and now she is lying next to Tang Zhong.

Suddenly, Tang Zhong, who had been lying down all this time, moved his fingers slightly. If he could see through his body at this time, he would find that blood was swimming in his body.

Slowly, his pupils opened.

Immediately Tang Zhong stood up, looked at the girl next to him, smiled and said: "Silly boy, I know what you said, go to sleep obediently, I will take care of everything."

(Readers, I'm going faster.)
(End of this chapter)

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