Chapter 1815 Transforming Dragon into Fly!
Tang Zhong woke up at this time.

Looking at Jiang Weiwei who was still sleeping next to him, a smile appeared on his face.

He could tell that Jiang Weiwei had fallen asleep, and was obviously tired. For such a long time, there was a sound playing in his ear, so it was really normal for the other party to be tired now.

Tang Zhongke heard everything Jiang Weiwei said before, including the disaster in Tianfeng Universe Country.

Tang Zhong wanted to stand up now, but found that he couldn't move. The woman hugged him tightly to prevent him from moving.

Tang Zhong knew that she was tired and didn't want to disturb her, but now he couldn't move at all. If he wanted to move, he had to untie all the layers surrounding this woman.

So Tang Zhong quietly separated the opponent's hand, but suddenly, he heard a humming sound.

Turning his head quickly, he saw the woman who had been sleeping for a long time and was about to wake up at this time.

The other party rubbed his eyes, and saw Tang Zhong in front of him. He seemed a little confused at first, but in an instant, his eyes widened.

"Brother Tang, are you awake?" Jiang Weiwei said anxiously, she thought she was dreaming.

"Yes." Tang Zhong said with a smile.

He already knew what his new body was made of, it was the lotus root that the girl in front of him picked from the pond.

In other words, his life was bestowed by this woman.

Tang Zhong hugged Jiang Weiwei and said, "Weiwei, I love you."

Jiang Weiwei was embraced by Tang Zhong's body, and she was unconscious for a long time. She felt that this was like a dream, and she never thought that today's scene would happen.

Brother Tang will hold her like this one day.

Realizing that this was not a dream, Jiang Weiwei stretched out her hand tremblingly and grabbed Tang Zhong, hugging him tightly.

"Brother Tang, I'm finally waiting for you..." Jiang Weiwei whispered.

"Me too." Tang Zhong said softly.

"Promise me that we will never be separated again, okay?" Jiang Weiwei continued.

As he spoke, tears welled up in his eyes.

Along the way, it was really hard for the two of them.

No one has ever had a harder time than them.

All the way from the earth to the universe.

Just to find Jiang Weiwei.

After all the hard work, Tang Zhong finally did it.

It's impossible for two people to freeze time at this moment.

"A few days ago, Feng Yaoyao came here and talked about Cang Shenwei. She hasn't seen Cangdi come back for so long. She must have fought with Cangdi's people." Jiang Weiwei said.

"Go away, I heard that the people who came this time are from Cangshenwei, and they are here to arrest you."

Hearing Jiang Weiwei's words, Tang Zhong laughed: "No, just let me see how this body is doing?"

The body made of lotus root should be very good.

He stood up slowly, as usual, but his body was brisk, and if he smelled it carefully, he could smell a light fragrance, which belonged to the smell of lotus root.

Not bad.

Tang Zhong squeezed his fist and found that it was almost the same as usual, but he was not used to it.

However, he doesn't use this human body much anymore.

Because...he's already a dragon.

At this moment, Tang Zhong grinned, and at the same time, a golden light shone on his body, and he saw that the whole person directly transformed into a golden dragon.

The room was directly broken, and the huge golden dragon's body soared into the sky.

At the moment before Tang Zhong died, the dragon appeared and said, you are the dragon, and the dragon is you.

Without the control of the last trace of the dragon's power, Tang Zhong can fully use the power of the dragon now.

Including Hualong.

Jiang Weiwei raised his head to look at Tang Zhong who was transforming into a dragon, and he was completely dumbfounded. The current scene is much more handsome than wearing a golden armor.

At this time Tang Zhong turned the faucet and looked at Jiang Weiwei: "Wei Wei, I will take you away now."

He opened his dragon mouth, and a golden light flew out.

It directly enveloped Jiang Weiwei, and only saw Jiang Weiwei's body flying slowly into the air, as if someone was supporting her.

"Come over to my head slightly, grab my dragon horn." Tang Zhong said.

Jiang Weiwei jumped on the dragon's back at once, because it was too high, so she was a little scared: "How can it be so high here?"

"Grab my dragon horn, now I'm going to start." Tang Zhong said.

"What are we going to do?" Jiang Weiwei reached out and grabbed the dragon's horn, and asked.

"Don't ask, you'll know when you get there!" Tang Zhong said, "Hold on tight, I'm going to fly."

Immediately afterwards, a huge golden dragon was seen flying into the sky.

The strong wind shook Jiang Weiwei's long hair.

Originally, Jiang Weiwei was quite scared, but at this moment she felt really good.

She has never felt like she is now, she is in the air, and everything below is very small.

Surrounded by clouds, today happened to be sunny, and the distance was blue.

"Are you happy, Wei Wei?" Tang Zhong asked.

"Happy." Jiang Weiwei said.

"I will always take you like this from now on." Tang Zhong said.


"Let's go, go see the people of Emperor Cang." Tang Zhong said coldly.

"it is good."

The huge golden dragon flew up into the air and passed towards the front. There was a blue sea and blue sky below. When Jiang Weiwei came, the place below was full of mist.


But at this moment, in Tianfeng Universe Nation, a war is raging fiercely.

The battlefield is divided into two parties, one is Tianfeng Universe Kingdom, and the other is Cang Shenwei.

On the Tianfeng Universe side, Feng Zu took the lead, and next to him was the Tianfeng Empress, Feng Yaoyao and others. In addition, there were other people from the Tianfeng Universe, the prime minister, and the military officers.

On the other side was Cang Shenwei, the leader, wearing a black leather robe. He was tall, more than three meters tall, and he didn't know that, his hands were not human hands, but like the hands of demons.

He is the demon hand of one of the twelve Cang Shenwei under Emperor Cang, named Taylor.

He is a one-eyed dragon, with the strength of the third heaven of immortal kings.

Beside the two sides, there are countless citizens of Tianfeng Universe Kingdom, kneeling on the ground.

At this time, Taylor stared in the direction of Fengzu, and said coldly: "Some people say that the spaceship related to Longzu has arrived in your Tianfeng universe country, but you say no, the people on that spaceship are what Emperor Cang needs. , I hope you don’t hide it, of course, if you hide it, I don’t believe it.”

Feng Zu stood in front, looked at the other party and said coldly: "We really don't know what spaceship it is."

"It seems that you don't want to say anything. I believe you people must know, but you don't say it. From now on, I won't give you so much time. Every minute you don't say it, I will kill one person. "Taylor said coldly.

(End of this chapter)

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