Chapter 1820 I don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately!

And not long after Tang Zhong left, many spaceships arrived at the outskirts of Tianfeng Universe!

The person at the head is the person of Emperor Cang.

They sent more than 20 spaceships here to capture Tang Zhong, but now when they got here, they found that there was no one there, nothing left.

On the spaceship, everyone found out.

There is no one below, and the entire Tianfeng Universe Kingdom is like an empty city.

"Report, there is no one left!"

"Report, everyone is leaving!"

When a black-robed man inside heard this, his expression turned ugly: "Go back quickly, I want to report this matter to Emperor Cang!"

More than a dozen spaceships left in a hurry.

Go back and report to Emperor Cang.

At this moment, Tang Zhong and the others have already arrived at the entrance of the Extinction of Kings on the Douluo!

In this piece of extinct kings, this place was once a force of battle, and it was barren everywhere.

But you can still see someone there.

"The Extinction of Kings used to be so glorious. I followed Lord Long to this place and saw thousands of flowers blooming. Unfortunately, it has become like this now!" Feng'er said from the side.

Tang Zhong laughed: "If it hadn't become like this, we really don't know how to get rid of it now!"

Emperor Cang could find wherever he went before.

And now this place is very perfect, Emperor Cang will definitely not find it!

The spaceship continued on its way.

At this time, I heard many people arguing, as if something happened.

They are at a high altitude at the moment, and it is difficult for others to find them.

"What happened below?" Tang Zhong asked.

Yan Gang probed below, and came back soon, saying: "It seems that there is a quarrel between the two forces!"

"Huh?" Tang Zhong frowned slightly: "Let's go down and have a look. We first came here, and we don't know what's going on here. Let's attach ourselves to a small force first!"

"Yes, Longzu!"

Tang Zhong led Yan Gang down first.

As for the others, stay on the spaceship first.

The two of them landed in the air and arrived in a valley.

This valley is no different than other valleys. It looks barren and lifeless at all. Even if there are plants, they still glow with black light.

It seems that this place is called the Lost Kings because it is really hopeless.

The reason why they came down was because there was a quarrel in front of them. The two of them looked at each other now, and they saw that the two sides were confronting each other!
At the end of the valley.

The two parties occupy one side!
One of them was wearing animal skins, with black marks on their faces. They were not very powerful, and the strongest man was just the Immortal King.

On the other side, a man and a woman are at the forefront. The strength of these two people is even weaker. One of them is the Immortal King, while the other is nothing!
At this moment, the two parties seem to be arguing about something.

"This place is the territory of my Cangye Kingdom, you leave quickly!" the man on the weaker side shouted.

On the other hand, the person wearing animal skins was riding on a black lion, and said with a sneer, "Is it your territory to say that this is the territory of your Cangye Kingdom? This is where all kings are extinct... the territory is public!"

"You... people from the Thousand Beasts Kingdom, are you all so shameless?" the weaker woman said angrily while clenching her fists.

"Shameless? I really don't know what to say? Today, we want this place!" The animal-skinned man took out a huge axe in his hand and swung it with strong black air.

"If you don't give it, then it's time to fight, use the most primitive way to solve the problem of this territory!"

On the weaker side, a man and a woman, their faces changed. They both held swords in their hands, and they were not opponents of each other in terms of momentum.

Tang Zhong has been watching, and he understands exactly what happened.

It's two countries fighting for territory!
"Long Zu, what should we do now?" Yan Gang looked at Tang Zhong and asked.

"Choose a side and help them!" Tang Zhong said.

"Ah? Longzu, that's not good!" Yan Gang said.

"This is the fastest way for us to understand the extinct kings!" Tang Zhong said.

"Listen to Longzu's arrangement!" Yan Gang said, then he looked forward and said, "Then Longzu said which side we should choose now!"

"Since ancient times, of course we have chosen to be weak!" Tang Zhong said: "Besides, that girl has a pretty good looks, and beauty is justice!"

When Yan Gang heard this, he felt a little silly, why did Long Zu seem to be a different person: "Long Zu, do you have a crush on any woman?"

"..." Tang Zhong was speechless.

Doesn't it mean that others are beautiful, so what does this have to do with being attractive?

"If you need it, Longzu, I'll grab that woman right now, but you have to explain it to the Dragon Queen when you get back, you know?" Yan Gang took advantage of the situation and was about to make a move.

Tang Zhong was speechless, and quickly reached out to stop the other party: "Don't..."

"What's the matter? Longzu, don't you need it? I don't think it's necessary. The Dragon Queen is much prettier than that woman!" Yan Gang said.

"..." Tang Zhong was speechless.

He understood that this kind of old guy's thinking is so stubborn, you can't reason with him.

Right now, at the forefront.

Those two parties are now fighting together.

Obviously, the animal skin man's side attacked most violently.

The person holding the giant ax slashed at the man and woman before him.

I saw the man resisting with the long sword in his hand, but in an instant, the ax fell on the long sword.

With a sound of jumping, the man was severely repulsed, spitting blood, extremely embarrassed.

The woman ran to the man and helped him up.

When Tang Zhong saw this, he knew that the opportunity to make a move had come, so he stepped away immediately and joined the battlefield all at once.

When he landed, he stood in front of the man with the giant ax and said, "Stop!"

The man with the giant ax was just about to kill the two people on the ground, when he saw Tang Zhong, his face changed slightly: "Who are you?"

And in the end, the man and the woman were also staring at Tang Zhong. They didn't know who this person was, but they appeared out of nowhere, but it looked like they should be a good person!
Tang Zhong stared at the animal skin and said: "You stop first, I have something to say, you go back, I don't want to kill innocent people indiscriminately!"

His purpose is very simple, to save people, and he doesn't want to do anything else.

When the animal skin man heard this, his whole face changed. Did this man say it to him?
He is a strong man in Thousand Beast Kingdom, and he has never been looked down upon so much!

"It's up to you?" the man of animal skin asked.

At this time, the fallen woman said to Tang Zhong: "Young master, this matter is not your business, you don't want to interfere, this is just a grievance between our Cangye Kingdom and the Thousand Beast Kingdom!"

Hearing this tone, he seems to be a good person, so he should make a move.

"It's okay, they are like this, I can do it with one hand!" Tang Zhong said.

Then he looked at the man with animal skin and said coldly, "Let's go, I don't want to kill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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