Chapter 1821 Cangye Kingdom!
"Let's go, I don't want to kill you." Tang Zhong looked at the animal skin man and sneered.

In any case, today, the man and the woman, he is sure.

After the animal skin man heard Tang Zhong's words, he immediately sneered even more, licked the tip of his tongue, held a huge black ax and said coldly: "Since you want to die, then I will fulfill you."

I saw this person holding a huge axe, leaping suddenly, and chopping down with a bang.

At the same time, that person used the power of the domain as if it was a mountain domain.

The giant ax slammed down like a mountain.

A man and a woman who fell on the ground in the distance saw the other party's attack, and quickly said to Tang Zhong: "Be careful and dodge quickly, his attack is very strong."

Tang Zhong looked at the other party with a sneer: "I have given you a chance, but you don't cherish it, so go die."

He clenched his fists tightly, and thunder and lightning crackled above, followed by a sudden punch.

Straight to the giant axe.

The intense light exploded at this moment.

Only heard a bang.

A crack appeared on the giant axe, and now the crack is expanding bit by bit.

When the animal skin man saw this, his face became terrified: "What's going on?"

He thought he would chop off the opponent's arm with an axe.

But now he saw that the ax in his hand seemed to be broken.


A low growl came out at this moment.

Only a more violent bang was heard.

The ax in the animal skin man's hand exploded and turned into thousands of iron filings, scattered around.

The man and woman who fell to the ground widened their eyes, unable to believe what they saw.

At this time, Tang Zhong looked at the animal skin man and said, "I've said it all, I don't want to kill you in seconds, I'll give you three seconds now, get out."

A cold voice came out, and the animal-skinned man was so frightened that he was sweating all over, and sat down on the ground: "You, you destroyed my mountain axe, you wait for me!"

"What I'm talking about now is get out." Tang Zhong said coldly: "It's best not to think about showing up here again, or my fist will explode your head next time."

The animal skin man turned pale with fright, the other party's aura is really too great, it's not easy to stay here for a long time, I'd better go back and report to the father.

Immediately he said to the people behind him: "Everyone follow me."

Get up from the ground, get on the lion, and lead people away.

Seeing how defeated their boss was, the others did not dare to stay and followed closely behind.

Tang Zhong didn't care about them, if these people dared to come back again, he would definitely do it.

Then he looked back at the man and the woman, and said with a smile, "It's all right, you guys get up."

A man and a woman supported each other to get up from the ground, but the man looked very weak now, it seemed that the ax that the other party had just made him suffer.

The man looked at Tang Zhong and cupped his hands and said: "Prince Bai Ye of Xia Cangye Kingdom, this is my sister-in-law Bai Heng, today you let us both live, can you tell us your name and give us a chance to thank you."

Tang Zhong rescued these two people because he only wanted to attach himself to the power of Cangye Kingdom, so as to understand the disappearance of Wanwang.

"Jiang Zhong in Xiajiang." Tang Zhong introduced himself.

Although it is now in the midst of the extinction of all kings, it is impossible to reveal his real name. The next time Tang Zhong's name appears in the world, it will be when he and Emperor Cang fight against each other.

It is best to use a fake name when you are outside.

"Thank you brother Jiang Zhong." Bai Ye said with a smile: "If it wasn't for you today, we might all be abandoned here. Our Cangye Kingdom is nearby. If you don't mind, you can go to our Cangye Kingdom."

Bai Ye is the prince of Cangye Kingdom. He sees that the person in front of him is not a simple person, and the purpose of the other party's action is very simple, that is, to help him. He only talked with him just now, but he is not a bad person when he carefully looks at him, so he has a friendship. Heart.

"That's exactly what I mean, I can go to your Cangye Kingdom." Tang Zhong said.

"That's really great." Bai Ye said.

Then his eyes fell on Yan Gang: "This should be your housekeeper."

"That's right." Tang Zhong said.

Then he started calling Yan Gang.

At this moment, Bai Ye suddenly thought of something, looked at Tang Zhong and said, "Brother Jiang Zhong, you just destroyed that man's mountain axe, he is from our opponent Heavenly Beast Kingdom, I don't think he will let you go. "

"Don't worry about him." Tang Zhong said.

Bai Ye was taken aback: "Okay, you guys come with me."

Then Bai Ye led the way, Bai Heng followed behind, and Tang Zhong followed behind with Yan Gang.

Along the way, Tang Zhong was thinking about this matter. If the Cangye Kingdom could, he would be willing to help the Cangye Kingdom to rise amidst the extinction of all kings.

At this time, Bai Heng stepped forward and came to Tang Zhong's side: "Thank you for what happened today, if it wasn't for you, our two brothers and sisters would really suffer."

Tang Zhong just smiled: "It's all trivial, just a matter of little effort."

"I don't think you look like someone from the Extinction of Kings. I don't know where you came from?" Bai Heng asked.

"Are you talking about me? I am indeed not one of the extinct people." Tang Zhong said.

"I see that your skills are very powerful. Could it be that you are from outside?" Bai Heng asked in surprise.

"Where is the so-called outside?" Tang Zhong asked back.

"In the universe, there is an overlord, Emperor Cang. The place he can manage is called the outside. This outside is only relative to us. Don't care about it!" Bai Heng said.

"So it's like this, are there a lot of people coming from outside?" Tang Zhong asked.

In this way, we can know about the situation of Emperor Cang on this side.

"Not many, it seems that you are really from outside. I remember that people from outside are very powerful." Bai Heng said.

Tang Zhong smiled and didn't speak. He wanted to choose a power to attach to. At least from the looks of it now, this Cangye Kingdom should be good.

His most important purpose now is to establish a foothold in the Extinction of Kings. If he can unify the forces in the Extinction of Kings, then it will definitely have the power to fight against Emperor Cang.

The two of them walked forward, and soon arrived at a country, which was said to be a country, but it was actually very simple, and the whole country had only one capital city.

But the wall outside the capital is very high, as if for defense?
Bai Ye stepped forward and said with a smile: "Brother Jiang, this is our Cangye Kingdom."

Tang nodded his head and looked carefully at Cangye Kingdom. It was beyond his expectation, not very small!
Bai Ye waved to the soldiers on the city wall, and saw the city gate being rumbled open.

"Please come in." Bai Ye said.

Tang nodded and walked in.

Person No. [-] walked in, and soon came to a palace, which was the royal palace of Cangye Kingdom.

(End of this chapter)

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