Chapter 1827 Establishment of the Dragon Alliance!

I saw that the eight-armed monkey king was directly split into two halves.

With a bang, it broke apart from the center like a mountain.

The body fell to the ground, directly cracking the ground.

In the end, there was no life left in my body.

A large group of eight-armed apes saw that their king was killed so easily, and their faces were extremely ugly. The orcs respect the strong, and now they are not looking at their king's body, but at Tang Zhong.

Their eyes are full of panic now, and finally they all turned into surrender!

Orcs are like this, they will follow whoever is strong, they don't care what you are before!
Holding the earth dragon ax in his hand, Tang Zhong looked at so many eight-armed apes, and said coldly: "Now, if you surrender, you will not die, if you refuse to surrender!"

Tang Zhong's voice was very loud, spreading throughout the audience at this time.

Those eight-armed apes were all trembling with fright, kneeling on the ground one after another.

When you see a strong man, you will kneel down, that's it!

In an instant, the eight-armed apes in the entire city surrendered at Tang Zhong's feet.

"I'm waiting to surrender!"

In the distance, when Bai Zhanggong saw this scene, his face was so ugly that he would die. He never thought that such a situation would happen!

It's really too powerful to actually take down the eight-armed ape family!
At this time, Bai Changgong also knelt on the ground.

Now he finally knows what kind of person he has taken refuge in. This person is a real strong man. If he can rely on him, he will become extremely powerful in this era of extinct kings!

Seeing this, Tang Zhong looked at the countless humans of the eight-armed ape clan and said, "Okay, I won't kill you, I will spare your life!"

"Thank you for not killing!" said the eight-armed apes.

At this moment.

Tang Zhong stepped forward, and he stood directly on the high mountain.

This time, Tang Zhong prepared to build his own power.

The reason for attaching to Cangye Kingdom is because of Cangye Kingdom's understanding of the extinction of all kings, and now it is the second step.

There are no minions of Emperor Cang here, so now Emperor Cang can use his hands and feet vigorously here, so that he can become even more invincible!

He has already thought about the name of the power he wants to build.

"From now on, the name of our faction will be called Dragon League!" Tang Zhong shouted loudly.

His voice was very loud, and it quickly spread throughout the audience, and everyone's eyes came over.


Feng'er and Yan Gang's eyes became hot first.

If Longzu establishes power, it means that now Longzu is going to really fight back.


In the distance, Jiang Weiwei saw her man standing there dominating the world, and felt even happier, this is her man!
Standing upright, like a god, standing between the heaven and the earth.

Thinking of this, Jiang Weiwei's heart felt hot.


Tang Zhong directly transformed into the leader of the Dragon Alliance.

And the power of the eight-armed monkey clan disappeared here very quickly.

The news of the extermination of the king was spread, and immediately attracted the attention of many forces.

Among the extinct kings, there are many forces, large and small.

Whether it's those at the bluestone level, or the yellow iron level, or those at the gold ink level...

Soon, news was heard from many clansmen.

"What, the eight-armed monkey clan has been wiped out?"

"The eight-armed monkey clan king is dead, what about their territory?"

"I heard that it was robbed by a person. That person turned out to kill the king of the eight-armed ape clan. Now he has transformed himself and started to create a force called Dragon League!"

"Dragon League..."

Among the forces big and small, everyone is discussing this matter now, and they all want to know what kind of thing this Dragon Alliance is.

Many forces have made up their minds, and when the Dragon Alliance is established, they will go there to see what will happen!
And what kind of force is the Dragon Alliance.

Because the power that appeared in the extinct of all kings, if it suddenly changes in the future and becomes the strength of gold ink level, it will be indescribable!

Ten days later, the territory of the eight-armed ape family has now been occupied by humans.

Now directly change the power, in the huge city, a stone dragon stands in the air.

At the gate of the forces, the word Laomeng is strong and powerful!
In the city, there are all kinds of people.

All the people from Cangye Kingdom have moved here, and this place is much stronger than their previous Cangye Kingdom.

Everyone will naturally choose this place.

And after seeing Tang Zhong's true strength, Bai Changgong would naturally not continue to be the lord of the Cangye Kingdom. There is really no comparison with the strength of the person in front of him.

At this moment, in the highest palace.

Tang Zhong stood in the center, Yan Gang and the others were beside him.

Tang Zhong looked into the distance and grinned. This time, he wanted to make a name for himself in this world of extinct kings.

"Dragon God Palace back then, was it beautiful?" Tang Zhong asked suddenly.

When Feng'er heard this, she said, "It's beautiful!"

She is the handmaid who used to be by Long's side, and she knows more.

"Don't worry, in the future, Dragon Alliance will be more beautiful than Dragon God Palace!" Tang Zhong said.

"I believe it!" Feng'er said.

Yan Gang said at this time: "Long Zu, the opening ceremony of the Dragon League is about to begin!"

"Go, I'll go out now!" Tang Zhong said.

Then he walked out of the loft.

Ahead is the huge Dragon Alliance City.

Now completely renovated.

Below, there are countless people standing, including human beings and people from the eight-armed ape family.

They raised their heads one after another and looked at Tang Zhong at the top, with reverence in their eyes.

At this moment, they said together: "Congratulations to Longzu!"

Tang Zhong came out, his eyes swept forward.


He answered!
"Long live the Dragon Ancestor!"

Several people shouted.

Everyone just called Tang Chong Longzu, it was impossible to confuse Tang Zhong with the legendary Dragon Ancestor!
"Okay, now, let's open the city of Dragon Alliance!" Tang Zhong shouted.

Immediately, in the middle of the city, lights and festoons lit up.

Everyone rejoices!

And at this time, outside the city, countless people came one after another, all of them were unknown forces.

They all came to celebrate the Dragon Alliance.

Someone came to report: "Long Zu, many forces have come outside, saying that they want to celebrate the establishment of Dragon City..."

When Tang Zhong heard this, he narrowed his eyes.

"Let them all in!"

"In my Dragon Alliance, anyone is welcome!"

At the gate of Longmeng, the huge iron gate was rumbled open, and several power masters were seen coming one after another.

In fact, few of the masters of these forces came to celebrate, and most of them came to investigate the forces. Let's see what kind of force this Dragon League is and what is the structure of their forces!

Tang Zhong didn't know it, but if he established the Dragon Alliance, would he still need to be afraid of other people coming?

(The state is not good, it is really not good!)

(End of this chapter)

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