Chapter 1828 The arrival of the black unicorn clan!

Now that Tang Zhong has established the Dragon Alliance, how could he be afraid of other people coming to see it?

It doesn't matter that those people came here just to see the details of Longmeng.

Welcome to Kaesong.

Following Tang Zhong's order, the gate of the giant dragon city was opened.

Outside, many powerful masters were waiting at the door.

Seeing the door being opened at this moment, I didn't expect the master of the Dragon League to be so powerful. The master of the Dragon League must be able to guess that they are here to find out the truth, but if you dare to open the door, you are not afraid of them. It seems that in the near future After that, there will be another Jinmo level power here.

At this moment, Tang Zhong stood on the highest peak and watched the people who had been coming in from the gate of Dragon City.

When I saw a powerful person coming in, I confessed that I was from there.

"I'm from the Falling Star Pavilion."

"I'm from the Thunder Sect."

Tang Zhong stood at the highest point, waited for all of them to finish speaking, and then said: "Welcome everyone to my Dragon Alliance."

When he spoke, his voice was very loud, giving people a kind of majesty, making those people look up at Tang Zhong.

They feel that Tang Zhong is now the proud son of heaven.

This city will definitely become a power of gold ink level.

If we can make good friends with this force now, that would be a great thing!

Of course, if you can make a good deal.

When many people came to this force, they brought something with them.

They came to see how strong this strength is. If they are strong, they will give gifts. If they are not strong, they will just turn around and leave. Now this place is very strong, so they gave their own gifts.

"Leader, this is the Meteor Iron from our Starfall Pavilion, which can be used to forge weapons. Now give it to the leader." The person from the Starfall Pavilion said.

The members of the Thunder Sect also took out their presents. It was a small box with lightning flashing inside, which gave people a strong sense of shock: "This is the special product of our Thunder Sect!"

There is also Zhanmen, who took out a stone.

First of all, regardless of whether these things are precious or not, it is very good that these people can come today.

Tang Zhong looked at those treasures, and said: "Our Dragon League has already received all of your kindness, let's go down to Jiangzhong!"

It is impossible for him to expose his true power in front of these people!

Those people immediately said: "Leader Jiang!"

"Today, when you come to my Dragon League, I will host a banquet to receive you. First of all, I would like to extend my welcome to you now!"

"Today I'm holding a banquet in the Longmeng, everyone, don't leave, drink well and leave!"

Tang Zhong's words were spoken.

The people around also heard it, and said one after another: "Thank you, Leader Jiang!"

Among the Longmeng, there is a banquet!
Tang Zhong will not be afraid of these people, and now he also hopes that these people will not do anything outrageous!
Otherwise, he would never let these people go.

Looking carefully at these forces, almost all of them are at the bluestone level, not even at the yellow iron level, and there is no force at the gold ink level at all. That is to say, it is impossible for Shi Yan to stand up now!

No matter what, the establishment of the Dragon Alliance today is enough.

As night falls, all kings disappear.

Tang Zhong sent the others away.

Then start practicing.

My current body is the lotus root body. Although it is similar to the real body, there is a gap.

He still needs a little strength to turn his body into flesh and blood!
Now I have five weapons in my hand, but it is not enough.

Now, Tang Zhong stayed here just to become stronger.

He really wants to go to Emperor Cang to take revenge, but his strength is simply not enough now.

Now I can only continue to practice.

I don't know where the sixth weapon is, and whether he can find it.

The twelve weapons, except for the light dragon claw, are now in the hands of Emperor Cang. The fate of the other weapons is still unknown, so we have to continue to search for them.

Tomorrow, let Yan Gang use the technique of searching for dragons to see if there are any in this era of extinct kings. If there are, that would be great. Recruiting troops and buying horses, in the future Tang Zhong has a group of troops, which is enough to fight against Emperor Cang.

The next day, Tang Zhong went to find Yan Gang.

Let him use the technique of seeking dragons to find other weapons.

Yan Gang used it, but shook his head, there was no breath!

Generally speaking, the weapon is with his guardian Dragon God Guard, as long as he feels the breath of the weapon, he can find out where the other Dragon God Guards are.

And now there is nothing, it can only be said that there is nothing at all now!

Continue to let Yan Gang feel the power of weapons.

At the same time, Tang Zhong was preparing for something else!

But at this moment, someone from outside came to report: "Leader, people from the Black Qilin clan have come!"

Black unicorn family?

When hearing this name.

Tang Zhong was slightly taken aback, this name is very familiar, I heard Bai Changgong say it before.

Among the three gold-ink-level forces in the vicinity, there is this Black Qilin clan, which makes Tang Zhong very strange. What is this person from the Black Qilin clan doing here?
Could it be something else?
"See you!" Tang Zhong said.

In the main city of the Dragon Alliance, Tang Zhong saw the opponent.

The people of the Black Qilin clan have the heads of unicorns, but their bodies are human. It has to be said that the people who came here are stronger than so many people who came yesterday!
Tang Zhong looked at the other party, and said: "I don't know what the black unicorns are talking about when they come to our Dragon League?"

The member of the Black Qilin tribe was wearing a black robe. He looked at Tang Zhong and said, "I heard that the leader of the Dragon League is extremely powerful, so it's true!"

Tang Zhong said: "You black unicorns don't come here for no reason!"

He didn't want to fart with this person, and now Tang Zhong wanted to know what was going on with this person?What is the purpose of coming here!
The person from the Black Qilin tribe smiled and said: "The lord really has eyes like a torch, and he can see what I want to do. Yes, this time I came here to discuss important matters with the lord. My name is Hei Lin, but The son of the Black Qilin clan, this time he came here to discuss with the lord about the treasure hunt!"


This Tang Zhong was more interested, and immediately said: "What kind of treasure?"

Hei Lin heard this and said with a smile: "A strange place, our Black Qilin clan discovered it, of course not only us, but also gold ink-level powers in other places..."

"And then?" Tang Zhong looked at the other party and asked.

This black forest must not be able to eat that treasure land at once, that's why they came to find them now.

"Then I want the lord to follow us. Of course, there is also the Huoyuan clan. The three gold-ink level forces are the closest to us. In this treasure hunt, we can form an alliance!" the man named Hei Lin continued. Said.

(End of this chapter)

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