Chapter 1829 The sixth weapon!
"This time, we can form an alliance!" Nahei Lin said.

Tang Zhong thought for a while and said, "What's the benefit of forming an alliance?"

"The treasure you got will be divided into three parts!" Nahei Lin said; "This time, I am here to represent the opinion of my black unicorn patriarch. The leader can think about it and give me the answer. I will wait outside the leader's city tomorrow! "

Hearing this, Tang Zhong said: "I promise, I will go with you to win the treasure!"

Tang Zhong really doesn't know what to do now, but at least this treasure hunt is a way, at least let Tang Zhong know what he should do in the next time.

When Hei Lin heard this, he was overjoyed: "If that's the case, it's very good. When I go back now, I will report this matter to my patriarch!"

After saying that, Hei Lin turned and left.

Tang Zhong looked at the back of the other party, and as soon as he left, he summoned Bai Changgong: "I want to ask, what kind of people are the members of the Black Qilin royal family?"

Bai Changgong said: "My subordinates don't know much about the members of the Black Qilin royal family, but I only know that the members of the Black Qilin family are very treacherous, and what they do is unreasonable!"

"Okay, I already know about it!" Tang Zhong said: "Tomorrow, make preparations, and wait for the Black Qilin Clan to hunt for the treasure together!"

"Yes!" Bai Changgong said.

On the third day, the people of the Black Qilin clan arrived, and they flew in the air. They all had wings growing behind them, and at the same time, a group of people in red clothes followed them, and they were all stepping on the ground. Huge flame bird.

He knew at a glance that he was from the Huoyuanmen.

Yesterday, Hei Lin had heard that he wanted to go to the treasure hunt with the people from Huoyuanmen.

"Leader, I, Hei Lin, is here!" Hei Lin shouted as the leader.

Tang Zhong packed up and came out.

This time he got to know Yan Gang alone, as for Wei Wei, he will stay in this Dragon League City and be his Dragon Queen!

Seeing Tang Zhong, Hei Lin was slightly surprised: "This time, the leader, how many people will you bring?"

"The two of us!" Tang Zhong said.

Hei Lin's face changed slightly: "Leader, there are only two people, I'm afraid this is not enough!"

"Enough!" Tang Zhong said: "Okay, since it is said that we want to seize the treasure, it doesn't matter how many people we go to, and we are representing the Dragon Alliance to fight!"

Heilin didn't say anything more.

On the other hand, Huoyuanmen, staring at Tang Zhong, sneered at Hei Lin: "What did you do with the Black Qilin clan? What's the use of this person? With our two forces combined, can't we still win the treasure? Wouldn't it be a burden to be with these two people?"

Hei Lin hurriedly said: "The leader of the Dragon League is not a burden, he defeated the King of the Eight-armed Ape Clan!"

The leader of the Huoyuanmen said coldly: "You know the king of the eight-armed ape clan, he is a waste, and it is very easy to win against him!"

When Tang Zhong heard what the Huoyuanmen said, he smiled slightly and didn't say much.

In the end, Hei Lin also persuaded the people from the Huoyuanmen, but the Huoyuanmen looked at Tang Zhong with deep resentment in their eyes, but more of contempt, and finally said to Tang Zhong: "I don't care about your Longmen Who is it, I am now, I just want to say one thing here, that is, when you are hunting for treasures, don't expect us to save you!"

Tang Zhong smiled and said, "Of course not!"

Seeing that the two parties reached a consensus, Hei Lin asked.

"Okay, let's go, but how do you two go?"

Tang Zhong blew his whistle, and immediately a small spaceship flew out from the Douluo.

Tang Zhong jumped up suddenly.

"It's actually a spaceship!" Hei Lin stared blankly.

The leader of Huoyuanmen was also slightly surprised, he couldn't believe it was true, but then he snorted coldly.

A group of people left.

Tang Zhong and the others were extremely relaxed in the spaceship.

Heilin began to explain the area where the treasure was seized this time!

This time, the place they went to was an extinct place. A day ago, there were signs of collapse in the middle of the extinct place.

And after the collapse, from the extinction, the radiance appeared, and many strange auras burst out.

Many people said that there is a treasure there, and many forces in the surrounding area have all gone there, wanting to see what is in the extinct.

They, the Black Qilin Clan, were the first to know.

But they didn't act rashly, because the forces in other regions gathered together to find treasures. Their Black Qilin clan wanted to unite with the Huoyuanmen and the Eight-armed Ape clan, but before that, the Dragon Alliance turned out to be Born, swept the gala monkey tribe.

So now they are with Longmeng!
Hearing what Heilin said.

Tang Zhong and the others were also curious about the place that Hei Lin said. If they could find the treasures in it, it would be very cool to improve their cultivation.

After all, this place is where all kings are extinct. It is a place where Longzu once led all kings to fight against strange ghosts. There are definitely a lot of treasures. If you can get them, it will definitely be very refreshing!

Thinking of this, Tang Zhong didn't say anything, he just waited until he got there.

Fly all the way.

I saw countless people passing in the direction they were going.

You can see a lot of beast riders, but very few of them are driving spaceships, like Tang Zhong now, they are completely a focus.

"Look, that man actually has a spaceship!"

"Where is that person from? Could it be someone from outside?"

"do not know!"

"Maybe it was a spaceship found a long time ago in the extinct world!"

There are discussions everywhere, Tang Zhong heard this.

Yan Gang has been by Tang Zhong's side, using the dragon-seeking technique, suddenly, a burst of light flashed from his body.

Tang Zhong immediately looked at the other party: "What happened?"

"The art of finding the dragon has been found!" Yan Gang said.

"Is it news from Longwei?" There was such a light in Tang Zhong's eyes.

"No, it's the breath of weapons, there are weapons!" Yan Gang said.

"Which weapon is it?" Tang Zhong asked.

I didn't expect that there is really something in this area. Is it the place to go treasure hunting this time?
If not, it is also in the direction they are going now.

"The breath is very weak, I can't feel it..." Yan Gang couldn't feel it, he used the dragon-seeking technique twice, but there was still no response.

"There's no need to test, go and have a look first, if you get close to that weapon, my weapon will respond!"

Tang Zhong said.

"Ahead is the place where we are going to seize the treasure, everyone be careful, it is best not to conflict with people from other forces!" Na Hei Lin said.

Are you there yet?
Tang Zhong stared at the front, and at this moment, he grinned, because he felt the weapon in his body moving. When the Earth Dragon Ax appeared before, the other two weapons had movement, which was the difference between the weapon and the weapon. Summoning, and now the weapon is moving again, it can only be said that now, that weapon is here...

(End of this chapter)

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