Chapter 1830 Light Curtain!

Now that he has a reaction, he can only say that the weapon is here now.

And if nothing else, the weapon is very close to him!
He must try this place!

At this time, Hei Lin was the first to go down.

Tang Zhong and the others followed behind.

To the place where the crowd is.

"The ruins gathered here are very close, everyone stop here and rest here for a while!" Hei Lin said.

The rest of the Black Qilin tribe nodded one after another.

And Huoyuanmen also agreed!
Tang Zhong and Yan Gang got down from the spaceship and immediately put the spaceship away.

The spaceship can be infinitely smaller and fit into the pocket!

Yan Gang is still using the technique of searching for dragons, and his eyes are even brighter: "Longzu, the thing we want is here!"

When Tang Zhong heard this, he nodded his head: "I see!"

At this moment, he looked around.

I found that there are many people with different influences, and they are all different. The strength of these people is that of the Immortal God King!
But it's just the kind that has just stepped into the Immortal God King, and in terms of combat ability, the Immortal God King here is almost the same as the Immortal King outside!
Tang Zhong was looking at other people, and those people were also looking at Tang Zhong now.

Obviously, he wanted to maximize the understanding of the opponent before winning the treasure.

But more people's eyes fell on Tang Zhong, wanting to know who this person is?

Their strength is far away from the Dragon League, but they also know the birth of this force!
But after looking at Tang Zhong carefully, he didn't find anything useful.

Because their strength is much weaker than Tang Zhong's, it is impossible to observe Tang Zhong's true strength!
Tang Zhong followed behind Hei Lin.

A large group of forces moved forward, and they now saw the golden light shining at the entrance, which was obviously aura.

But they can't seem to get close to the past.

At that entrance, there seemed to be a light curtain blocking the way past.

No one can come near.

At this moment, beside the light curtain, there are a lot of bloody limbs. It is obvious that someone was going to go there, but after the body touched the light curtain, it exploded directly.

This should be some kind of taboo, people can't get close, and if you want to get close, you will definitely encounter something.

No wonder these forces want to do it together with other people. It turned out that it was because of this kind of thing.

But that's fine too!

If you hide your baby, someone will cover you!

If there is no accident, with so many forces coming, the first thing to do is to break the light curtain first, and then enter the place where there are treasures.

And generally this kind of place is extremely dangerous, there may be other things in it, so now, you must not act rashly!

Yan Gang suddenly said: "Long Zu, there seems to be something very cruel inside!"

"What?" Tang Zhong asked.

"It should be a monster..." Yan Gang said.

Tang Zhong began to meditate. It can make even Yan Gang feel the powerful monster. I don't know what kind of monster it is. It should be very strong!
"Let them advance in a while, we will be behind, don't take any risks!" Tang Zhong said.

Yan Gang nodded.

But at this time, Tang Zhong discovered a problem, Hei Lin looked sneaky, but now Tang Zhong was not in the mood to take care of Hei Lin.

Because he saw that people from many forces in front of him began to gather together. From that look, it seemed that they were going to work together to open this light curtain!

Soon, there will be results.

After Hei Lin knew the result, he immediately said to Huoyuanmen and Tang Zhong, "Everyone proposes to break the light curtain together, and then go in to hunt for treasures. I agree!"

"Okay!" said the man from Huoyuanmen.

Tang Zhong also had no objection, and soon after all the opinions were unified.

I saw many people blasting their strength towards the light.

At this time, many people punched out.

The beams of light, like lasers, all fell on the light curtain, sweeping wildly.

After one beam of light passed by, the light curtain did not respond at all, but at the moment when several beams of light were struck together at this time, the light curtain became more and more obvious. It was transparent before, but now it began to appear. caused by force impact.

A little more power is enough to make that light curtain explode.

"Let's work harder!" Someone shouted.

When the others saw that the light curtain was about to explode, they were overjoyed and their strength grew stronger.

Everyone's strength condenses into a thicker beam of light.

Boom boom boom.

There was a crackling sound from the light curtain.

As if about to explode,

The light curtain exploded directly.

It suddenly turned into thousands of fluctuations and dispersed towards the surroundings.

Seeing this scene, the people around went forward together.

The light curtain exploded, so now the entrance is opened, and you can go in directly.

"Long Zu, what should we do now?" Beside, Yan Gang asked.

"Wait..." Tang Zhong said.

"Wait? This spiritual land is covered by a light curtain, so there shouldn't be any protection. If we don't do anything now, there should be nothing left!" Yan Gang said.

Tang nodded heavily, and said, "No... There must be other problems in this seemingly safe place!"

"I listen to Long Zu!" Yan Gang said beside him.

Sure enough, countless people rushed up now, but soon, some people died. Before they could enter the entrance, they were instantly killed.

A well-behaved person turned into a puddle of blood as soon as he passed by, and he didn't even have a chance to resist.

After many people rushed over, their faces were extremely ugly at this time, and they didn't even think about why this happened!
"Any other questions?"

"should be!"


The crowd panicked again.

But a discerning person said: "Don't get close, we got rich this time, if there is no accident, it is the stale air in that cave, no one else has entered this place, that is to say, this place has never been visited Someone else opened it!"

When the others heard this, their eyes began to burn.

If it has not been opened by others, it means that the treasure inside has always been there.

This time, they are indeed going to make a fortune.

Let's wait for the turbidity to dissipate completely.

At this moment, I could see countless black qi radiating out from inside. As long as those turbid qi appeared, wherever they went, it could be said that there was no vitality at all.

It quickly dissipated completely.

Someone noticed it and immediately shouted: "Okay, the turbidity has dissipated, it's time to go in, everyone rush!"

But no one is rushing to the forefront now.

But Tang Zhong looked ahead and said: "Go, Yan Gang, but I will go together!"

(End of this chapter)

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