Chapter 1831 Underground Warcraft!

Before Tang Zhong felt that there was a weapon calling him from below, so he had to find it as soon as possible.

But the feeling is not very strong.

I don't know what's going on?

Now no one is rushing to the front, after Tang Zhong stepped up, he immediately attracted everyone's attention!
"Who is that person?"

"I haven't seen this person before!"


Hei Lin saw Tang Zhong and the others walking forward. At this time, he did not stop them, but let the other party continue to move forward.

He squinted his eyes, as if thinking about something.

Everyone else looked at Tang Zhong and the others to see what would happen to them?
Someone died inside just now, what will happen to these two people?
He should die here too!
But to everyone's shock, Tang Zhong walked in directly with Yan Gang, nothing happened.

Only then did everyone realize that if the other party is fine, that means they can go in now.

"Everyone, go in quickly, we must not let that person get the baby!"


A large group of people began to rush in, all of them were gold ink level forces.

At this moment Tang Zhong and Yan Gang have already entered.

After using the dragon-seeking technique, Yan Gang said: "Long Zu, that weapon should be right here!"

Tang nodded heavily: "I know!"

He took out the Demon Dragon Sword. On the black sword body, there was a faint light shining. This should have sensed the existence of that weapon. That's why this happened. I don't know what kind of weapon it is?
Tang Zhong was looking forward to it even more now.

If you find these twelve weapons earlier, you will be able to fight Emperor Cang.

"Longzu, this place should be the place where Longzu led the kings to fight in the past!" Yan Gang said: "I can feel the killing atmosphere around me, as well as blood, the smell of dragon blood!"

Yan Gang could feel it, Tang Zhong could feel it, he could feel the breath of dragon blood, he could also feel the blood, and of course there was an aura that disgusted him, it was clearly the breath of the strange ghost!
Standing here, Tang Zhong seemed to be able to see the scene of the dragon fighting those ghosts.

There is killing everywhere.

The White Walkers are stopped!
The turbid air before must have been transformed by a different ghost!

Tang Chong murmured.

At this time, they heard noisy voices from behind, obviously those people before had chosen to enter the arena now.

"Let's go!" Tang Zhong said.

Yan Gang nodded and followed behind.

Along the way, there are many treasures on the ground, and more of them are broken weapons, but those weapons have no aura, obviously left over from the great war many years ago.

Similarly, there are endless corpses!

The people behind did not follow up in a hurry, but were searching for treasures.

And these things are of no use to Tang Zhong and the others.

They only look for what works for them.

But the current situation is a bit strange.

It was surprisingly quiet, which made Tang Zhong very strange!
"Be careful!" Tang Zhong said to Yan Gang.

Yan Gang nodded.At this time, on the rock in front of him, there was actually an elixir.

Strange, what is going on with these elixirs?How curious!
Yan Gang was surprised, generally speaking, the places where there are elixir are fertile land.

"This place should be a big battlefield. Many people have died. The cultivation of the human body depends on blood. Many people died here. This place has been irrigated with blood, so it has become so fertile!" Tang Zhong said.

All of a sudden, Yan Gang's doubts were solved.

Suddenly, Yan Gang felt the ground trembling, he was slightly taken aback: "What's going on? Is there another wave?"

Then Yan Gang lay down on the ground and listened to the reaction of the ground with his ears. He felt that the power was stronger.

"Longzu, something seems to have appeared?" Yan Gang said.

Seeing this, Tang Zhong hurriedly said: "Don't talk yet!"

He got down on his body, sensed his surroundings, and felt a deep breathing sound coming from the ground, no, what's going on with this thing?How could it be underground?

This breath, and this power.

Cracks appeared in the ground.

Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes.

Since it is a land of treasures, how could there be no monsters to guard it? What kind of monster can have such powerful power? If nothing else, the monster is now awakened.

It's just that I haven't fully awakened yet. Try not to compete with this monster now. I don't know how powerful this monster is. Now it's best to find a weapon. After finding the weapon, leave this place of right and wrong as soon as possible, otherwise, the consequences will be terrible. Unbelievable.

"Go!" Tang Zhong said.

Yan Gang nodded in agreement.

At this time, other people also felt the existence of that monster. Many people were intimidated, but many were not afraid. The so-called seeking wealth and wealth is clearly a treasure here. If you escape from this place, you will suffer too much. up.

No matter what the monster is, the most important thing is to find the treasure first.

Tang Zhong left with Yan Gang.

But just after they walked not far away, behind them, there was a person leading someone to follow, and after a closer look, it was Hei Lin, who narrowed his eyes as he looked at Tang Zhong and his back.

Asked next to him: "Master Hei Lin, why do we follow the people of the Dragon League?"

"Just follow along, why ask so many questions?" Hei Lin said coldly.

The man stopped talking.

Then Hei Lin narrowed his eyes, stared at Tang Zhong and the others, and continued to follow.

At the same time, Tang Zhong continued to move forward with Yan Gang.

The further you go, the more proficient you feel about weapons, and the weapons seem to be around here.

"Stop!" Tang Zhong said.

"Feel it?" Yan Gang asked. "

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

He lowered his head and looked at the ground: "That weapon is on the ground, I feel a domineering aura!"

Overbearing atmosphere?

Is there a domineering aura above the weapon?

Yan Gang narrowed his eyes. Among the twelve weapons, the violent one is the earth dragon axe. If you want to say domineering, it is another weapon!
"Could it be the Golden Dragon Hammer?"

The Golden Dragon Hammer is extremely domineering and invincible in all directions!

Golden Dragon Hammer!
Tang Zhong muttered.

He looked at the underground, yes, the breath that the weapon gave him came from this underground.

That is, the stuff is underground!

Immediately, Tang Zhong clenched his fists and slammed towards the ground.

In an instant, he saw that the ground was motionless.

what happened?

Ordinary rocks can be smashed by Tang Zhong with a single punch, but now, there is nothing wrong with this rock. Although Tang Zhong didn't use his fullest strength, it is less likely to be like this.

When Tang Zhong was depressed, he suddenly realized that the thing under their feet was not a rock at all, but...a magical beast.

In an instant, rumbling.

There was a violent vibration under their feet, and then there was a violent roar of beasts.

It was as if the ground was about to be overturned.

It really is a monster!
(End of this chapter)

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