Chapter 1832 Three Evil Beasts!
It really is a monster.

They are now stepping on the back of the monster.

I saw this "earth" rumbling and moving.

Tang Zhong hurriedly took Yan Gang away from the back of the monster.

After stepping back a hundred meters, look forward.

I saw that the surrounding was still shaking, and a huge monster climbed up from the ground.

The whole body of this monster is extremely black, like a rock, if you don't look carefully, you really can't tell that it is a monster!
Slowly the monster stood up, looking carefully, it was as high as a mountain.

This is a magical beast similar to a dinosaur, but it is much more ferocious than a dinosaur. It has three heads!

And the pupil colors of the three heads are different, red, blue, and white!

But the pupils of each head are shining with a strange light.

Yan Gang looked at the huge monster in front of him, and widened his eyes: "This... this monster is so powerful!"

Tang Zhong can also feel that the monster is very strong now, and this monster gives him a feeling of oppression, as if it may swallow people at any time.

However, there was a black aura exuding from this monster, and that black aura made Tang Zhong feel very familiar. It was clearly the aura of a strange ghost?
This monster has the same breath as the strange ghost, what's going on?

There was a light curtain outside before, which can explain that the three evil beasts appeared in this place.

But now is not the time to figure that out.

At this moment, the three evil beasts went crazy and bit Tang Zhong.

Its reminder is like a dinosaur.

He rushed towards Tang Zhong directly.

That huge body came suppressing like a mountain.

Tang Zhong quickly dodged!

He jumped up suddenly and reached a safe place.

The evil beast rushed over, forcibly crushing the place Tang Zhong stepped on just now, as if suffering a huge earthquake!

How can it be?

Yan Gang's eyes were shocked: "This is a power that can be cultivated by one person, and this monster is stronger than any monster I have encountered. I have never come into contact with it!"

Tang Zhong stared at the three demonic beasts, and he could also feel the power of the three demonic beasts.

This power is violent and overbearing!
At this time, the three evil beasts did not attack Tang Zhong, and became even more violent.

From the pupil of the red-eyed demon head, two red rays of light shot out!
Two laser beams shot out and swept out.

Those stones were directly pierced under the laser.

Tang Zhong has been avoiding, he felt that if he let himself face this laser, he might be hurt, this power does not belong to this world!

"Dodge carefully, this monster came from the wrong direction!" Tang Zhong reminded Yan Gang.

Yan Gang nodded, he also understood this.

But at this moment, people from many forces came from the rear, and they were shocked when they saw the three evil beasts for the first time.

But soon, a greedy look appeared in a person's eyes.

"Haha, hurry up, the existence of such a strange beast means that there is a treasure here, let's work together to kill the monster, and then seize the treasure!"


"Brother, let's fight together!"

They didn't know the power of this monster at all, so they started to fight together, and the Wanzhang rays of light shot out, and they blasted at the monster together.

All the attacks fell on the monster, and the monster roared directly, but after the roar, it turned into an angry roar.

for a moment...

A more violent attack by the monster appeared.

Seeing this, Tang Zhong and Yan Gang immediately evacuated from this place. These three evil beasts are not so easy to deal with, so let's go first and find that Golden Dragon Hammer!

Just around here.

I saw that the three evil beasts rushed out with even more crazy attacks, suppressing them forward!

The three heads emit light together.

Wherever the light goes, it kills directly.

Covering other people, the bodies of those people were directly purified, and finally turned into nothingness and dispersed.

Tang Zhong saw all this in his eyes. He had an ominous premonition, but he couldn't be sure. He ignored the three evil beasts and began to perceive the existence of the Golden Dragon Hammer.

He could feel that the Golden Dragon Hammer was nearby!

He took Yan Gang forward.

Along the way, I saw a lot of dead bones!

Moreover, he found that there was something abnormal in this area, as if it was a passage.

"It seems that there was a fierce battle in this place, this must be a certain battlefield!" Yan Gang speculated.

But Tang Zhong didn't speak, looked carefully at the place, and found that besides the dry bones, there was still a lot of black juice, but it had dried up!
This is clearly the corpse of a different ghost. Tang Zhong has killed many other ghosts before. After those ghosts die, they will become like this!

Looking around, there is still a passage ahead.

This channel is huge!
There is a breath of time in it, and there is also a sense of decay!
Tang Zhong knew that Longzu was fighting against the ghosts to protect this universe!

He knew that the strange ghosts were the enemies of this universe, but Tang Zhong ignored the most important point, that is where did the strange ghosts come from?
It is impossible for the ghosts to appear in this universe out of thin air.

It can only be said that they came to this universe from other places, but how did they come to this universe from other places, looking at the huge passage in front of them, and the breath of strange ghosts around them.

He himself seems to understand something, this passage, perhaps is the passage for the other ghosts to attack this universe.

It is through this passage that the White Walkers entered this universe.

And there are definitely many such channels.

The passage in front of you is one of them.

Then Tang Zhong thought of the three-headed demonic beast. The demonic beast also had a different ghost aura on it just now, that is to say, it was also a strange ghost.

There were not many types of ghosts that Tang Zhong had seen before, only ghost soldiers, ghost kings, and ghost generals, and then the ghost prince...he had never seen other ghosts, but today, he just saw The three-headed evil beast, that thing is definitely a different ghost.

There are still such powerful ghosts...

So that is to say, the ghosts are very strong and have a stronger army, but they haven't reached this universe yet, and the ghosts who have arrived in this universe now can be said to be vanguards.

These vanguards first entered this universe, occupied this universe, devoured it, and then used the passage to welcome more strange ghosts to come in.

If there is no accident, it should be those powerful aliens, who have no way to come here yet.

Thinking of this, Tang Zhong's whole body became cold.

The more powerful aliens are like the three-headed evil beast. That thing is very strong, and it should have been forcibly transmitted from the passage, but just after the transmission, it fainted directly. Today, they found this place , opened the light curtain, and brought the evil beast back to life.

(End of this chapter)

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