Chapter 1833 Alien Walkway!

It was they who entered and broke into here that brought the evil beast back to life.

The more Tang Zhong thought about it, the more he felt that in the eyes of this matter, if more ghosts entered this universe, then this universe would be the world of ghosts. Long said which ghosts are extremely ferocious and kill people everywhere.

When the time comes, the ghosts come, what should he do?
What about the people he wants to protect?
Earthlings, there are so many familiar people, what should they do?
die?still alive!

Tang Zhong clenched his fists immediately, they must live, and he, Tang Zhong, will guard them!

No matter who the opponent is!

He looked at the passage ahead.

This channel must never be opened.

Now that he knows one, he must destroy this channel.

Immediately, he took out the earth dragon axe and cut through all the blood, the power burst out, and the crazy axe blade rushed forward.


The passage in front of it collapsed directly, and the stone collapsed rumblingly.

Although this kind of channel came from nowhere, but now he was discovered by Tang Zhong, and he destroyed every one he saw.

Now he finally knows why this place was chosen by the dragon as the battlefield, because those strange ghosts entered this universe from here!

If there is no accident, there is definitely not only such a passage here, there are others.

"Yan Gang, after discovering such a channel, I directly destroyed it!" Tang Zhong said.

"Okay!" Yan Gang also knew the importance of this matter, so he said immediately.

"You and I search separately, remember to avoid the three evil beasts, let alone let it approach such a passage!" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes, Longzu!"

Then the two separated.

Tang Zhong walked on one side, Yan Gang walked on the other.

Tang Zhong still wanted to look for the Golden Dragon Hammer. These weapons had auras and could attract each other. He took out his weapons to summon the Golden Dragon Hammer, but there was no response at all.

Could it be that there is something wrong with the Golden Dragon Hammer?

As he walked all the way, he saw many passages ahead, so he took out the earth dragon axe, destroyed the passages, and let them collapse.

Boom boom boom everywhere.

There are too many channels.

And this place is completely deep underground.

At this time.

Tang Zhong saw a corpse underground.

The bones on the corpse were still golden.

Tang Zhong opened it, looked at the corpse, and reached out to touch the golden bone. There was actually a golden light leaking from the bone.

This is the bone of dragon blood!

In other words, this person is a member of Longzu, but it should not be Longzu!

It is Dragon God Guard.

Could it be that the Golden Dragon Hammer is here?
When he looked, he saw a pile of weapons in front of him, like broken copper and iron.

He walked over and looked around, and saw a hammer buried among the stones, the hammer was golden in color, the head of the hammer was the head of a dragon, and a dragon was burning on the handle of the hammer.

At this moment, several weapons of the Demon Dragon Sword started to move.

The weapon is calling, indicating that this hammer is the Golden Dragon Hammer, but now the hammer is rusty.

He called out a few times, but found that the Golden Dragon Hammer didn't respond.

This should be because there is no spirituality in the weapon.

In other words, this Golden Dragon Hammer was abolished.

Finally found the sixth weapon, but something like this happened. Tang Zhong was full of expectations, but now he was a little disappointed!

It should have been destroyed by the White Walkers in the original battle!
Tang Zhong's face was a bit ugly!
He put away the Golden Dragon Hammer, and put it among the other weapons first, to see if he could warm up the spiritual energy!
When the Golden Dragon Hammer and other weapons were put together, the magic dragon sword and other weapons surrounded the Golden Dragon Hammer, and the rust on the Golden Dragon Hammer began to slowly disappear.

When Tang Zhong saw this scene, he was very happy in his heart. He really didn't expect that there would be a result!

This is a good thing for him, but the Golden Dragon Hammer is obviously broken, and he has to find a way to recuperate.

At this moment, behind Tang Zhong, a figure appeared.

How could Tang Zhong not recognize that figure, isn't this Hei Lin from the Black Qilin clan?
Why is he here?

When Hei Lin arrived, he saw Tang Zhong with a surprised look: "Leader, why are you here?"

"I was driven here by a monster!" Tang Zhong said, he had no hostility towards the other party.

"Me too, lord, what is that monster, how can it be so powerful?" Hei Lin said: "My people and I met that monster just now, and now we have been directly scattered, lord, if you don't dislike it , let me follow you, if we meet that monster again, the two of us still have the power to fight back, if we are alone, we will die!"

Tang nodded emphatically.

He just turned around and left.

But at this time, Hei Lin behind him, his eyes became ferocious, and immediately he condensed a palm and blasted towards Tang Zhong.

As soon as Tang Zhong turned around, he felt the murderous intent, and he dodged suddenly, and reached a safe place, looking at the black forest in front of him.

Hei Lin's eyes were cold: "You actually hid from me? Longzu, how did you find me?"

Tang Zhong looked at Hei Lin: "Who are you?"

The other party doesn't call him leader now, but Long Zu!

It means that the other party knows him!

"I will know soon!" Only Heilin whistled.

At this time, a rumbling sound sounded.

The vibration was incomparable, and a breath of strange ghosts approached.

That's the three evil beasts coming over.

Rocks collapsed everywhere.

I only saw three evil beasts attacking, and wherever they went, they were directly destroyed, and there was nothing that could resist this kind of attack.


Now the earth is trembling!

Tang Zhong turned his head and saw the three evil beasts, but his pupils narrowed.

Soon Tang Zhong figured out that this black forest might have a lot to do with the strange ghost, otherwise the strange ghost would not come here just by whistling.

Those three evil beasts are ghosts, and the only ones who can walk with ghosts are ghosts!
"You are also a different ghost!" Tang Zhong said.

He could smell the breath of other ghosts, but the person in front of him didn't have any breath of other ghosts. He was not a ghost, maybe he belonged to it.

"After you die, you will know!" Hei Lin said.

At this moment, he gave orders to the other ghosts, and words that seemed to be spells came out of his mouth.

When the huge three-headed evil beast heard that, it went berserk and killed Tang Zhong. It might not be a spell, but the language of the ghosts.

Three evil beasts attacked, ready to tear Tang Zhong's body apart.

Tang Zhong didn't bother to face the three evil beasts because fighting with them would affect many things, and now that he had the Golden Dragon Hammer, he could fight unscrupulously.

He stared at Hei Lin and said, "Since you were recruited by someone to deal with me, then that person didn't tell you, why am I called Long Zu?"

If the opponent is not a different ghost, then he was robbed by a different ghost.

"I don't care who you are, I only know to kill you, I, the black unicorn clan, will be king in the extinction of all kings!" Hei Lin roared.

"No...not anymore!" Tang Zhong sneered.

(End of this chapter)

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