Chapter 1834 Ghost Master!
"No!" Tang Zhong looked at the person in front of him and said coldly.

"No, hehe, what do you think you are, it's up to you how you die now!" Hei Lin said coldly.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the three evil beasts charging towards Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong looked at the three evil beasts. Tang Zhong himself was not afraid of each other, but it was because of the Golden Dragon Hammer before, so he didn't want to have any conflict with these three evil beasts.

But now it's different, he has already obtained the Golden Dragon Hammer, so now he can do it unscrupulously: "The person who came to you may not have told you about my real power!"

Hei Lin was taken aback, and said, "I don't care what your real strength is?"

At this moment, Tang Zhong looked at the three evil beasts and let out a wild roar, his whole body transformed into a giant dragon clone with golden light shining on his body.

Push back those three evil beasts!

These three evil beasts are very strong, but they are the three-headed evil beasts in full bloom. Now the three evil beasts have just woken up from their lethargy. If there is no accident, these three evil beasts should be from After coming to this universe in the passage, I immediately fell asleep by myself. Today, the light curtain was opened, and I received the power from the outside, and then I slowly woke up. Now I am only in a semi-awake state, and I am far away from being fully awake. far too!

Tang Zhong can see these things.

So he will not be afraid!
At this moment, Tang Zhong turned into a giant dragon clone, the mortal enemy of the three evil beasts. The evil beasts were constantly retreating and roaring at the same time.

These three demonic beasts must be what the other ghost wanted, so he asked the black forest to come here and take away the demonic beasts. Unfortunately, by accident, he met Tang Zhong.

Then you must not let this three-headed evil beast go!
He turned into a giant dragon clone and directly attacked the three evil beasts.

He stretched out his hand, held the earth dragon axe, and slashed out!

He aimed at one of the heads of the three evil beasts, leaped suddenly, and chopped it off.

Those three evil beasts were also intelligent, so they dodged immediately.

But there is no way to avoid it.

With a click, one of the heads of the three evil beasts was chopped off!
The ax was extremely sharp, and blood continued to flow from the severed head.

With a bang, one head fell to the ground, and the three evil beasts roared at this moment, roaring wildly there.

It was the red eye that was broken.

The other two roared.

From the mouth, beams of light continuously sprayed out, as if to devour Tang Zhong.

Wherever it goes, it sweeps like a laser.


Those stone walls were purified.

Tang Zhong dodged, took advantage of a gap, and slashed with his sword.

The other blue-eyed head was also cut off, with a bang to the end.

Now there is only one dragon head left among the three evil beasts.

Hei Lin, who was next to him just now, had an extremely ugly expression at this moment: "How is it possible?"

When he saw the three evil beasts for the first time, he felt that they were invincible, but now when he met this person, he defeated the three evil beasts so easily. How could this person be so powerful?
Hei Lin's body was trembling!

He wants to run away!

Tang Zhong had already seen everything, and his Yanlong stick pierced through the last demon head.


The stick directly blasted the opponent's head!

Three evil beasts, all three heads have been cut off, and now the body is lying on the ground, unable to move anymore.

The weakness of these three evil beasts is his head, and now that the head is gone, it is tantamount to death.

Then Tang Zhong looked at Hei Lin who was about to escape, with murderous intent in his eyes, he jumped out and stood in front of Hei Lin.

The three demonic beasts were killed so easily by Tang Zhong. At this time, Hei Lin was extremely frightened.

Tang Zhong suddenly appeared in front of him, frightened Hei Lin to the ground, and said in horror: "Don't kill me, don't kill me!"

"Do you know where the other ghosts are?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"White ghost... I don't know what a different ghost is!" Hei Lin said.

"Then how do you communicate with the three evil beasts?" Tang Zhong looked at the other side and said coldly.

Hei Lin quickly said: "I don't know anything, I'm just a spell given to me by the ghost master, telling me to come to this ruins, find a monster with three heads, recover him, and at the same time shoot you, put you here Kill!"

Who is Ghost Master?

Tang Zhong stared at each other.

"Ghost Master is the national teacher of our Black Qilin Clan. Our Black Qilin Clan used to be a small force, because after the arrival of Ghost Master, our Black Qilin Clan began to become stronger!" Hei Lin said.

ghost master...

Tang Zhong felt that he must see who this ghost master is if he has time!
"Is this ghost master still in your Black Qilin clan?" Tang Zhong asked.

"In..." Hei Lin said, "Don't kill me, I can take you to find him!"

"No need, I'll find it myself!" Tang Zhong said, beheading him with a single sword!
Hei Lin's body was directly divided into two, and the whole body exploded, and blood gushed out at this moment.

The black forest is useless, the culprit is the ghost master, it seems that he has to go to the black unicorn clan.

Without looking at Hei Lin, Tang Zhong left this place. The three evil beasts had already died, and he also knew the big secret of the other ghosts!
The most urgent thing now is to restore the Golden Dragon Hammer, and he doesn't know what to use to restore it. Of course, he has to find other weapons. He already has six in his hands, and the whereabouts of five are unknown!
He will destroy the strange ghost passage here first, boom boom boom.

Under the earth dragon axe, there is no passage that can support it at all.

Then Tang Zhong went to look for Yan Gang.

Yan Gang had nothing else to gain, and also destroyed many passages.

After confirming that the passages were destroyed, the two left the place.

For them now, even if there are treasures here, they will not want them, their time is precious.

Yan Gang already knew about the three evil beasts, Master Ghost, and the Golden Dragon Hammer!
"The Golden Dragon Hammer must be repaired with cosmic spirit stones!" Yan Gang said.

"Where is the cosmic spirit stone?" Tang Zhong asked.

"There is no place here, only to go back to the previous place!" Yan Gang said: "The cosmic spirit stone is formed by the condensed brilliance of the universe, and it is very rare!"

When Tang Zhong heard this, he knew that this matter still needs to be considered: "Then don't worry about the Golden Dragon Hammer, and go with me to the Black Qilin Clan first!"

"it is good!"

Yan Gang nodded.

The two went out quickly from this place. When they got outside, Tang Zhong summoned the Douluo. After the two got on the spaceship, they directly located the territory of the Black Qilin Clan. Let's go now and let's talk, I hope the ghost master is still there!

(End of this chapter)

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