Chapter 1835 Ghost Master (2)!
Now go to the Black Qilin Clan to see, I hope the ghost master is still there!

Tang Zhong will never let him go!

That ghost master is definitely not a simple character!
Tang Zhong caught him now, and he would never let him go.

Immediately, in the Douluo, the two of them sped up and headed towards the Black Qilin royal family.

As for passing Longmeng, neither of them went in.

On the contrary, the people of Longmeng, who saw the Douluo, waved their hands one after another.

At the moment in the black unicorn royal family.

A large group of people in black robes are discussing matters among the royal family.

In the meeting hall, a middle-aged man stood next to a person holding a feather fan: "Master Ghost, what you want Lin Er to do will not be a big problem!"

The middle-aged man is Hei Lie, the patriarch of the Black Qilin royal family. The ghost master beside him is holding a feather fan and wearing a Raksha mask on his face. Bring out the things inside, then in the future, the black unicorn clan will be an invincible existence in this era of extinct kings!

Hei Lie's eyes lit up when he heard this, it's so cool to be the king in this area.

If more rights can be obtained, there is also a chance to return to the previous universe in the future.

"Master Ghost, how long will it take for Heilin to come back?" Heilie asked.

"If there are no accidents, it will be very fast!" Ghost Master said.

"Then what if something happens?" Hei Lie opened his eyes wide.

"Death!" Ghost Master said coldly.

Hei Lie's face turned ugly, and finally he ignored Master Ghost, hoping that Hei Lin would be fine, if Hei Lin could come back, the Black Qilin royal family would be able to rule here in the future!

And at this moment, outside, someone hurried in.

"Patriarch, it's not good, there is a person outside, and he wants to see you!" The person hurriedly said.

Hei Lie's expression was extremely ugly, and he said, "No see!"

The man continued: "The man outside said that he must see Master Ghost!"

"Get away!" Hei Lie scolded.

And at this moment, a voice came from outside: "I want to see Master Ghost, why, Master Ghost doesn't want to see me?"

Outside the door, Tang Zhong and Yan Gang walked in slowly.

Hei Lie looked back at the two of them, and said coldly: "Who are you? What are you doing to my Black Qilin royal family? Get out now, or I will let you die here!"

Tang Zhong looked at the black unicorn king Heilie and said: "My name is Tang Zhong, and I am the Lord of the Dragon Alliance. Also, I have another title called Dragon Ancestor. You may not know it, but the person next to you should Know!"

Then he saw the ghost master in the distance.

Hei Lie froze for a moment, turned his head to look at the ghost master next to him, then looked at Tang Zhong, and said coldly: " are the city lord of the Dragon League?"

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said.

Then he looked at Master Ghost and said, "Aren't you looking for me? I'm here now, do you have anything to say now?"

Master Ghost looked at Tang Zhong and said with a smile: "Haha, I never thought you would find this place. It seems that Heilin is dead, and the three evil beasts are already dead too!"

"That's right!" Tang Zhong said, "Take off your mask and let me see you!"

Master Ghost stared at Tang Zhong and said, "Are you worthy of watching? Dragon Ancestor?"

"You will die!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"Odd Ghost Marquis said you were going to die, I really didn't expect that you could survive!" Master Ghost said with a smile.

"Yes, if I don't kill all of you ghosts, how can I die?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"If the dragon back then was still qualified to say such a thing, but you, I'm afraid you are not qualified!" Ghost Master said coldly.

"Then don't be afraid!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Above his body, dragon energy suddenly surged, and golden light bloomed.

He directly turned into a giant dragon clone, and Tang Zhong under the dragon clone had golden pupils, and a ray of light flashed out.

Staring at Master Ghost.

Master Ghost stared at Tang Zhong. Although he couldn't see his face, he could see him in a daze, obviously frightened.

"Tell me, how many other ghosts are there!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

He took a step forward and approached the past, releasing the coercion on his body at once.

Immediately, Master Ghost took a step back.


Tang Zhong continued to shout.

Master Ghost gritted his teeth, turned around and left immediately!

"Want to leave... no way!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Immediately, with a big wave of his hand, the flame field erupted directly, covering Master Ghost directly.

The ground was full of flames, and from the field, the red chains flew out all of a sudden, surrounding the ghost master.

"Say..." Tang Zhong shouted.

Seeing the chains tightly binding Master Ghost, Tang Zhong stretched out his hand, and then grabbed it suddenly, and the chains were directly entangled tightly.

Immediately locked the ghost master.

At first, Master Ghost was still struggling, but at this moment, he stared at Tang Zhong and suddenly laughed: "Long Zu is really powerful, it seems that you know it from Hei Lin!"

Tang Zhong was taken aback for a moment, never expecting the other party to speak like that.

I saw that Master Ghost was bound by chains now, his body began to shrink, turning into streaks of black air!

The black robe and mask on his body fell directly to the ground.

At the same time, black air condensed nearby, turning into a black phantom.

It was a ghost, and his lower body was full of black air!

Tang Zhong stared at the other party and said, "Is this your real body?"

Master Ghost stared at Tang Zhong and said, "Yes, Long Zu, since you have appeared now, I will kill you!"

"Really?" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Seeing Master Ghost roared wildly, his figure immediately became huge, and he was like a monstrous demon god.

Turn into a huge alien monster!

He was originally in the meeting hall of the Black Qilin Clan.

But now the strange ghosts and monsters transformed directly, collapsing the meeting hall!
Tang Zhong and Yan Gang backed out.

Yan Gang looked at the strange ghost monster, his expression was extremely ugly: "The strange ghost prince!"

The other ghost prince?

Tang Zhong was slightly taken aback.

"That's after the transformation of the ghost prince. The ghost prince is equal to the first heaven of the immortal god king, and the ghost prince is equal to the second heaven of the immortal god king!" Yan Gang said.

Tang Zhong knew this, the Immortal God King was divided into nine heavens, it turns out that the ghosts can also practice!
At this moment, a huge strange ghost and monster stood in the sky, staring at Tang Zhong, and laughed loudly: "Longzu, I want to see how you will fight me this time? As long as you die, there will be no monsters in this universe. If people can stop us, we, the White Walkers, will be kings!"

In Tang Zhong's pupils, a golden light burst out, and he transformed into a huge golden dragon, soaring above: "What conspiracy do you ghosts have, and there are so many ghost passages... I won't let you You ghosts broke into this universe!"

(End of this chapter)

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