Chapter 1836 Ghost Master (3)!
"I will not let you strange ghosts break into this universe!" Tang Zhong's voice was extremely cold.

At this moment, the strange ghost transformed by the ghost master started to be fierce: "Don't let... Is this up to you?"

I saw the strange ghost and monster slamming towards Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong has already transformed into a dragon, and directly fought with the strange ghost monster.

The ghost master is also a different ghost beast, which is the same as the previous three-headed evil beast, but the current ghost master has long awakened in this universe, so the current ghost master can change into a human form, or it can become the current one. Aliens monster shape.

" are courting death!"

With a bang, the attacks of one man and one beast hit together fiercely.

In an instant, Tang Zhong's dragon claw and the strange ghost and monster retreated one after another.

It can be seen that when the attacks of the two people broke out, they were still extremely powerful.

The strange ghosts and monsters rushed directly to Tang Zhong.

The claws came over, trying to grab Tang Zhong who was transforming into a dragon, making Tang Zhong unable to move.

Tang Zhong's golden dragon body twisted and avoided the opponent's attack.

Then counterattack at the same time!

The huge dragon body swept across, like a dragon wagging its tail.

Forcibly blasted the strange ghosts and beasts away.

The strange ghost and monster retreated a dozen steps before stopping.

At this time, the faces of Yan Gang and the black unicorn king Heilie around him were extremely ugly, and their bodies were shaking now!

Hei Lie did not expect that Master Ghost would become what he is now.

If it continues, everyone here will die.

He also knows about different ghosts, he knows that the ghost master is actually a different ghost, and for so long, the person who controls their black unicorn clan is actually a different ghost!
"Let your clansmen retreat!" Beside, Yan Gang said.

Hei Lie nodded quickly, and went out to report to the rest of the Black Qilin clan.

In fact, at this time, the people of the Black Qilin clan already knew what happened here, but they didn't know what happened, so they watched from afar.

Hei Lie came over from the sky now, and immediately shouted: "Everyone, retreat now, there is a big battle here!"

Everyone believed the patriarch's words and left this place one after another. If there is a big war, they will die here!

But at this moment, Tang Zhong is still fighting with the strange ghost transformed by the ghost master!

The several attacks of the strange ghosts and monsters were easily resolved by Tang Zhong.

After a few times, the face of the strange ghost monster became extremely ugly.

"Long Zu..." The strange ghosts and monsters gritted their teeth angrily, "I said you died ugly!"

Tang Zhong was not afraid, he stared at the other party, and said: "Just by you strange ghosts, you are not qualified!"

"Whether you are qualified or not, you will soon know that when our real king of the ghosts comes, all of you in this universe will be enslaved!" roared the monster transformed by the ghost master.

As the real king of the ghosts, Tang Zhong knew that the ghosts must be a higher level.

Could it be that the passages of other ghosts in other places are getting bigger and bigger, can they tolerate stronger ghosts entering this universe?
Those ghost passages do not mean that all the ghosts can enter, but that the weak ghosts can come easily, and the powerful ghosts will be very easy.

And now that there are strange ghosts like the ghost master here, maybe there are other ghosts as powerful as the ghost master in other places?
How many ghosts have come to this universe!
When all the White Walkers invade, all the cosmic beings will really die!
The ridiculous thing is that the cosmic people are still fighting among themselves!

"Longzu, if I leave today, you won't be able to stop me..." roared the strange ghost transformed by Master Ghost.

Tang Zhong agreed with what the other party said, and now he doesn't want to talk too much!
Can the cosmic man die casually now, he has to gather everyone together to meet this big battle!

"Let's go!" Tang Zhong said.

The strange ghost and monster obviously didn't expect Tang Zhong to say such a thing, and immediately laughed and said, "Are you afraid to say such things?"

Tang Zhong didn't speak, it wasn't that he was afraid, but that he was preparing a bigger plan!

The strange ghost and monster laughed ferociously: "Once upon a time, a creature called a dragon killed us and made it difficult for us strange ghosts to enter this universe. Delusion to block the pace of our aliens' attack, haha, it's ridiculous!"

"Then you all go ahead!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"It's coming soon... When that Emperor Cang becomes us, the time will be when we attack, boy, at that time, you will definitely die!" The ghost said.

He no longer calls Tang Zhong the Dragon Ancestor, but calls him a boy!

That is contempt!

Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes: "I wanted to let you go!"

"It's a pity you didn't leave!"

"Then, don't go!"

Tang Zhong under the golden dragon began to go berserk.

The three major fields erupted directly.

Under his dragon body, thunder and flames surged wildly.

At the same time, the undead domain was crazily blessed, and now he is in an invincible existence.

He rushed directly towards the ghost demon in front of him!
Devour in one gulp.

The strange ghost didn't think about it at all. He thought Tang Zhong was afraid just now, so he didn't think too much about it. But now he saw the huge dragon's mouth suddenly devouring it, and he suddenly panicked.

The flames swallowed, biting the strange ghost, and the flames began to spread to his body.

The White Walker screamed.

"I know that your army of strange ghosts will come at any time, but you will be gone by then!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

Flames burst.

All of a sudden, the ghost demon was devoured.

The violent roar of the beast came out at this time, and the ghosts and demons became deeply terrified.

The whole person wants to escape from this place!

"I want to leave, but it's too late. I said, no matter how many strange ghosts come in the future, I... Dragon Ancestor will destroy them all. I will protect this universe. In the name of the dragon, go die!"

Tang Zhong roared wildly, killing and blooming.

Under the pressure of the other ghost, the demon exploded with a bang.

At that moment, it turned into thousands of black breaths, bursting into the surroundings.

The huge demon body just now disappeared directly.


There are many people watching around.

They are all members of the Black Qilin tribe. The insiders already know that it is the demon transformed by the ghost master. They are all terrified. The demon is called a different ghost. They all know this. They are led by a White Walker.

And these ghosts want to destroy their universe in the future!
Fortunately, there is this person today!
Tang Zhong killed the ghost master, and the huge dragon body finally turned into a human body. He stared at the ghost master's body, with murderous intent in his eyes!
But suddenly, a familiar voice sounded at this time, it was the voice of Master Ghost.

I saw a black breath flying away in front of me.

"Long Zu... I remember you... Wait for me to recover... to kill you!"

Immediately, the black breath disappeared.

ps: My dad drove a big car and overturned. I have a headache recently. I'm sorry, everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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