Chapter 1837 Baby!
Immediately, the black breath disappeared now.

When Tang Zhong saw this scene, he knew that he couldn't stop it. This ghost master was definitely not an ordinary person among the strange ghosts.

The one killed by him just now may be just one of his clones, because if it was real, the other party would have died long ago.

White Walkers!

Tang Zhong muttered in a low voice.

At this time, he looked back and found that many members of the Black Qilin family were all looking at this side.

The previous Hei Lie came forward and immediately knelt on the ground: "My lord..."

Tang Zhong squinted at each other.

"Is something wrong?"

"We didn't even know that Master Ghost was the one you wanted to kill. If we knew, we wouldn't be like this!" Hei Lie said with a trembling voice.

He could already see that the person in front of him was the enemy of that ghost master.

He didn't know much about the ghost master. It was just that the ghost master came to their black unicorn clan and said to help their black unicorn clan become stronger. I don't know anything else.

Now that this person has killed the Black Qilin Clan, I really hope that the other party won't kill them!

Tang Zhong looked at Hei Lie, and said: "I will give you a chance to surrender now, if you choose to surrender, I will let you go!"

"We are willing to surrender!" Hei Lie said immediately.

He immediately knelt on the ground.

And the black unicorn clan behind them also knelt down at this time.

"Yan Gang, you take care of them!" Tang Zhong said.

"Yes, Dragon Team!" Yan Gang said.

The Black Qilin Clan asked Yan Gang to take it back, while Tang Zhong continued to search for it in this piece of extinct kings.

Now there are many ghost passages in this place, and he has to slowly destroy them. With the existence of the three evil beasts before, there are other ghosts. Kill ghosts!

Flying into the air, the wings behind him slowly flew up.

With the breath of his dragon blood, find out where the other ghosts are.

It's fast now.

Whoosh whoosh.

Soon, he found a strange ghost passage.

It can be seen that there is a rotating and fluctuating place in front of the passage, which is the passage of the aliens, and from the passage, the breath of the black aliens gushes out from it.

It can be seen that there seems to be a strange ghost coming out of this passage.

Tang Zhong killed it with an axe.

The ax blade slashed out frantically!
The entire channel collapsed directly.

The black aura gradually dissipated, and the other ghosts wanted to enter this universe, but they were blocked out now.

There are many more, and today he will destroy them.

This area of ​​Extinction of Kings is very large, Tang Zhong now wants to step into it bit by bit.

He's having a good time.

The White Walker didn't know when he would be able to invade. Originally, he wanted to use other powers here to make himself stronger.

But now there is no time to wait.

He had to become stronger as soon as possible, and the Golden Dragon Hammer had to find the cosmic spar, warm it up, and restore the Golden Dragon Hammer to its previous powerful appearance!

Moreover, he has to go to other forces to recover those forces.

He had no choice but to recruit troops from here.

As long as Tang Zhong goes to those forces, he will directly expose his own power.

"I am the leader of the Dragon Alliance. If you follow me, I will take you back to the universe!"

The universe Tang Zhong mentioned is naturally the universe he manages!
Some forces directly chose to submit after Tang Zhong exposed their own power, while some forces wanted to test Tang Zhong's strength. After being suppressed by Tang Zhong's force, the strongest also chose to submit.

Then Tang Zhong continued to look for the ghost passage.

Within half a month, Tang Zhong had regained many forces and destroyed seven strange ghost passages at the same time.

These passages must have been here a long time ago, otherwise there would be so many of them!
And when he continued to search for the passage of the ghosts, he actually had a strange harvest.

This place has a lot of treasure hunts, just like the place where I went to explore treasures with the Black Qilin Clan before, it is the place where the dragon led the kings to fight against the ghosts, and there are also many treasures here.

He actually found a cosmic spar, only a small piece, but enough, he took out the Golden Dragon Hammer, and the cosmic spar directly turned into light and entered the Golden Dragon Hammer.

On the hammer, light flickered.

There are two differences between the Golden Dragon Hammer and the Earth Dragon Axe. The Golden Dragon Hammer has super attack power, while the Earth Dragon Ax is crazy and domineering!

Tang Zhong grasped the Golden Dragon Hammer, and could obviously feel the crazy power.

Not bad!

Tang Zhong's eyes became hot.

Now there are six weapons, there are still five!

Have to keep looking.

But there probably won't be another one here.

Kings are gone great.

He was almost halfway through.

Many ghost passages were destroyed.

In the end, Tang Zhong chose to go back.

When he returned to Dragon League, Dragon League City had already been expanded.

Following Tang Zhong recovered the others.

Those people have all come to Longmeng City, and now the city has expanded to a hundred times!
When Tang Zhong just came back, he was discovered by someone: "City Lord, you are back!"

Tang Zhong knew almost everyone.

Soon to the inner palace.

Under Feng'er's governance, Longmeng City became more and more prosperous.

After listening to Feng'er's report, Tang Zhong went directly to Jiang Weiwei.

He hasn't seen him for so long, and he is still very nervous now.

"Is Wei Wei there?" Tang Zhong shouted with a laugh when he got outside the room.

There was no sound in the room.

Tang Zhong knew that Wei Wei must be angry because he was away for such a long time.

Immediately, he opened the door cautiously, and saw Jiang Weiwei sitting on a chair in the room, but leaning against him!
Tang Zhong knew that the other party was angry, and he had to coax his girlfriend to be angry.

He hurried forward with a smile and said, "Cute Wei Wei, I'm back!"

He arrived next to Jiang Weiwei.

I saw Jiang Weiwei pouted his face and said coldly, "You still know how to come back?"

Tang Zhong smiled and said: "I just finished my work, and I'm back!"

"Before you said that you would be back in three days, it's been half a month!" Jiang Weiwei snorted.

"It's been half a month, but I've just come back, so I've come to look for cutie!" Tang Zhong said.

Jiang Weiwei snorted coldly, put his hands on his waist and said, "Coax me!
"Eh!" Tang Zhong was stunned for a moment, and then laughed: "Coax!"

"I want something delicious!" Jiang Weiwei said.

"Then I'll do it for you now!" Tang Zhong said immediately.

"Oh, I don't need you to do it, you are right next to me!" Jiang Weiwei said.

"No, I'll do it!" Tang Zhong said.

"Don't, don't, you just came back, don't go, ah, it's fine, I won't pretend anymore, oops, why did you come back, I miss you so much!" Jiang Weiwei said.

Seeing this, Tang Zhong laughed: "I miss you too, baby!"

(ps: The big car is scrapped, the 60 big car, people are fine, the car crashed on the first day, the next day, I rented someone else’s car to deliver bananas, and overturned the other person’s car, luckily, people are fine ...This book is probably coming to an end soon, and I will finish writing the next plot as soon as possible, and start a new book after I finish other things!)
(End of this chapter)

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