Chapter 1841 You are a prisoner!

The laser cannon began to bombard.

Boom boom boom.

The laser cannon fell to the ground.

The flames aroused directly.

Many cities were directly blasted apart, and some of the people inside were directly blown into nothingness, and some were also affected by the flames, screaming there!

Even the laser cannons can't resist the defense methods of the Milky Way.

Everywhere is ablaze!
Li Linglong and the others were also miserable. His face was pale at the moment, and the shock brought by the laser cannon made his head almost split open.

At this moment, some of the people next to him were already killed by the shock. Their strength was relatively weak, and they couldn't support the shock at all. Some people's heads were directly shaken away.

Li Linglong's eyes widened, he could feel the shock, which also showed how powerful the people here were.

They can't beat these people.

This kind of matter should have surrendered, but now this matter is always about Tang Zhong's father, so it is absolutely impossible to let go of this matter.

Li Linglong sent a message to the people on the spaceship above on behalf of the risers: "We really don't know about Tang Zhong? We don't even know about this Tang Zhong's parents. Please forgive me and let us go!"

But the attacks above did not stop at all.

People everywhere were directly killed and fell to the ground one after another, causing countless casualties.

Moreover, this place is the very center of the Milky Way, which means that this place is full of elites brought from the earth at the beginning. If all of them die, the impact will be very great.

So now Li Linglong is very scared, for fear of any problems!

But the people above did not give them a chance to reflect, but continued to attack, constantly attacking.

Li Linglong chose not to do anything, and someone beside him couldn't help it anymore. If this continues, they will all die here, and they really don't want to.

"Let's fight, General Li, we really can't be bullied like this, I feel really uncomfortable being bullied like this!"

"That's right, if you can't fight, you will die, and death is nothing to be afraid of!"

"No!" Li Linglong opened his mouth and shouted.

"You came out of the earth, we will not let the earth compatriots die, now you must obey my order, I will let you all live, I swear!"

It's okay to lose in front of an enemy that you can't fight against at all, that's not the most terrible thing, the most terrible thing is death, because alive, there is hope.

"No matter what the other party is doing, if we don't fight back, they will be bored!"

And at this time, Tang Xinglou appeared with a serious expression on his face. When he was on the earth before, Tang Xinglou looked very old, but after leaving the earth and coming to this galaxy, Tang Xinglou's body turned out to be the opposite. Following the Tao, he became younger and looked like a man in his 30s.

After Tang Xinglou came to the Milky Way, he became the lord of the galaxy. When he was on the earth, he had the ability to govern. When he came to the Milky Way, he showed his skills.

When Li Linglong saw Tang Xinglou, his face turned ugly: "Tang Xingzhu, why are you here?"

"They want me, right?" Tang Xinglou looked at Li Linglong and said.

He had already heard that these people came for him again!

This kind of thing has happened many times. When these people in the universe can't beat his son Tang Zhong, they want to threaten Tang Zhong with his old bones.

So Tang Xinglou got used to it.

For these people on earth, Tang Xinglou didn't want to watch them die because of it, so now, Tang Xinglou decided to stand up.

When Li Linglong heard Tang Xinglou's words, he knew that the other party already knew about it, so there was no use in concealing it, so he said, "Yes!"

"What they want is me. As long as I go out now, they shouldn't make things difficult for us!" Tang Xing said.

"They will kill you!" Li Linglong yelled, and he hurried others to hold Tang Xinglou back.

"It's okay... I'll go!" Tang Xinglou stood up abruptly.

"If you go, I have no way to explain to Tang Zhong!" Li Linglong shouted.

"If Tang Zhong appears, tell him, I am not afraid of death, and I am proud of having such a son in my life!" Tang Xinglou said.

Then he shouted into the sky: "I am Tang Zhong's father, what you want is me, come on... come and catch me!"

Just as his voice came out.

The laser cannons in front stopped now.

Immediately afterwards, from above the high-altitude spaceship, a ray of light flickered, and the man in black robe fell down, followed by several subordinates!

The black-robed man suddenly appeared, staring at Tang Xinglou and said, "Are you Tang Zhong's father?"

Tang Zhong looked at Gu Yi behind the opponent, and he knew that the person in front of him was definitely not an ordinary person.

He held back his horror and said: "I am, what you want is me, I will go with you, don't embarrass my people!"

The man in black said coldly: "What qualifications do you have to negotiate with me? Not only will I catch you, I will kill everyone here!"

Immediately he stretched out his hand, it was a ghost claw, from the claw, an invisible force erupted.

Tang Xinglou had no chance to resist at all, so he was sucked in at once, and he rose into the air!

Tang Xinglou wanted to resist, but he had no chance to resist.

The man in black took Tang Xinglou directly onto the spaceship, and at the same time said to his subordinates: "I will take people away first, and you will kill all the people here, leaving no one behind. Anyone related to Tang Zhong will be killed." Can't stay!"

Seeing this, Li Linglong's expressions were extremely ugly.

And the subordinates of the man in black are now starting to act.

They are all domain lord-level figures, and it is easy to kill Li Linglong and the others.

Li Linglong hastily ordered: "Everyone listen to my order and flee immediately. The farther the better, the better. Don't appear here again!"

The crowd began to panic and chose to flee in all directions.

And those domain master-level soldiers also began to kill.

Everywhere they went, there were dead bodies.

Some people's heads were cut off by the blade at once, or they were divided into two parts, and blood was everywhere, while some people were too weak to fight with the opponent who hadn't come yet, and they turned into a pile of blood fog.

This place soon became a Shura slaughterhouse.

On the spaceship, Tang Xinglou saw this scene, his face was very ugly, and the man in black next to him looked at Tang Xinglou coldly and said: "Don't look, if it's not because you are useful, otherwise you are also Just like their fate, it is also a dead end!"

"You... who are you?" Tang Xinglou shouted
"Us? We are the subordinates of the greatest Emperor Cang in this universe. Your son Tang Zhong violated the majesty of Emperor Cang. He had to die, but he escaped, so... use you to lure your son to the bait!"

(End of this chapter)

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