Chapter 1842 The Moment of Life and Death
Tang Xinglou's face turned ugly when he heard the other party's words: "Your ideas will never succeed, let me tell you!"

But the black-robed man didn't care about Tang Xinglou's words at all, and directly started the spaceship to leave this place!

As for this galaxy, let him slowly destroy it!
"Give me an order, kill, kill them all!"

The people below who were attacking the galaxy, at this time, heard the order, and they responded one after another.

"Yes, my lord!"

Then it started to kill.

The strength of the domain master level is extremely powerful, Li Linglong and the others are almost out of breath when they are suppressed.

But now Li Linglong has no idea to fight the opponent at all, he roared: "Go, everyone, go, no matter where you go, don't die here!"

The people in the crowd knew the people in front of them, knew that these people in front of them were not so easy to deal with, and chose to leave here one after another.

But there were also people who were directly slaughtered.

There is blood all over the ground, and it looks extremely embarrassing now.


"This is to exterminate us!"

On the Milky Way side, countless buildings collapsed.

It's like suffering from a huge and terrible disaster.

Li Linglong is on the run, he can't die, he believes that Tang Zhong will definitely come back, as long as the other party comes back, he will tell Tang Zhong all the news, as well as the whereabouts of Tang Xinglou.

But at this moment, Tang Zhong, who was still some distance away from the Milky Way, always felt his eyelids twitching.

He now has an ominous premonition, and this premonition is very strong!
"Douluo, speed up your speed, the faster the better!"

Is something wrong with the Milky Way?
Otherwise, it is impossible for such a thing to happen?

The Douluo suddenly accelerated.

After he arrived in the Milky Way, he could smell a decaying smell outside!

Tang Zhong concluded that someone must have been there.

The city collapsed, and it seemed that it didn't take long for it to collapse.

"Father!" Tang Zhong murmured, becoming more and more flustered.

He remembered the sanctuary of the Milky Way, and went there immediately.

Go all the way and look down.

Seeing people suffering everywhere, who the hell is here?

Candi's people?
you will be fine!
The spaceship didn't stop until it reached the temple.

Looking at the ruined temple in front of him, Tang Zhong was completely dumbfounded on the spaceship, never expecting such a scene to appear!
It has become ruins, so it means that the temple is now ruined.


He quickly got off the spaceship and shouted loudly: "Father...Father, I am Tang Zhong, where are you guys?"

He looked around and found that there were only dead bodies in the ground, and there were very few living people.

He became more and more flustered.

At the gate of the temple, I saw a living person, who could only be described as dying. There were already many wounds on this person, and now he was still bleeding with bright red blood!

"Tang Zhong..."

Said the man dying.

Tang Zhong heard the voice and leaned over. The person who can call out Tang Zhong's name must be a person from Earth.

More than half of this person's face was broken, his lips were covered with blood, and he was dying there.

"What happened?" Tang Zhong asked anxiously.

The man opened his mouth and said, "Yes... someone came to... looking for you. They wanted to kill you, but... they took your father away!"

Tang Zhong felt dizzy for a while!
It must be Emperor Cang's person, damn it!

Tang Zhong was a little flustered now.

He has no way to revive the dead person now, but he can do this person.

The Wood Spirit Needle was instantly held in his hand.

The Wood Spirit Needle was originally a thing with aura. When he pierced the needle directly into that person's body, he saw a burst of green aura gushing out from the needle and entering the dead person's body.

Surrounded by aura, the man's injuries are slowly recovering now.

"What about the others? Li Linglong, Qinglong and the others?" Tang Zhong asked.

"They went to the north, and many people are chasing and killing them now!" The man also spoke sharply now.

"I see. You are recuperating here now. I have helped you heal. I don't know how long it will take for you to recover, but it will definitely be fine!" Tang Zhong said.

Then put away the wood spirit needle, and then headed north.

He saved Li Linglong and the others.

Best of all, the person who took his father hadn't left yet.

He directly opened his wings and flew out!

At this moment, in the north, Li Linglong and his party are still fleeing, and there is no possibility of fighting with these people.

The opponents are all domain masters, how could they be opponents.

Fleeing all the way, his own people were killed and injured, which can be said to be horrible.

Li Linglong's half arm was also broken because of saving lives.

The soldiers following behind continued to attack. They stretched out their hands, and from their hands, several beams of light shot out loudly.

Boom boom boom.

flock to the front.

The front exploded directly.

The high-rise building was directly broken by the earthquake.

Fall from a height.

That wave made the ground tremble.

Li Linglong and the others were on the ground, and they were too shocked to move.

They still want to escape.

But those who followed had already rushed over.

Killed towards them.

"Damn it!" Li Linglong gritted his teeth, and he shouted to the people behind him, "Take them quickly, I'll stop them!"

Among the people they brought with them were Tang Zhong's mother, Jiang Shuiyue, and their own parents, all of whom were ordinary people with no fighting ability.

As soon as the other people heard this, they left in a hurry. It wasn't that they didn't want to help Li Linglong, but they knew that if they hesitated for a moment, what they encountered might be death.

So don't hesitate!
Then Li Linglong was alone, facing so many opponents, there was a cold light in his eyes, ready to fight!

He opened his mouth and cursed: "You bastards, you will definitely die in an ugly way!"

Those soldiers are all soldiers of Cangshen Palace. In their view, Li Linglong and his group are now ants, ants, dare to say such a thing.

Some soldiers started directly.

Killed towards Li Linglong!
Li Linglong resisted with clenched fists. Although he only had one fist now, he would rather die than surrender, and delay the time for those who escaped!
His fist collided with the soldier's fist, but in an instant, his fist was blown away by the opponent, turning into blood, and Li Linglong screamed in pain.

Then the powerful force directly knocked Li Linglong away.

He wanted to delay others, but he was really too weak.

Li Linglong gritted his teeth unwillingly.

And the person who was fighting Li Linglong in the air stared at Li Linglong and said coldly: "Ant!"

Then prepare for the ultimate move and kill Li Linglong.

But at this time.

Suddenly, from behind them, there was a shout: "Ants!"

Followed by the sound of whistling.

Everyone looked back, only to see a black long sword coming through the air.

(End of this chapter)

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