Chapter 1843 Earth!

I saw a black long sword coming out of the air and passed out.

The soldier who was about to kill Li Linglong felt a murderous intent coming from behind him, and was taken aback for a moment. Just as he was about to turn around, the long sword pierced through his chest.

The power on the black sword was extremely strong, and it directly bombed him down.

Seeing this, the others hurriedly looked into the distance, only to see a figure appearing in front of them.

The figure was extremely divine under the sunlight.

The figure gritted its teeth and said, "All of you must die."

Tang Zhong looked at this group of soldiers from a distance, he already guessed who sent these people, it must be Emperor Cang.

Li Linglong, who had lost both arms, thought he was dead at this moment, but found that the other party hadn't made a move. He quickly raised his head to look into the air, and saw the figure in the air, he couldn't help but be taken aback: "Did he come back?"

He took a closer look and was even more excited. He didn't expect that Tang Zhong really came back.

When the group of soldiers saw Tang Zhong, they were gnashing their teeth, ready to attack.

But in an instant, Tang Zhong was a little faster than them, and his whole body was like lightning, holding the dragon sword in his hand, cutting forward with a sword.

There was a click, and the sword light flickered in the air.

The bodies of those people were directly divided by the sword blade, and finally Hong Hong exploded directly, turned into a blood mist, and scattered out.

Fortunately, Tang Zhong didn't even look at them, and quickly ran to Li Linglong's side.

"Brother, are you okay?" Tang Zhong said, then took out his wooden dragon needle, and stabbed it towards Li Linglong's body.

The spiritual energy from the needle body slowly spread to Li Linglong's body.

I saw that Li Linglong's bleeding wound had stopped bleeding, and the wound had the intention of recovering.

After all, the aura contained in the wooden dragon needle is very strong.

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine, you go and see how they are doing?" Li Linglong said.

And at this time, from the direction where everyone fled before, the others came back.

"Chong'er, you are finally back." Tang Zhong's mother said.

Tang Zhong turned his head to see his mother, Jiang Shuiyue was safe and sound, and the boulder hanging in his heart slowly fell down.


"Chong'er, you are finally back, your father was taken away by that person." Jiang Shuiyue said.

"You must save him, he gave his life for us." Others also said.

Tang Zhong nodded after hearing this, and said: "Just don't worry, I will definitely save him. He is my father. Are there any other enemies in this galaxy?"

"Yes." Li Linglong said.

"Well, I'll kill them now." Tang Zhong said.

Anyone who invaded his galaxy must die.

He flapped the wings behind him, walking back and forth at a very fast speed.

As long as you see the enemy, kill it with a sword.

His speed is very fast.

Soon, all enemies in the entire galaxy were killed by him.

Then he returned to Jiang Shuiyue and the others again.

Faced with his mother, Tang Zhong kept saying that it was difficult for him to save his father, because it was really too difficult to face Emperor Cang with his current strength, and the only thing he could do was to be beaten by the other party.

Now Tang Zhong can guess why the other party arrested his father. It is because he has been hiding to improve his strength, but Emperor Cang has no way to wait any longer, so he came to arrest his father and forced Tang Zhong show up.

If he shows up now, he will definitely die. If you don't show up, then his own father will also die.

damn it!
Emperor Cang's move was really too damaging.

But the most important thing for Tang to do now is to put his mother in a safe place first.

Then Tang Zhong looked at Jiang Shuiyue and said, "Mom, I'll take you to a safe place now, don't worry about Dad, I'll save him."

Jiang Shuiyue looked at Tang Zhong in shock, but didn't say a word in the end.

She has no one to trust now, only Tang Zhong can be trusted.

"Chong'er, your father will leave it to you." Jiang Shuiyue said.

"Don't worry, Mom." Tang Zhong said, and then scattered a few small spaceships from the Douluo.

"You go on the spaceship first, this time the place you are going to is called Longmeng City, that is my city." Tang Zhong said.

Jiang Shuiyue and the others boarded the spaceship one after another, and soon watched Douluo take them away from here.

The speed is very fast, and generally it will not be discovered by others.

Tang Zhong is not worried about this now.

What he is worried about now is his father, what should he do now.

It would be a very terrible thing if it fell into the hands of Emperor Cang.

Tang Zhong clenched his fists. Now he has no way to fight Emperor Cang. If he goes, he will die. Now the whole universe has completely fallen into a passive state.

Tang Zhong would never fight unprepared, if he went this time, he would definitely win.

That Emperor Cang arrested his father to make Tang Zhong appear, that is to say, his father is safe for the time being.

He couldn't wait anymore, he had to restore the Golden Dragon Hammer now.

Then the universe spar must be found.

But where is the universe spar?
But at least there are cosmic crystals in this area.

He has to look for it here.

Today's Milky Way has become ruins, many people have died here, and he has to search one by one to find what he needs.

The Golden Dragon Hammer seems to have recovered a little bit now, and it also needs the cosmic spar, so when it can sense the cosmic spar, its body will shimmer with golden light.

He was flying among the ruins, but there was a faint light on the Golden Dragon Hammer, which indicated that there might be this cosmic spirit stone here, but the amount of spirit stone was very small.

Tang Zhong quickly found it.

The universe spar was easily devoured by the Golden Dragon Hammer, turning into light and melting into it.

In order to restore the Golden Dragon Hammer, the number of cosmic crystals needed is not ordinary, in short, it is quite a lot.

The Milky Way is a big place, but it’s actually not that big.

Tang Zhong's speed quickly covered half of the Milky Way.

But the universe crystals obtained can be said to be pitiful.

This is simply not enough.

Now that my father has suffered, there must be no accident.

And at this time, suddenly, the Golden Dragon Hammer flashed with intense light.

This means that he encountered a large piece of cosmic spar.

Tang Zhong was overjoyed immediately.

I didn't expect that my luck would be so good. If it goes on like this, it's really lucky!
But looking ahead, he was dumbfounded.

Because at this time, he saw a planet in the distance, and it was a blue planet, which was clearly the earth.

He froze for a moment, the Golden Dragon Hammer sensed that there was a cosmic spar in front of him, how could there be a cosmic spar on the earth?
No, I suddenly felt another aura... that was clearly the aura of weapons!
(End of this chapter)

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