Chapter 1844 The earth is that weapon!
The first thing that shocked him was that there actually existed cosmic crystals on the earth, but before that, he didn't know anything at all, and more importantly, he actually felt the breath of weapons!

Weapons are guarded by Dragon Guards. Could it be said that there are also Dragon Guards on Earth?
Tang Zhong thought that it must be impossible, because if there were Dragon God Guards on the earth, Tang Zhong might not have fought alone there when the earth encountered a catastrophe, and there should be someone to help beside him. He is right.

So how could this happen?
Tang Zhong went to Earth first.

He flew in the air, passed directly, and approached the earth.

I remember that the earth was already riddled with holes and ruins due to catastrophes and various attacks.

At the beginning, Tang Zhong directly gave up the earth and transferred all the people on the earth to the Milky Way. According to the normal reasoning, there should be no people on the earth, and all of them are ruins.

But at this time, when Tang Zhong entered the earth, he was stunned, and he didn't think of it at all.

I saw a burst of green ahead, full of trees, towering into the clouds, and there were animals!

There is still a lot of running water, which is ridiculously clear.

This directly surprised Tang Zhong.

You know, the earth used to be in ruins, but now, the ruins on the earth are gone, as if it has been purified.

This... this is too outrageous!

Tang Zhong really couldn't believe it was true.

He rubbed his eyes!

Yes, it is true!

Then the universe spar is here, it must be real!

He stopped in a clearing.

To be honest, there is no way to tell what kind of place this is from the topography!
The Golden Dragon Hammer shone brightly in this clearing, which meant that there was something here.

He started digging straight away.

He took out the earth dragon ax and beheaded him with an axe.

The ground was split open immediately.

A gully was formed.

And now Tang Zhong goes directly underground.

They didn't expect that they couldn't find the bottom at all. Instead, Tang Zhong discovered a lot of fossils. If you look closely, they are all marine creatures. It was not in the ocean, and the land was not land at first, and then the current scene appeared.


Tang Zhong continued to dig, unexpectedly, he dug through, and he actually entered the ocean.

He continued to move forward in the sea, and the speed of the Golden Dragon Hammer was very fast.

I don't know how many meters deep into the bottom of the sea, the breath of the universe spar is getting stronger and stronger.

He saw a lot of sea life.

And feel the pressure brought by the water source, this kind of pressure, for ordinary people who have not practiced, I am afraid that they will not be able to support it all at once, and the body will be crushed directly, but for Tang Zhong, it is almost the same as tickling!

This should be 5000 meters deep into the seabed!
It turns out that the cosmic spar on the earth has always been in such a deep sea, how could the former earthlings find these things!

Finally, he saw many crystal-like things, now under the water.

This time, what Tang Zhong saw was much larger than usual.

I am afraid that there are tens of thousands of square meters full of cosmic crystals.

Tang Zhong didn't expect that his father's arrest would allow him to find the universe spar in such a short period of time and strengthen his power.

But with so many cosmic crystals, he didn't want to lose them at all.

He directly threw out the six weapons in his hand, and let them devour those cosmic crystals. If they could absorb all of them, their strength would be greatly improved.

I saw the Golden Dragon Hammer flying out, reaching the side of the universe spar, and devouring it crazily.

The Golden Dragon Hammer was originally dim, but now the light began to gradually dissipate.

And the hammer began to grow huge.

There is also the magic dragon sword, which was originally sharp, but now it has changed its appearance, and it looks more like a magic sword.

The blade of the sword became longer and wider, and a dragon's head appeared on the handle, which looked extremely majestic.

The same is true for the Yanlong Cudgel, it immediately moved, devouring crazily, and the dragon pattern on the stick became more and more obvious.

On the water dragon halberd, the sea accommodates all rivers and becomes extremely huge. He is an auxiliary weapon, which means that the larger the size, the stronger he is.

And the Earth Dragon Ax turned into a huge stone, absorbing power.

The wooden dragon needle is actually like a big tree, the sap on the tree is extremely dense!
Tang Zhong saw all these things.

He thought that these weapons might have returned to their original appearance now.

When the dragon first created these weapons, these things must be round!
Cosmic spar in a little bit of trifle.

The six weapons seem to have been absorbed almost, and now the whole body is shining with light.

Tang Zhong stretched out his hand, and all six weapons flew to his side, suspended in the air.

Tang Zhong stretched out his hands to hold the weapons one by one. He could feel the powerful force on the weapons. Now that he had such a weapon, Tang Zhong felt that he could fight against Emperor Cang.

Then Tang Zhong prepared to put away all six weapons.

But the weapon didn't seem to listen to his command, and it flew up by itself.

Tang Zhong guessed that the other six might have discovered the existence of another weapon!
When he came to Earth, he felt the breath of that weapon.

Unexpectedly, coming to the earth, there are so many harvests, it is really beyond Tang Zhong's accident, so what is this weapon here?

Tang Zhong is looking forward to it now.

He flew out from the deep sea, followed the weapon, and flew into the air.

Standing above the blue sky, overlooking the ground.

At this time, the six weapons also stopped.

Tang Zhong looked at the six weapons and said, "Is that weapon in this place?"

Lights flickered on the bodies of the six weapons.

Tang nodded emphatically, but looking around, there were no weapons at all.

Usually he saw those weapons, and those weapons would fly out immediately after receiving the call of his blood, but now there was no movement.

It seems that the strength of his human body is not enough!
Immediately, Tang Zhong transformed into a huge golden dragon body!
And at the moment when he just transformed, at this moment, he saw the ground start to twist.

The ground of the earth began to collapse infinitely, as if it might be destroyed at any time.

what happened?

Is this planet about to be destroyed?

Suddenly, Tang Zhong seemed to understand something, perhaps, the earth is that weapon!

(End of this chapter)

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