Chapter 1850 Two weapons!

"I don't think you have a chance to get 12 weapons." Emperor Cang said slowly.

Tang Zhong was slightly taken aback when he heard this, not knowing what it meant.

"Whether I can get twelve weapons has nothing to do with you. Now I have nine, one is in your hands, and I don't know where the other two go." Tang Zhong said.

"But as long as I have these nine, I can beat you."

Emperor Cang looked at Tang Zhong coldly, and said with a smile, "Are you still so naive?"

"What do you mean?" Tang Zhong asked, he always felt that Emperor Cang had something in his words.

"Since you are full of hope for the future, then I will destroy all your hopes now." Emperor Cang said slowly.

At this moment, he took out the Light Dragon Claw and put it on his hand, and saw that the Light Dragon Claw shone with white light, obviously fused with Emperor Cang's blood.

Seeing this, Tang Zhong's face suddenly turned ugly. This is impossible, how is this possible? Didn't it mean that only dragons can use these weapons?And the Dragon God Guard can use corresponding weapons, how could Emperor Cang use these weapons?
"Shocked." Emperor Cang said slowly.

Tang Zhong was indeed shocked, but he remained calm. He believed that Emperor Cang would continue to speak.

"Because I used to have dragon blood in my body, and I used to be a member of the Dragon God Guard!" Emperor Cang said with a smile.

When Tang Zhong heard this, his face turned ugly. If Emperor Cang was a member of the Dragon God Guard, then he must also have a weapon.

At this moment, Tang Zhong understood everything at once, and he said that based on the relationship between Emperor Cang and the dragon, how could Emperor Cang not recognize any position?
He should have thought of it earlier.

So now there is a weapon on Emperor Cang's body, could it be...

Immediately, Tang Zhong's eyes fell on the knife in the hands of Emperor Cang in the distance.

Immediately narrowed his eyes.

He guessed right, that weapon was the dragon's weapon.

It's just that the knife has been obscured by the breath of a strange ghost, so it can't be seen now.

For a moment, Tang Zhong's eyes became serious.

If he had 12 weapons, he would definitely be able to defeat Emperor Cang in front of him, but now, Emperor Cang had two weapons in his hands, which was undoubtedly the most deadly for Tang Zhong.

Now Tang Zhong also knew why Emperor Cang wanted Tang Zhong's body.

If he used Tang Zhong's body for his own use, wouldn't Emperor Cang directly own 11 weapons?

At that time, Emperor Cang will be able to fight those strange ghosts.

Tang Zhong would never let Emperor Cang succeed.

If so, it would be fatal.

At this moment, Emperor Cang stared at Tang Zhong. He knew that the other party had already guessed something, and immediately said with a smile: "I am also one of the Twelve Dragon Guards... I also have weapons. The Cangshen Sword in my hand was originally called The Dragon Sword... is the most powerful among the twelve weapons!"

Tang Zhong looked at the saber in Emperor Cang's hand. Normally, Emperor Cang had never used this saber. This was the first time Tang Zhong saw it. He could see that there were many dragon patterns on the saber. That was the Dragon God Saber!

Tang Zhong's fists were clenched together, even if he used dragon blood to attract the other party, it would be of no avail.

That knife has been with Emperor Cang for a long time, so this scene will only happen now!
And the Light Dragon Claw is still in the hands of Emperor Cang.

Of the twelve weapons, eleven have appeared now, and the last one has disappeared.

Emperor Cang's expression became more ferocious: "Aren't these weapons your reliance? This time, I want to see how you will fight me?"

When Emperor Cang spoke, the aura of strange ghosts on his body erupted, and the huge demon wings spread out. The whole person looked like a demon, giving people a strong sense of oppression, which made people dare not look directly at it. The entire Cangshen Island, as if They are all covered by black aura!

"Tang Zhong, I have never revealed my true strength in front of you. That's because, I know you are the Dragon Ancestor, and you will defeat me because of that dragon guy. If you want to defeat me, there is only one The solution is to find other weapons, so I keep giving you the chance to make you think that you can defeat me by finding the weapon... I didn’t expect that everything is as I thought. If you really look for the weapon, you know you After finding a lot of weapons, I forced you to come here, and then killed you, Tang Zhong, do you feel shocked now?"

After Cangdi finished speaking, he burst out laughing.

Tang Zhong clenched his fists and narrowed his eyes.

Now that he is like this, he is clearly in the trap!

Now he has used nine weapons one after another.

Now he clearly knows that he has been tricked, but he will not be afraid, let alone fear, at most it will be a battle, what if he wins!
And there is a turning point, out of the twelve weapons, only eleven have appeared now, and there is one that he does not know how to remove, that is his chance!

But now this weapon, I don't know where it is at all.

If he wants to find it now, it is unrealistic.

For Tang Zhong now, the only thing he could do was fight, and he would go if he had the chance, and leave here.

Because if he died now, the people he wanted to protect would also die.

"Want to go?" Emperor Cang said as if he had seen through Tang Zhong's thoughts.

At this moment, Emperor Cang waved his hand, and the ground trembled violently.

From the ground, several taboo doors rushed out.

Boom boom boom.

It is in all directions, blocking all possible escape directions, and after the door comes out, a blue protective shield is formed on the top.

This place was directly blocked, and it is impossible for anyone to escape from here now.

Tang Zhong saw all this, he knew it was bad.

At this time, Emperor Cang stared at Tang Zhong and said, "Do you want to leave? This time, I want to see how you want to leave from here?"

"Who said I want to leave!" Tang Zhong said.

Then he took the weapon in his hand: "I will not leave, I will kill you here!"

"Boy who doesn't know whether to live or die, I am the Immortal God King Jiuchongtian, and you, Immortal God King Yichongtian, what do you use to fight me?" Emperor Cang said.

"I am full of passion, and the justice in my heart, and this stick!" Tang Zhong made a sudden move.

The Yanlong stick in his hand suddenly appeared, and above the stick, flames were burning fiercely.

Surging flames burst out, and Tang Zhong slammed his stick towards Emperor Cang's head.

Emperor Cang sneered, and waved his big knife in his hand: "Boy, you are still too young after all, you are still far behind in fighting with me!"

Then he slashed out with a single blow, just in time to hit him fiercely with the Yanlong stick.

At that moment, the wave exploded!
(End of this chapter)

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