Chapter 1851 Pressing!
At that moment, the wave directly exploded.

I saw that Tang Zhong passed by with a stick, and did not hurt Emperor Cang at all, but at the same time Emperor Cang killed him with a single blow.

Crazy knife energy suppression, in an instant, Tang Zhong was shocked back

"Do you still want to use the trick just now? Let me tell you, it's too far away." Emperor Cang said.

Tang Zhong squinted his eyes now, he didn't believe that he couldn't win the opponent, and in an instant, he attacked again.

But what greeted him was a powerful attack.

The whole person was directly pushed back out, very embarrassed.

If there is no weapon to suppress it now, he will find that the strength between himself and Emperor Cang is really too great.

Tang Zhong's heart suddenly burst out of this idea.

Get out of here first!

But Emperor Cang seemed to have seen through everything: "Why do you still want to leave here? Let me tell you, there is no chance, do you know? The White Walkers are coming soon, and we don't have any time now , do you know? Today either you die or I die, only one person can stop the ghosts, didn’t you want to protect everyone before? Why are you scared at this stage!”

The White Walkers are coming soon!
When Tang Zhong heard this, his face became more and more ugly. He had seen so many ghost passages before, so there was a reason for them to appear. If it was true, it would be really bad.

How to do how to do!
Seeing Tang Zhong thinking, Emperor Cang immediately said, "You don't need to think about it anymore, dedicate your body to me, and I will let all the people you want to protect live, and live better than usual!"

Tang Zhong didn't believe Emperor Cang, and said: "The person I want to protect, I will protect myself!"

Then Tang Zhong held the Demon Dragon Sword and stared at Emperor Cang in front of him.

When Emperor Cang heard this, he was so angry that he was trembling at this moment: "You are such a stubborn guy, I really want to see what will happen to you in the future, I will tell you, the aliens will invade immediately , they entered this world, no one can resist them, now only I can..."

"I'll do it myself!" Tang Zhong roared angrily, and swept his sword forward.

The speed of the sword light was very fast, like a phantom.

"You are so stupid!" Emperor Cang roared: "Do you know how powerful the White Walkers are? They are huge in number, unprecedentedly large, and there are not only many such people in this universe, but also in other universes. There are also many. According to my understanding of the ghosts, they are now fighting and killing everywhere to dominate the universe. In every universe, there is this Yuanbi. They prevent external forces from entering the universe. The ghosts are now in the universe. Find a way to enter our universe, and after they break the dimensional wall of this universe, the army of alien ghosts will attack, at that time, everyone will die, the power of alien ghosts is beyond what you and I can imagine!"

Emperor Cang beheaded him with a single knife, and pushed Tang Zhong back: "Don't resist, give me your body, and you can live, and if you don't give me your body, you will definitely die!"

Tang Zhong continued to attack, he understood one thing, that is, Emperor Cang said so many things to him now, which means that Emperor Cang has nothing to do with him now.

Otherwise, with Emperor Cang's personality, he definitely wouldn't say much to Tang Zhong!

Tang Zhong growled coldly: "If you want it, just take it!"

I saw Emperor Cang attacking directly.

That kind of power is insanely crazy, suppressing the past, and unscrupulous.

The entire sky began to change color!
"Good!" Emperor Cang shouted.

With a single swing of the knife, there are shadows of the knife everywhere, and wherever it goes, everything is torn apart.

At the same time, the huge ghost flew out at this time, towards Tang Zhong, the ghost claws tore apart!
At this moment, it seems that this place has suffered a great disaster.

directly into ruins.

Tang Zhong still resisted.

At this time, he must not fall down.

The opponent came over with a sword and beheaded Tang Zhong. Tang Zhong could only jump up suddenly and resist the opponent's attack.

Absolutely cannot be defeated.

Whoosh whoosh.

His body turned around.

"Escape, you can't escape!"

"Fen Tian Dao Mie!"

Suddenly, Tang Zhong's body turned into five afterimages, scattered in five directions, and at the same time turned into a huge evil spirit, holding a huge blade, and suppressing Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong stood in the center, seeing this scene, his pupils widened.

Quickly took out other weapons as well.

He waved the Golden Dragon Hammer in his hand.

The sledgehammer swept across, directly turning into afterimages, and scattered towards the surroundings.

That moment.

On the Golden Dragon Hammer, a giant dragon appeared.

With a bang, it bombarded with those evil spirits.

Boom boom boom.

There was a loud bombing sound.

Holding the Golden Dragon Hammer in Tang Zhong's hand, he couldn't hold it anymore. A big hole had appeared in the area where he was standing, which was obviously caused by the crushing force.

And now Tang Zhong looks even more embarrassed, there is nothing good on his body, it is full of scars, and the clothes on his body are also torn at this time.

It is really too simple for him to fight the opponent with nine weapons.

This is not enough!

But now there is a hood over his head, covering this area, Tang Zhong can't leave this place, even if he is a dragon.

Are you really going to die here today?
I don't want to die yet!
Tang Zhong roared angrily, and he attacked Emperor Cang again.

I saw Emperor Cang swinging his broadsword, falling towards Tang Zhong, and immediately collided fiercely with the Golden Dragon Hammer in Tang Zhong's hand.

Tang Zhong was already in a state of embarrassment, his feet were almost unsteady, and the hammer was blown away.

Tang Zhong was also thrown flying with the Golden Dragon Hammer in his hand, and fell to the ground.

Nine weapons are now all on the side.

Then blood gushed out of Tang Zhong's mouth and sprinkled on the nine weapons on the ground.

Emperor Cang stared at Tang Tang, and said coldly: "Now I see what you can do? Obediently offer me your body!"

"I won't!" Tang Zhong forcefully got up.

But before he could stand still, Emperor Cang attacked together and let Tang Chong fly out again. This time, he was even more embarrassed.

Tang Zhong felt that it was really a pity. If he was stronger now, it would be great. He didn't need twelve weapons to fight against the opponent!
But... the strength is so easy to improve!

"You... Hurry up and hand over the things!" Emperor Cang roared wildly at this time, the strange ghost aura on his body became stronger, and it was obvious that he was about to become a strange ghost.

He is now on the verge of becoming a White Walker!
"I won't..." Tang Zhong clenched his fists, he put away the weapon, even if he died, he couldn't hand it over.

But at this moment, he saw the weapon in his hand flashing with intense light.

(End of this chapter)

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