Chapter 1852 Fatal guess!
Tang Zhong only saw that the nine weapons in his hands began to flash with red light.

At that moment, Tang Zhong was stunned.

He obviously didn't think about why this scene happened. What's going on?

He felt that the power of those weapons seemed to be stronger than before, which was a bit weird.

He quickly took other weapons in his hands, and now he could feel the changes in that weapon, obviously its strength had become stronger.

My own blood fell on the weapon, making the weapon stronger. What kind of operation is this?
Tang Zhong never thought of it.

But at this time, Emperor Cang attacked again, beheading him with a single blow.

The yellow sword light tore through the void, causing a true hurricane.

Sweeping over, wherever it went, the ground was plowed into gullies!
Tang Zhong quickly resisted with the Demon Dragon Sword.

Sweep out with a sword.

I saw that the sword light was actually blocked.

The sound of rumbling explosions came out!

Tang Zhong looked at the Demon Dragon Sword in surprise. It was obvious that this sword was much more powerful than what it was just now.

Could it be that it was because his own blood fell on it, causing the Demon Dragon Sword to mutate?

He took a second look at the other weapons and saw the same for the others.

And the weapon began to deform.

The blade of the Demon Dragon Sword became sharper.

On the hilt of the sword, a sword eye suddenly appeared, similar to a human eye.

But other weapons have more or less changed.

On both ends of the Yanlong stick, there are cone-like spikes. This time, the Yanlong stick can not only be swung, but also stabbed.

A stick stabs out, the speed is quite fast!

There is also the water dragon halberd, which is more silky, it is originally a defensive weapon, and the silkiness will make its performance higher and higher.

Other weapons have also changed more or less. For example, the Golden Dragon Hammer was round before, but now it is angular, and its combat effectiveness is stronger than before.

Rather than saying that these weapons are changes, it is better to say that they have evolved.

Tang Zhongkan was surprised. Did these weapons become so powerful after absorbing his own weapons?
He obviously didn't think of it.

This is a little strange.

And Emperor Cang saw all this in his eyes, widened his eyes, and looked at Tang Zhong in disbelief, obviously he didn't think why such a scene would happen, what was going on?

"Your weapon..."

Tang Zhong was overjoyed when he saw so many weapon changes. Blood can make weapons evolve. It sounds ridiculous, but it is true.

Emperor Cang also knew that it was because of Tang Zhong's blood that the weapon evolved. Immediately, Emperor Cang cut his own means and let the blood stay on the Divine Cang Saber and Guanglong Claw.

However, the two weapons in his hands did not react at all, but seemed to become more silent.

Immediately, Emperor Cang stared at Tang Zhong, it must be because of Tang Zhong's blood that the weapon became like this!
Damn... what the hell is going on here?

"It seems that it is really necessary for me to kill you here now!" Emperor Cang said coldly.

"Then you come!" Tang Zhong said.

He didn't know why, but suddenly had a wonderful guess!
"Go to hell!" Emperor Cang said coldly.

Holding the Cangshen Saber and slashing over, the power of the domain erupted at the same time, like a tide, suppressing it towards the front.

But Tang Zhong chose to resist.

He took out the Golden Dragon Hammer, jumped in the air, and slammed it down. The golden light flooded the hammer, unexpectedly blocking the opponent's domain power.


Tang Zhong was sent flying, and Emperor Cang retreated.

In other words, the weapon has really become stronger.

This kind of weapon will definitely not suddenly become stronger, there must be some opportunity!

This is brought about by his own blood.

He suddenly thought of a key question, that is the origin of the blood on his body, could it be...

He knew that when all the twelve weapons were assembled together, they could transform into a broken dragon pestle, which was the dragon's former weapon.

He has been guessing, if twelve weapons are brought together, will they fuse themselves or what?

But now he felt that when his blood was sprinkled on those weapons, the induction between the weapons became stronger and stronger.

Apparently fusion is possible at any time!

Now there are only eleven weapons on the scene, how could they suddenly merge?

Perhaps... there are only eleven weapons in itself, which is a complete explanation.

And others don't know that there are eleven weapons, but they all think that there are twelve weapons!
Of course, these things are just conjectures and have not been confirmed.

Tang Zhong really wanted his conjecture to be confirmed, only by getting the two weapons in the hands of Emperor Cang.

It is impossible to snatch it from Emperor Cang.

Only by dedicating one's own weapons to Emperor Cang.

However, it is also fatal.

If his guess is wrong, then Tang Zhong himself will definitely die!

But if he didn't gamble, he would just die slowly.

So, gamble!

Tang Zhong, who made up his mind, squeezed his fist hard.

He bet that there are only eleven weapons, and the so-called twelve is just a lie.

It's like the dragon ring, the dragon pattern whip, and the three dragon forks.

Everyone thinks that all the weapons are guarded by the Dragon God Guard, but it is not the case, it is just an illusion.

So... he decided.

Then I saw Tang Zhong standing straight up, staring at the Cang Emperor in front of him, he must not give in, he had to try the other party.

It's just that before that, he made a small wound on his hand and let the blood flow out continuously.

Finally, the weapons in his hands were dyed red.

He can see the change of the weapon, and now this is also a big gamble, if the gamble is right, then he will win.

And if the bet is wrong, then... he will die!
This is his only chance.

Hope his conjecture is correct.

Immediately, Tang Zhong used nine weapons and approached Emperor Cang.

All the weapons are in hand, and they are pressing towards Emperor Cang.

This time, he used all his strength, it would be best if he could kill, but if he couldn't, then think about something else.

When Emperor Cang saw Tang Zhong making a move, he had a cold smile on his face: "What a guy who doesn't know how to live or die. If you act like this in front of me, you're looking for death, and I deserve you!"

He held the Cangshen Sword in his hand, and the breath of the strange ghost erupted wildly.

At this moment, like a demon god.

With a swing of the knife, the fluctuations are extremely turbulent.

Tang Chongjiu blasted out the weapons together!
Killed together with Cangshen Dao.

In an instant, a violent explosion sound was heard.

Tang Zhong felt his arm soften for a while, as if it was about to soften now.

The power of the Cangshen Saber is indeed stronger.

Tang Zhong could forcefully support it, but he decided not to support it, and used another method, in case it succeeds!


He let go of his hand.

Immediately, the nine weapons were dropped together, and he was also knocked down by the attack of the Cangshen Saber.

Blood gushed out of his mouth.

(End of this chapter)

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