Chapter 1871 Death for a new life!
At this time, from all directions, the Douluo spaceship arrived.

On the spaceship, Yan Gang and others rushed over one after another.

Take a closer look, you can see that many Dragon Guards are there.

When Tang Zhong saw the crowd coming, his pupils became a little brighter.

At the same time, Yan Gang and others were seen standing out from the surrounding spaceships.

After receiving Tang Zhong's news, they planned to flee here, but then they all changed their minds.

If Tang Zhong died, then what's the point of them being alive?
Tang Zhong fought against the ghosts in order to protect them, but they escaped, wouldn't that be too inhumane?

They would not do such a thing, even if they were willing to live and die with Tang Zhong.

Yan Gang stepped forward and shouted at the King of Ghosts: "If you want to kill him, kill us first?"

The people behind him also started to shout at this time: "If you want to kill him, kill us first."


Tang Zhong was grateful when he saw so many of them standing up for him, but he was about to become a strange ghost now, even if these people came to help him, they probably wouldn't have the ability to fight.

They may only have a dead end to fight the King of Ghosts.

"I say go!" Tang Zhong shouted at those people.

He really wants everyone to leave now.

Don't stay here anymore.

Yan Gang heard Tang Zhong's words, and said: "We will not leave, we must protect you today, we must take you away, or we all die together!"

Others also expressed their determination at this time.

They swore to save Tang Zhong.

When Tang Zhong heard this, he was extremely moved, but there was no possibility of saving him, now only the possibility of everyone dying together.

And the King of Different Ghosts saw so many people wanting to save Tang Zhong, his face is extremely ugly now, he said just now that no one came to save Tang Zhong, but now so many people are here, this is basically beating him Face.

Immediately, his cold eyes swept over the surrounding people: "Since you are all seeking death now, then I will fulfill you now!"

I saw the King of Different Ghosts clenched his ghost claws.

Yan Gang and the others are also ready to fight now, ready to fight to the death with the King of Different Ghosts!

Seeing this scene, Tang Zhong shouted loudly: "Go, don't fight him, you are not his opponent!"

Tang Zhong's voice was loud, but it was useless.

The King of Different Ghosts has already made his move, and in his palm, a small bloody ball condensed out.

Then suddenly squeezed down.

In an instant, the bloody ball exploded and scattered around, gushing out like a tide.

In an instant, there was a bang.

Under the coercion of this force, several people's bodies were shaken apart.

It immediately turned into thousands of blood and fell to the ground.

Although only a small number of people died, other people still saw a little more fear in their eyes. No one wanted to die, but they wanted to save Tang Zhong now.

So, they don't shoot.

Yan Gang led the people to rush out directly!
Seeing people being killed so easily, the King of Different Ghosts would definitely be terrified, but he didn't expect that the number of people would not decrease but increase, and these people shouted slogans, must save Tang Zhong!
Are these people crazy?

He has fought in many universes, but he has never seen such a universe.

In other universes, when they beheaded the masters of the universe, the formerly loyal people would usually run away in fright, let alone save them!

But now, in this universe.

Instead of running away, these people actually came to him to fight...

This made the Ghost Emperor's face extremely uncomfortable, and he wanted to kill everyone.

His pupils burst out with a cold light: "Very well, I understand, since you want to die, then I will send you to die!"

The strength of the Other Ghost Emperor exploded, and he flew out like a ray of light.

The wings behind him waved like blades, and wherever they went, there were slaughters.

His blade beheaded the bodies of those people, and flesh and blood flew everywhere.

Blood spurted.

There were broken arms everywhere.

He is the strength above the Immortal God King, and this is not his real strength.

The reason why he is doing this now is nothing more than to make the people around him fearful and fearful. He hates this kind of loyal subordinate very much.

There were screams everywhere, and although they were scared now, they were still fighting.

Tang Zhong fell to the ground, looking at the picture in front of him, he wanted to struggle, but struggling was useless to him.

He didn't think these people were that important.

And now...he had changed his mind.

Everyone in this universe is worth protecting with their lives!

Tang Zhong wants to protect, but he can't move himself now, who else can he protect, he can't protect anyone.


Tang Zhong gritted his teeth and roared wildly.

He tried his best to get up.

But the Other Ghost next to him saw that Tang was getting up, so he slapped him out.


Tang Zhong fell to the ground again, with black blood gushing out of his mouth.

He and the other party have no room for resistance!
He could only fall to the ground and watch everyone die in front of him.

This feeling of helplessness is too uncomfortable.

The King of Different Ghosts had just beheaded a person, and cast his eyes on Tang Zhong: "Tang it uncomfortable?"

"So many people want to die for you. To be honest, I envy you very much, but I don't. However, I also think they are simply too stupid... For a waste, I really don't know the brains of these people. What's going on in there?"

After the other ghost emperor finished speaking, he burst out laughing.

Tang Zhong didn't pay attention to the other party at all, but looked at the dead people. They were either penetrated by the claws of the strange ghosts, or the arms were directly gnawed off by the strange ghosts.

Death is everywhere!

Now there is only death.

Tang Zhong watched everyone working hard for him, but now, he couldn't do much.

He can only stand here like a puddle of mud and let others come to rescue him.

This made Tang Zhong really uncomfortable.

But at this time, he saw Yan Gang approaching in his direction. The opponent seemed to be fighting the enemy, but in fact, he had other intentions in approaching him.

At least it can be seen from the eyes of the other party.

Yan Gang narrowed his eyes, as if he had something to tell him.

Tang Zhong was dazzled by anger just now, but now that he recovered, he discovered a huge problem.

Looking at the corpses all over the floor, he took a closer look at the strength of those people. Those people were strong enough to fight against the ghosts, but they didn't seem to have the ability to fight.

This made Tang Zhong very curious about what was going on?

But when he thought of Yan Gang approaching him, no strong man came to intercept Yan Gang.

Tang Zhong seemed to understand something... These people are using their death in exchange for their own new life.

(End of this chapter)

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