Chapter 1872 Dragon Ancestor and Hope!
Tang Zhong seemed to have seen what these people were doing now.

They want to use their own death in exchange for his new life!
In other words, they are willing to die, and then let Tang Zhong live.

For them now, that's all they can do.

Tang Zhong could tell that some people were already very strong, but they chose to die in the face of other ghosts whose strength was much lower than theirs.

Their purpose was to prepare the minds of the White Walkers to relax.

Then save Tang Zhong...

And Yan Gang is the one who came to rescue Tang Zhong, so now he is very close to Tang Zhong.

Then choose an appropriate time to shoot.

At this moment, Yan Gang started to move, and he rushed over directly.

A stick appeared in his hand, and he swung it towards the strange ghost guarding Tang Zhong.

Wherever it goes, it can be said that the flames erupt.

At that moment, it swept forward.

Those ghosts guarding Tang Zhong didn't think of it at all.

Because they saw that these cosmic beings were vulnerable, they didn't take it seriously.

In an instant, Yan Gang came to Tang Zhong's side, swept across with a stick, and killed those strange ghosts.

Then he quickly helped Tang Zhong up: "Long Zu, hurry up, don't stay here!"

Tang Zhong stood firm and looked at Yan Gang: " are here, where did Wei Wei go?"

He just took a look at the people who came here, he didn't find his father, and Wei Wei and the others.

"They didn't come. On the Douluo, those who came this time were willing to die just to save your people. Don't ask, just go!" Yan Gang said.

When Tang Zhong heard this, he was extremely shocked, and he never thought that such a thing would happen.

These people came to save him, wouldn't they all have to die?
"No!" Tang Zhong roared angrily.

"You go, I said, go!"

"Tang Zhong... cheer me up!" Yan Gang roared.

Then he slapped Tang Zhong's face with a slap: "As long as you can survive now, then our death is worthwhile, and if you die, then many of us will die in vain!"

Tang Zhong was beaten into a daze, he turned his head to look at those who died fighting with the ghosts, and your blood all over the place, Tang Zhong was in a trance at this time.

If he died, then so many people now really died in vain.

And he really doesn't want to die now.

He wants to live on!
"Go!" Yan Gang shouted.

Tang Zhong tried his best to get scared from the ground, no matter how serious his body is now injured, for him now, he only wants to live, but for other things, Tang Zhong doesn't want extravagantly!
At this time, the King of Different Ghosts also saw that Tang Zhong was rescued, his face was extremely ugly at this time, and he never thought that this scene would appear.

He originally thought that these cosmic beings were so weak, but now he discovered that it wasn't that the cosmic beings were weak, but that he was being tricked by the cosmic beings, and the target of these people was Tang Zhong.

Thanks for discovering it myself.

Yan Gang saw the ghost emperor looking over, and immediately shouted at Tang Zhong: "Go, the farther you go, the better!"

Then Yan Gang moved towards the Ghost Emperor and killed him.

Several other Dragon God Guards also rushed out, they were hiding in the crowd just waiting for Yan Gang to rescue Tang Zhong.

As long as they are rescued, they will act immediately.

Feng'er and the others also stopped Yan Gang, and then shouted at Tang Zhong: "Go... hurry!"

There are also Sardin and the elders of Water Dragon Wei.

Tang Zhong didn't know what to say anymore, if he stayed here, he would die, and if he didn't leave here, he would be ashamed of the kindness of others.

No, he couldn't let his brothers die in vain.

And at the same time.

The Ghost Emperor's eyes turned cold. He glanced at Yan Gang and the others, and said coldly, "You guys want to intercept me now? You're just dreaming and dying!"

Immediately waved his hand and swept forward.

The faces of Yan Gang and the others were extremely ugly, and they quickly resisted.

But in an instant, Yan Gang and the others were pushed back, they were completely vulnerable in front of the King of Different Ghosts.

"If you want to resist me, it's a dream!" The Ghost Emperor said coldly.

Yan Gang and the others looked at each other, then rushed out together.

It's just that at this time, flames began to burn above their bodies.

That is burning dragon blood.

Blood can be burned to gain double power, but once the blood is burned, it will disappear completely.

The people of the Dragon God Guard can survive for an extremely long time because of the dragon blood in their bodies.

By doing this, they have already made up their minds to die!

I saw the surging flames burning on Yan Gang's body.

He was originally a member of Yan Longwei, and Feng'er was already full of aura.

What kind of dragon guard, what kind of power is erupting from his body right now.

They approached the ghost emperor together and fought with each other.

At the same time, he shouted at Tang Zhong to let Tang Zhong go quickly.

Tang nodded emphatically.

Seeing this, the Ghost Emperor roared angrily, and punched out: "You can't stop me, and Tang Zhong can't go!"

His punch collided with Yan Gang's fist.

There was a loud bang.

Yan Gang was repelled, and his arm could be seen, as if it was about to break, as if it might break at any time.

But Yan Gang held back, and came again with a punch.

Feng'er did the same, exerting his strength, countless vines flew out from the ground, sweeping out.

The elder of the water dragon Wei began to chant spells, and a water dragon appeared from the sky, biting the ghost king.

And Satin, pounding the ground with his fists.

In an instant, countless earth powers exploded.

From the ground, there was an explosion sound, and countless earth pillars burst out of the ground.

These are powerful attacks.

Under such a powerful attack, the King of Different Ghosts was repelled.

Immediately, he saw that the face of the Ghost Emperor became even uglier. He gritted his teeth, looked at the people in front of him, and shouted: "You... you are dead!"

Tang Zhong had already left, and no other ghost could approach him. He was escorted along the way.

"Longzu, please be sure to live!"

"You live, we can live!"

"Longzu, please!"

Every soldier, they are now determined to die, no matter what happens, they must escort Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong looked at everyone, not knowing what was going on, but burst into tears.

Ahead is the spaceship of Douluo, as long as he can get on the spaceship, nothing will happen.

At this time, the King of Different Ghosts had already gone berserk, he slaughtered recklessly, probably as if panicked, his body became huge: "You all have to die!"

With a roar, the waves erupted, and Yan Gang and the others were blown away!

The Ghost Emperor went berserk immediately, and started to kill recklessly, he punched Yan Gang.

"It's up to you, if you want to stop me, you are still far behind!"

The other ghost emperor punched Yan Gang in the chest.

Immediately, Yan Gang flew upside down, half of his chest was shattered, and blood gushed everywhere, looking extremely embarrassed.

And Feng'er was about to pierce through the strange ghost emperor with the rattan condensed with spiritual energy, but was grabbed by the strange ghost emperor, and swung the rattan abruptly: "This kind of trick is not easy for me. Useless!"

At the same time, he waved his wings behind him, and saw Elder Shuilongwei being knocked into the air, spitting blood from his mouth.

Then he punched the ground suddenly.

All of Sardin's actions were easily destroyed in front of the King of Other Ghosts.

"You are like ants in front of me... Go to hell!" I saw the King of Ghosts squeezed his hands, and in the palm of his hand, a blood cell began to condense.

Tang Zhong was on the Douluo, looking at Yan Gang and the others who fell to the ground, and then at the King of Ghosts, his face immediately became ugly.

Now that the door of the spaceship has been closed, he can only look at each other through the glass.

At this time, Yan Gang and the others fell to the ground.

The blood balls in the hands of the Ghost King spun, and as he pinched them hard, they scattered like a tide towards the surroundings.

Wherever he went, any living beings were purified.

Tang Zhong was on the spaceship.

And Yan Gang and the others were on the ground, looking back at Tang Zhong, and when they saw Tang Zhong boarded the spaceship, they all laughed.

When the power of the blood cells bloomed, Yan Gang and the others' bodies were all shattered, which was purified.

And even if they are going to die now, they still have smiles on their faces, and their mouths are moving now.

"Longzu...Come on!"

Tang Zhong was in the spaceship, looking at the scattered Yan Gang and the others, he was already crying badly, he didn't know what to do at all, when he saw the shape of the opponent's mouth, he could tell it at a glance.

"Don't worry, teach me!"

At this moment, Tang Zhong's inner flame was burning fiercely.

(End of this chapter)

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