Chapter 1873 Leave the dangerous place!

Tang Zhong on the spaceship looked at the scene in front of him, his face was extremely ugly.

Once the spaceship is up.

Then the Ghost King can't stop him.

At this moment, the King of Different Ghosts looked up at Tang Zhong, his face was extremely ugly, he really did not expect that Tang Zhong could escape from his hands, this is simply his greatest shame!

And all of this is because of those people who blocked him just now.

After raising his head, the Ghost King saw Tang Zhong in the air, his eyes narrowed: "Tang Zhong, you will never leave, don't you love me very much? I will kill them in front of you now, I will See what you can do?"

Tang Zhong couldn't hear what the Other Ghost Emperor said, but looking at the expression on the other side, it must be provoking him.

Suddenly, Tang Zhong had an ominous premonition.

At this moment, the King of Other Ghosts approached Yan Gang, grabbed the opponent's head, and lifted it up.

Now that Yan Gang is in the opponent's hands, it is like a piece of prey, there is no room for resistance at all!
Although the Ghost Emperor held Yan Gang, he didn't look at Yan Gang at all, but looked at Tang Zhong in the distance, with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

With a click, Yan Gang's head was pinched and exploded, and the blood dispersed.

"No..." Tang Zhong shouted wildly when he saw this scene.

Just now Yan Gang was still in front of him, and told him: "Long Zu, hurry up!"

But now it has become a corpse.

The King of Ghosts...

Tang Zhong gritted his teeth and stared at the front, wishing he could go up, so he killed the Ghost Emperor, but there was nothing he could do.

After killing Yan Gang, the Ghost Emperor continued to stare at Tang Zhong, with a faint smile on his face, as if life and death were in his hands.

Then the King of Different Ghosts walked to the side of Sardin and Elder Water Dragon Wei.

Those two people also fell to the ground now, their bodies were covered in blood, and they were struggling on the ground now.

The King of Different Ghosts directly blasted the two of them into blood with one palm!

Tang Zhong saw all this in his eyes, at this moment, he couldn't say a word, only his eyes were scarlet, these people died for him!

He couldn't bear to watch it any longer.

Now Feng'er is the only member of Long Shenwei.

Tang Zhong looked at Feng'er, and at this moment, Feng'er looked at the King of Different Ghosts, and then at Tang Zhong, she directly took out a small dagger, and pierced through her abdominal cavity.

Rather than dying in the hands of the King of Different Ghosts, it is better to judge by yourself!
"No..." Tang Zhong shouted.

But to no avail.

Feng'er had already collapsed in a pool of blood.

Seeing this, the King of Other Ghosts was extremely angry, and it was really uncomfortable for people to commit suicide in front of him.

He directly asked the other ghosts around him to kill all the people who came here.

The surrounding cosmic beings soon fell into a pool of blood without any signs of life!
Then the Ghost Emperor looked up at Tang Zhong in the distance.

Tang Zhong was in the spaceship, he clenched his fists, he couldn't die, if he died, then all this would be over.

He can't die!

He is still alive!

The Douluo quickly took Tang Zhong to the distance.

At the same time, the King of Different Ghosts squinted his eyes and stared at Tang Zhongyuan, and the flames rose in his heart.

He really did not expect such a thing to happen, and now let Tang Zhong run away.

If I knew this would happen, I would have killed that guy in the first place!
A man with the appearance of a different ghost came to the side of the different ghost emperor and said, "Emperor, what should we do now?"

"Swallow this universe, and continue to look for the person who left just now!" The Ghost King said.

When the group of aliens heard this, they responded and turned around to leave the place.

The army of aliens swallowed me up again
The King of Different Ghosts looked at the sky, and said coldly: "Tang Zhong, do you think you can escape? Before you escape, let's see how to remove the power of Different Ghosts in your body!"

In the dark starry sky.

In the Douluo spaceship.

I saw this time, in the cabin.

The meridians all over Tang Zhong's body exploded like blue veins, like a snake.

Now he was holding his head, bumping back and forth against the cabin of the spaceship.

There was a bang bang bang sound.

Tang Zhong kept hitting the iron wall with his head.

For some reason, he always felt as if there was magma in his head, as if it might explode at any time.

A breath of unknown origin seemed to swallow his head.

Want to occupy his consciousness!

Tang Zhong knew that it was the power of the other ghosts, he must not admit defeat, he must not let the other ghosts occupy his consciousness, then he would be a different ghost at that time.

So many people died because of him, and he still wants to take revenge.

So, absolutely can't lose!
Tang Zhong directly took the Broken Dragon Pestle, and blasted it out towards his chest again and again.

The broken dragon pestle, like a heavy hammer, hit the body.

Tang Zhong felt that the qi and blood in his body were about to boil, and he also felt that several of his meridians were broken.

And the advantage of this is that he can now maintain his sanity.

Even if the blood is dripping now, he can't let the power of the strange ghost occupy his body.

But even so, what should he do next?
Now he doesn't know what to do at all!
He has nowhere to go!
The White Walkers must still be after him!
Not knowing what was going on, Tang Zhong couldn't support himself, fell to the ground, and fell into a coma.

And the spaceship is still flying in the vast universe, and I don't know how long it has been here, and suddenly I saw the spaceship fly out in a rhythmic direction.

It was as if he had received some kind of guidance.

And Tang Zhong didn't know at all.

The Douluo spacecraft carried Tang Zhong.

Across the void of the universe, skimming the ancient battlefield.

Below are all the corpses of other ghosts and cosmic people, and they didn't stop.

Soon, the spaceship listened.

Here, there is chaos, and there are corpses everywhere.

The fog below is continuous, like a fairyland.

But if you look at the vortex in the sky, you will find that this is the place where the divine pillar of origin collapsed.

It was here that Tang Zhong was captured by the Ghost Emperor, and now the Douluo brought him here again.

In the spaceship, Tang Zhong woke up in a daze, as if he heard someone calling him.

"Tang Zhong...Tang Zhong!"

Tang Zhong woke up from the chaos, looked outside the spaceship, and was stunned.

How is this place so familiar?

It is very strange to see the Divine Pillar of Origin at a glance, how could he come here?

This is definitely not accidental, and the shouts are heard all the time, which makes Tang Zhong extremely strange!
Open the spaceship and get off the spaceship.

Tang Zhong looked around and suddenly found that this place was different.

At this time, Tang Zhong saw a blue light appearing in front of him.

(End of this chapter)

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