Chapter 1874 Across the sea!

Tang Zhong saw a blue light appearing in front of him.

He was in a daze, not knowing what happened at all.

what is that?
Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes slightly, and he walked into the blue light.

After waiting, I saw a huge deep pit appearing in front of me!

The blue light radiated from below, and suddenly hit Tang Zhong's eyes.

He quickly reached out to cover his pupils.

What kind of place is this?
But in an instant, a ray of light suddenly shot out from the pit below, blasting Tang Zhong into the air, and he fell to the ground fiercely.

Tang Zhong fell to the ground, then struggled to get up from the ground, staring straight at the deep pit.

He didn't know where it was, but just now he clearly felt that something inside was resisting him!

That was obviously resisting the power of the other ghosts in his body!
Tang Zhong looked at his hand, and could see that his hand no longer looked like a hand, but had turned into a ghost claw. Half of his body had been occupied by the power of the strange ghost, while the other half was considered normal!
He doesn't know why he came here!

He was in a daze just now, but now he can see clearly that the front is the place where the Divine Pillar of Origin collapsed.

That light is probably the light that appeared when the pillar of origin collapsed.

"That's right, the Other Ghost destroyed the Pillar of Origin, how could this place welcome him!" Tang Zhong stood up, with his back facing the deep blue pit.

He has to leave here to find Wei Wei and the others.

Can't waste any more time here.

However, he couldn't go.

It's as if it was given there by someone, and now it can't move at all.

He felt that the blue light was resisting half of his body, but welcoming the other half of his body.

So now it's a dilemma!
It was as if there was a strange force trying to split his body apart.

With a plop, he knelt down on the ground, roaring wildly there.

The body was being pulled, as if it might split apart at any moment.

He seems to be fighting against the evil, the two forces will occupy his body, but now, it is obvious that the power of the other ghost is stronger, and it is about to occupy his body.

And, it's about to take over.

More than half of his body has turned into a strange ghost!
And it is even more impossible for him to get close to the blue abyss.

Tang Zhong still remembered what the Ghost King said, that when he completely transformed into a ghost, he would not have any intelligence, and he would completely obey the ghost's words.

"No, absolutely not!" Tang Zhong squeezed his fist.

He still wants to see Wei Wei, as well as his parents.


Tang Zhong can't waste any more time in this place, he's going to see Wei Wei.

Just look at the last side!
The last side!
Tang Zhong boarded the Douluo.

Jiang Weiwei and her parents also left on the Douluo.

Tang Zhong can know where Jiang Weiwei is.

He sat on the Douluo with great difficulty, gasping for breath. At this moment, his body was densely covered with black air.

The distance from the transformation of the ghosts is infinitely close.

He still wants to see Wei Wei.

Immediately activated the Douluo and headed towards Jiang Weiwei.

"Auto Search!"

Right now Tang Zhong is dying, the only thing he wants to do is to take a look at Wei Wei, that's enough.

But at this moment, in the universe, the small Douluo carried some weak people and flew out of the universe. Of course, it can also be said that it is flying aimlessly.

And in the spaceship.

Jiang Weiwei has been struggling.

"No...I want to go out, I don't want to stay here any longer!"

"I'm going to find Brother Tang!"

Many people stopped Jiang Weiwei beside Jiang Weiwei.

After Jiang Weiwei was knocked out, she was here when she woke up.

She immediately thought of Tang Zhong and wanted to find Tang Zhong, but now she couldn't even get out of the Douluo!

Xia Yuqing was beside her, stopping Jiang Weiwei: "You can't go, the last thing he wants to see is your death... Have you forgotten that he fought alone to save us all? If you Dead, everything he did was in vain!"

"But, if he's dead, what's the point of my being alive?" Jiang Weiwei said without any spirit.

"At least you're still alive, and you know who the enemy is? In that case, you can still save him, but if you die too, it's really over, everything is gone!" Xia Yuqing persuaded.

"But... I can't live without him!" Jiang Weiwei burst into tears.

She sat on the ground bit by bit, her eyes were empty and she didn't know what to say.

All she knew was that her brother Tang was gone.

The people around did not speak anymore, they all understood Jiang Weiwei's thoughts at the moment.

The two were finally together, but now they are separated again.

"Be strong...he's gone...but at're still alive!" Xia Yuqing wanted to comfort Jiang Weiwei.

However, in the end, she couldn't bear the torment in her heart and cried directly.

At that second, she also turned her head away.

And at this moment, outside the void that their spaceship left.

Another spaceship approaches.

It was Tang Zhong's Douluo.

He followed it very fast.

He knew that Jiang Weiwei was on that spaceship, but he didn't dare to approach it now, because now Tang Zhong was about to completely lose his mind, and the scene he saw in front of him began to blur now.

So he must not let Jiang Weiwei see it now.

After all, who wants to let his beloved daughter see himself like this!
And if after seeing Wei Wei, he couldn't control himself, turned into a strange ghost, his relatives would deny him, and kill Wei Wei, it would be even more miserable.

However, he can't see Wei Wei now, so he can only get closer.

He let the spaceship fly past.

He decided to just take a look and leave, anyway, no one would recognize him now.

At this moment, Jiang Weiwei, who was in the spaceship, was sitting on the ground with her hands hugging her knees. Suddenly, she stood up.

The people around thought something happened to him, so they quickly stopped her: "Wei Wei, what's wrong with you?"

Jiang Weiwei panicked: "He...he is here, he is nearby!"

Just now, Jiang Weiwei's heart skipped a beat. She felt that Tang Zhong was coming, and he was nearby. She believed in her own feeling. Over the years, she had never been wrong.

He must be outside.

Regardless of the others, Jiang Weiwei hurried to the window.

On the other side, Tang Zhong still couldn't see Jiang Weiwei, he wanted to take a look, just a look.

He didn't ask for much at all.

He just wants to take a look.

He forced himself upright and went to the window.

At that moment, the eyes of the two met, and they looked at each other across a galaxy, just like the original appearance.

(End of this chapter)

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