Chapter 1875 Besieged!

The two looked at each other across the galaxy, as if they had returned to the beginning.

Tang Zhong looked at Jiang Weiwei and grinned, even though he was in a mess now, all the sufferings before were nothing now.

A lover's smile can relieve all pain!
But at this moment, Jiang Weiwei was crying, especially when she saw Tang Zhong's appearance, she was already crying badly. She really didn't expect that Brother Tang would become like that, he must have suffered a lot.

But at this time, other people on the spaceship followed Jiang Weiwei's gaze, and immediately saw Tang Zhong on another spaceship.

Xia Yuqing's gaze fell on Tang Zhong, and her body trembled immediately.

"It's him……"

Tang Xinglou, Jiang Shuiyue and others are also on the spaceship now. When they saw Tang Zhong, they knocked on the glass vigorously. They wanted to see what happened to their son now, and how he became like that!
Tang Zhong looked at Jiang Weiwei, suddenly, seeing so many familiar people, his body trembled instantly.

been seen?
He just wants to take another look at Wei Wei now...

However, it can no longer be viewed.

Tang Zhong no longer dared to stay here anymore.

It would be miserable to be found by others.

Absolutely can not be found.

Tang Zhong's eyes still fell on Jiang Weiwei, but he still gritted his teeth and gave the order to Douluo: "Go!"

The Douluo turned around and left, but Tang Zhong's eyes were still on the spaceship ahead, and he refused to move away.

"Weiwei... In the next life, if I can meet you, I will no longer be a savior, but I will become a farmer in the countryside. If I can meet you again, I will die shamelessly and let you do it." My wife, then I will give you a wedding that you like!"

The corner of his mouth raised up happily.

And Jiang Weiwei, who saw Tang Zhongzhong leaving, knocked on the glass even harder, and she fell into a state of madness.

Parting is silent.

Now they are like silent movies.

There is no sound, only the picture of their struggle can be seen.

But the more they struggled, the farther the distance between the two spaceships became.

Now Jiang Weiwei has reached the craziest time, and she doesn't know what to do now.

Obviously Tang Zhong was right ahead.

And Tang Zhong is also the same, the person he loves the most is now far away.

However, there was nothing he could do, not even the ability to protect her.

Since I can't protect myself, let Douluo take her away.

You don't want to be together, as long as the other party is still alive, that's enough.

And at this moment, suddenly, Tang Zhong's face turned ugly.

He looked up suddenly.

I saw a huge spaceship approaching in the sky.

The spaceship is like a big monster, its body is huge enough to cover the sky and the sun.

And the spaceship carried a strong breath of alien ghosts, it was clearly the spaceship of alien ghosts.

No, the White Ghost Emperor did not have this spaceship before, could it be that it came from outside the universe again.

And the person who can ride this spaceship is probably only the King of Different Ghosts.

Sure enough, at this moment, from high above the sky, the Ghost Emperor stood outside the spaceship and shouted sharply: "Tang Zhong, we meet again!"

Tang Zhong looked and saw the Ghost Emperor at a glance.

Immediately, Tang Zhong's complexion became ugly, why did he meet the King of Different Ghosts at this time, but soon he understood that it must be the power of the other ghosts in his body that attracted the other party to come.

Because the power of the other ghost is getting stronger and stronger, the aura of the other ghost on his body can't be suppressed, and the other ghost emperor, who is also a different ghost, can easily find him.


Tang Zhong hated himself for forgetting this. In this case, if he came to Jiang Weiwei, wouldn't he bring Wei Wei and the others into danger?

Really damn it!
At this time, Tang Zhong didn't dare to have any hesitation, and flew out of the spaceship directly, he was going to find the Ghost Emperor.

The King of Other Ghosts must not be allowed to find Jiang Weiwei and the others.

Then suddenly flew into the void, blocked Jiang Weiwei's spaceship, looked directly at the King of the Other Ghosts, and said coldly: "The King of the Other Ghosts... aren't you here to look for me? I'm coming!"

"I thought we had killed all the people in this universe. If I hadn't followed you, I wouldn't be able to find anyone else now!" The King of Different Ghosts laughed.

When Tang Zhong heard this, his eyes tightened immediately.

Blaming himself, he immediately shouted towards the spaceship behind him: "Go!"

That spaceship was also Douluo, and it was under Tang Zhong's command, so the spaceship started to launch.

When Jiang Weiwei on the spaceship heard this, she went crazy.

"You... Tang Zhong, you bastard, why did you let me go, didn't you say that you would give me a wedding? Did you give it? You didn't give it to me, why did you let me go, didn't you say that I was you Is it his wife? Shouldn’t wives and husband-in-law share weal and woe? Tang Zhong...I hate you, I...I will never let you go!"

Jiang Weiwei yelled, but she knelt on the ground and cried.

"If it's not for you...what's the point of living in this world..."

"You die...I'll die with you...I just want to be with you, you...Why are you so selfish and don't even give me such power!"

"I know that you are the dragon ancestor of this universe and a hero. I should be proud of this, but now I hate this hero very much. If possible, I hope you are an ordinary person. Even if you die now, we You can also be together, so at least we are together!"

Jiang Weiwei's words reached Tang Zhong's ears.

His body trembled, it was really ridiculous, and now he didn't even have the qualifications to die with his own woman.

This is simply a big joke.

Still, at least she's alive.

Yes live!

"Go!" Tang Zhong let the spaceship fly.

The farther you go, the better.

At this time, the Ghost King stared at Tang Zhong and laughed: "I never thought that the majestic Longzu would still have such a moment. It's really exciting, but do you think she can really leave?"

Tang Zhong's expression changed suddenly.

"When I came here, I specially issued an order... that is to call the troops. Now if there is no accident, all my troops should have come here!" The King of Different Ghosts said with a smile.

Tang Zhong's complexion turned ugly at this moment.

At this time, he heard a rumbling sound.

Looking around, densely packed black spots are approaching at this time. Looking carefully at those black spots, they are getting closer and closer, and they are all spaceships one after another.

The spaceship carrying Jiang Weiwei and others was forced to stop directly.

Looking at the surrounding pictures, Tang Zhong's expression became even uglier. They were surrounded.

(End of this chapter)

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