Chapter 1876
They are now under siege!

Tang Zhong felt that he had been tricked even more now.

He stared at the ghost king.

The King of Different Ghosts was also looking at Tang Zhong at this time: "How is it? I think those people should be the ones you want to protect, but I remembered that you are about to transform into a ghost... At that time, wait for you If you lose your humanity, you might tear those people apart with your own hands!"

After the other ghost emperor said this, he laughed out loud!
And Tang Zhong's face became even uglier, he clearly felt that his body was full of the power of strange ghosts.

And the distance from metamorphosis is infinitely close.

But even so, he wanted to keep Jiang Weiwei alive, and immediately saw him rushing towards the spaceship carrying Jiang Weiwei, and now he wanted to save Jiang Weiwei!

First blow away the aliens who intercepted them.

Tang Zhong held the broken dragon pestle now, and blasted towards the alien spaceship that blocked Jiang Weiwei and his spaceship.

It turned into golden lights and rushed out.

This blasted directly onto the opponent's spaceship.


Several ghost spaceships were destroyed in the air.

There happened to be a gap.

Tang Zhong immediately asked the Douluo to take Jiang Weiwei and the others to fly.

But the White Ghost Emperor had already prepared. Seeing that Tang Zhong wanted those people to leave this place, he ordered coldly: "All the White Ghosts, let me do it immediately and stop the people on the spaceship!"

I saw the strange ghosts rushing out directly at this time, and rushed towards the Douluo spaceship together.

These ghosts are the kind of low-level ghosts, without any spiritual intelligence, let alone fear, they all lay down on the Douluo.

The numbers were so dense that the flight speed of the Douluo was abruptly slowed down a lot.

The people in the spaceship panicked at this moment, but they are in the spaceship now, and they don't know anything at all!
Seeing this, Tang Zhong hurried up, he can't use the power of the Polong pestle at will now, if the power of the Polong pestle hurts the spaceship, everything will be bad.

He directly approached the Douluo, stretched out his dragon claws, and tore it apart.

Tear those strange ghosts apart directly.

He now only has a dragon claw in one hand and a ghost claw in the other.

The moment a claw was torn apart, green blood gushed out from the body of the other ghost.

Tang Zhong suddenly felt extremely uncomfortable, as if his body was about to be torn apart, he knew it was because of the blood of the strange ghost, and now it directly impacted his body, directly activating the power of the strange ghost in his heart , directly let his already suppressed power of other ghosts burst out now.

He shook his head to keep himself awake, otherwise the power of the White Walker would take over his head.

But many strange ghosts had rushed towards him, and they grabbed Tang Zhong's body with one claw.

A hole appeared in the chest, and the inside looked extremely hideous!

With a roar, Tang Zhong directly grabbed the head of the strange ghost.

He has been occupied by the consciousness of the other ghosts now.

In the spaceship, Jiang Weiwei covered her mouth at this time, she was in pain, and called Tang Zhong over and over again.

But it didn't work.

At this moment, Tang Zhong was almost unable to hold on anymore.

Countless ghosts attacked and killed him, and he had no way to resist completely.

The hands of the White Walkers penetrated directly into his body.

Puff puff!
The chest was completely torn apart, and blood spurted out.

And just after the hands of these strange ghosts entered Tang Zhong's abdominal cavity, Tang Zhong's eyes darkened directly, and the power of strange ghosts on his body seemed to be guided!
The pupils soon became like ink.

Moreover, Tang Zhong's body was surrounded by a lot of black aura.

His whole body has been enchanted!
The King of Different Ghosts watched from the side, and grinned: "It seems that he is going to change...I really don't know what kind of person that kind of reptile will transform into after absorbing the power of our Different Ghosts. Just thinking about it makes me feel excited!"

At this time, Tang Zhong started to twitch all over his body. He knew that he was going to change, so he held back forcibly so that he would not change. He had shouted countless times in his heart, but it was useless now. Occupying his body, his whole body is completely out of his control.

"No..." Tang Zhong roared angrily.

Now he is changing the ghosts, those ghosts who surrounded the Douluo before, at this time, they were all shocked by Tang Zhong and retreated, choosing to leave one after another.

Tang Zhong was the only one on the Douluo spaceship, he was changing, and inside the glass, Jiang Weiwei watched Tang Zhong's changes.

Jiang Weiwei has been calling Tang Zhong all the time, but it is of no use at all.

Tang Zhong couldn't listen at all.

Now Tang Zhong is transforming, his gaze is fixed on Jiang Weiwei in the spaceship, and he wants to speak, but now he can't speak at all.

His hands began to change and become thicker, as did his legs. They were originally human legs, but now they directly turned into demon legs.

The clothes on her body have long been torn, but now because of the change in figure, the clothes are directly torn apart.

On the forehead, the original dragon horn is still preserved, but it looks like a devil's horn.

The bone wings behind him began to expand!
He is going to become a different ghost now, but he looks stronger than any other ghost.

At this moment Tang Zhong looked extremely painful, he looked at Jiang Weiwei in the spaceship, and wanted to reach out to grab him.

And Jiang Weiwei kept crying and calling Tang Zhong's name, but she didn't know how to leave the Douluo, otherwise she really wanted to see what happened to her Brother Tang!
How could it suddenly become like this?
And no matter what brother Tang becomes, he will always be by his side until the end of time!
Suddenly, Tang Zhong couldn't control himself anymore, and his current incarnation was infinitely close to becoming a strange ghost.

He can't stay anymore, according to what the Other Ghost Emperor said, he will lose his mind immediately, but when he loses his mind, he will kill Jiang Weiwei and the others.

That is a very scary thing!
Do not……

Tang Zhong, who had turned into a strange ghost, let out a wild roar, and suddenly let his body fly out.

Since he was going to die, then let's talk about it with the King of Different Ghosts.

Flying into the air suddenly, one claw rushed towards the King of Different Ghosts.

Turning into a different ghost, the ghost claw suddenly grabbed it out at this time.

The power on the claws, intertwined together, swept out.

The Ghost Emperor saw Tang Zhong approaching, and sneered: "It seems that I need to transform you sooner!"

I saw the ghost king pointing his finger, and the power of the ghost turned into the black long stick before, and flew directly towards Tang Zhong. This time, the direct target was Tang Zhong's Tianling Gai.

Tang Zhong had no room to resist at all, so he rushed in with a puff.

(End of this chapter)

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