Chapter 1877 Come on, you kill me!
Tang Zhong had no room to resist at all.

The long black stick jumped in directly from his Tianling Cap.

Tang Zhong roared wildly.

When he could see the long black stick entering his body, the meridians all over his body were filled with black aura.


Tang Zhong roared there, his body, the transformation has already begun.

He felt that his consciousness was being swallowed up constantly, he was no longer himself, and his original memory was being forgotten all the time.

And was occupied by another memory of killing.

He felt his skills disappear bit by bit, especially those familiar with him.

From what happened on Earth in the beginning, the memory was originally a whole, and now it is broken into pieces, and finally turned into powder.

For so many years, the first memory has disappeared. Tang Zhong, Tang Tiansha, fought fiercely on the Dongma Bridge, ruled the roost in the Middle East, became a general in the capital of China, and saved the earth from danger when the earth was in crisis.

Later, he went to the universe, what happened in the Milky Way, the Starwind Field, and the Predators.

Now they are all disappearing.

And those who are familiar.

Along the way, he met many people.

In the mind, everyone is now shouting Tang Zhong Tang Zhong...

But slowly, the bodies of each of them began to shatter.

Now Tang Zhong wanted to save them, but found himself powerless...

He couldn't save anyone, until the end, his relatives were also gone, as long as they were gone, he couldn't remember anyone, Li Linglong, Qinglong, Suzaku, these people who used to be related to him on earth .

Also, in the universe, in the Milky Way, there are people who are related to him.

And anyone in his life experience has begun to disperse!
till the end.

Xia Yuqing, the monkey, they also started to dissipate.

Finally, a very familiar person appeared in Tang Zhong's mind!
Jiang Weiwei stood there.

Shouting at him all the time.

Tang Zhong looked at the other party, his pupils were already filled with black.

He looked at the person in front of him and tried to stretch out his hand to struggle, but it was useless.

The body of the person in front also gradually dissipated.

In the turned into a cloud of smoke.

"no no!"

Tang Zhong was roaring angrily at this time, but it was useless.

All his skills, in this memory, were completely swallowed up.

Do not……

At this moment, Tang Zhong completely transformed into a strange ghost!
A White Walker with wings and a very ferocious appearance.

He flapped his wings and flew directly into the air.

There was a roar like a demon.

Seeing Tang Zhong's appearance, the King of Different Ghosts immediately sneered: "I never thought that the ghost you transformed into is stronger than I imagined!"

The King of Different Ghosts commands thousands of different ghosts, so he can naturally control Tang Zhong now.

At this moment, Tang Zhong transformed into a strange ghost, standing in the void, roaring continuously.

"Go, kill the people on that spaceship!" The Ghost King ordered.

Now Tang Zhong has completely turned into a strange ghost, and he turned his body in the air.

His dark eyes stared at the spaceship ahead.

In the spaceship.

All those people from before.

Everyone was looking at Tang Zhong at this moment.

Especially Jiang Weiwei, staring ahead.

Tang Xinglou and Jiang Shuiyue are also there.

They kept shouting.

"Tang Zhong...Tang wake up!"

"Little Zhong...Little Zhong!"

But now Tang Zhong seemed indifferent, as if nothing happened.

Just there, his eyes were extremely blank, and finally he flapped his wings and flew forward.

It looked like he was going to kill everyone.

I saw him with a ghostly claw and tore it directly.

The huge ghost claw seems to be able to tear the void into pieces.

With a bang, it hit the outer protective cover of the spaceship.

I saw that the shield on the Douluo spaceship exploded all of a sudden.

The spaceship also shook violently, and the people on it couldn't stand still, and fell to the ground one after another.

On the spaceship, there was a shout soon.

Shouts were everywhere.

All the people don't know why this is, how the person who saved them has turned into this appearance now, it looks so scary!
Jiang Weiwei stood up straight now and looked at Tang Zhong in front of her. She stood up straight and looked at the person in front of her. She really didn't believe that the person she had always liked would become like this. He must be controlled by someone. Otherwise, it wouldn't be the case.

She yelled at Tang Zhong: "Tang Zhong... wake me up!"

But now Tang Zhong didn't wake up at all, he was still on the Douluo in front of the attacker.

With a bang, the Douluo was shaken in all directions, and there was a buzzing sound inside. It was now in a damaged state, and it was unknown when it would recover.

Jiang Weiwei stood up straight and stared at Tang Zhong in front of her. She raised her head: "Tang Zhong...Tang Zhong, do you know who I am?"

She knew that Tang Zhong must be under control, and now she wanted to stop Tang Zhong.

However, at this time, Tang Zhong attacked again, rushing over with a ghost punch.

It directly hit the Douluo.

With a bang, the spaceship was blasted out of a hole.

And because Jiang Weiwei was standing, she fell all of a sudden.

At this time, the person next to him immediately stepped forward to stop Jiang Weiwei.

"Wei Wei, don't waste your efforts, it's useless, he's already been controlled!"

"Let's go, or he will kill us now!"

"that is!"

Everyone let Jiang Weiwei go now.

But Jiang Weiwei just didn't understand.

She stared at Tang Zhong, with tears in her pupils: "Tang look at me with your pupils wide open, see who I am?"

"I'm Jiang Weiwei!"

At this moment Tang Zhong didn't seem to know anything, he couldn't listen to anything at all.

In the distance, the King of Different Ghosts laughed when he saw this scene, which was really refreshing to watch.

Long Zu in the past has become what he is now, killing anyone he sees, so exciting!

Tang Zhong continued to do it now.

It was another punch.

The hole in the spaceship got bigger.

Many people have now retreated to the end of the spaceship.

They are terrified, and terrified.

Only Jiang Weiwei and Tang Xinglou stood there, staring at Tang Zhong.

They always believed that Tang Zhong was under control and he could be awakened.

However, Tang Zhong continued to attack.

This time, Jiang Weiwei didn't retreat, but kept moving forward.

"Tang Zhong...I'm Jiang Weiwei!"

But this time, the fluctuation of the fist sent him flying, and finally fell to the ground hard.

Jiang Weiwei's hands were bleeding from the fall.

Tang Xinglou hurried to help Jiang Weiwei.

Jiang Weiwei waved her hand, then stood up again, this time her hair was disheveled, ignoring the blood in her hands: "Come on, kill me, kill me!"

When she said this, tears welled up in her eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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