Chapter 1878 Wake up!

Come on, kill me!
When Jiang Weiwei yelled these words, tears welled up in her eyes.

At this time, she stared at Tang Zhong with her pupils.

Tang Zhong, who had turned into a strange ghost, panted heavily at this moment, looking at Jiang Weiwei like a ferocious beast.

He growled slightly towards Jiang, and approached step by step.

Tang Xinglou and Jiang Shuiyue shouted at Tang Zhong: "Xiao Zhong, wake up!"

But Tang Zhong couldn't hear their words at all, but roared wildly there.

He let out a violent roar, and his voice turned into sound waves and spread forward.

Tang Xinglou and the others were thrown out.

But Jiang Weiwei remained motionless, she stared straight at Tang Zhong.

I saw Tang Zhong raised his claws high and slammed down towards Jiang Weiwei.

At that moment, the sky was blocked out.

Tang Xinglou and the others fell to the ground. When they saw this scene, they knew that it was useless to say anything to Tang Zhong now. The other party couldn't hear anything at all, so they could only shout to Jiang Weiwei: "Wei Wei, go quickly, He doesn't know you at all, if you continue like this, something will happen!"

But Jiang Weiwei didn't seem to hear what they said, but kept staring at Tang Zhong: "Come on, kill me, don't stop, Tang Zhong, I am willing to die with you!"

"I have been waiting for you for so many years just to see you, no matter what you become now, I will choose to be with you, even if it is death!"

In the distance, the King of Different Ghosts was laughing loudly there, he liked to see this kind of picture the most, this kind of picture was really picturesque.

It's really comfortable for Longzu to kill his favorite woman here. For him, seeing these reptiles so uncomfortable makes him feel very comfortable.

Seeing the ghost claw fall down, Jiang Weiwei had already closed her eyes, no matter what happened, she was now with her brother Tang, so she was very satisfied.

"Brother Tang, in the next life, we will still be lovers!"

The moment the ghost claw was about to come down.

Suddenly, the ghost claw stopped.

When the people around saw this scene, they were slightly taken aback.

Then I saw the ghost claw suddenly change direction and blast down towards other places.

Then, from the mouth of the strange ghost Tang Zhong, a heavy voice came out: "Wei Wei... Wei Wei!"

With a bang, the ghost claw landed on the ground and drove the spaceship away vigorously.

The spaceship had already entered an emergency state, and it kept making roaring sounds.

And now it suffered such a heavy blow, the entire spaceship was directly broken, and now it will be destroyed soon.

And Jiang Weiwei looked at Tang Zhong in shock and stopped: "Brother you hear me!"

The tear-filled eyes are completely out of shape at this time.

At this time, Tang Zhong still looked like a strange ghost, and now he was also in pain, very painful.

The ghost emperor's gaze was extremely ugly. At this moment, he really couldn't believe what he saw. He had already turned into a ghost, so how could he stop?

Shouldn't the opponent's mind be full of killing now?

This is really annoying!

The Ghost Emperor yelled at Tang Zhong: "Do it right away, kill everyone!"

Immediately, Tang Zhong's originally black eyes suddenly flashed red light at this time.

Tang Zhong roared wildly, staring at Jiang Weiwei with vicious eyes.

And Jiang Weiwei discovered Tang Zhong's problem just now, and now she must wake Tang Zhong up, she believes that she will find a way now.

Jiang Weiwei looked at Tang Zhong and rushed out.

She hugged Tang Zhong, even though Tang Zhong was full of dangers.

Tang Zhong's eyes were scarlet just now, but the moment he was hugged by Jiang Weiwei, his pupils turned black again!

The power of the strange ghost on Tang Zhong's body was quickly suppressed now.

"Brother Tang, wake up, don't be like this, I really don't want to see you become like this, you...can you become like before?" Jiang Weiwei cried.

"Didn't you say you want to marry me?"

"I've been waiting for you to marry me!"

"Brother Tang... Wei Wei doesn't want to see you now!"

Jiang Weiwei's eyes were filled with tears.

And Tang Zhong roared there, he let out a roar like a strange ghost, and he was always struggling there.

But it didn't work at all.

The Ghost King roared angrily: "Do it, kill everyone!"

The long black stick he blasted into Tang Zhong's body before was his power of strange ghosts. Anyone who inhaled his power of strange ghosts all obeyed his orders. In the past tens of thousands of years, he has never failed. What happened, it was definitely the first time.

He failed the first time.

The King of Different Ghosts didn't want to see this scene, but when he stretched out his ghost claws, he saw that the ghost's aura began to condense, which was urging the ghost's aura in Tang Zhong's body.

I only saw Tang Zhong howling crazily at this time.

He is constantly struggling.

Wanting to break free from Jiang Weiwei's body.

But Jiang Weiwei held onto Tang Zhong tightly, not letting go of her hand.

And he kept calling Tang Zhong's name.

The crazy Tang Zhong was quickly suppressed.

This is a good thing!
In the distance, Tang Xinglou and others were also very excited. If they can succeed now, they will be able to save Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong is their only savior.

At this time, Tang Zhong, even though he became a strange ghost, was calmed down by Jiang Weiwei calling his name.

He looked at Jiang Weiwei, and also stretched out his hand, wanting to hug the person in front of him, and kept calling Wei Wei's name.

Slowly, he hugged Jiang Weiwei together tightly.

Seeing this scene, the King of Different Ghosts became even more violent, and directly said: "I will do it myself, I will kill you!"

He can't let Tang Zhong go anymore, originally he wanted to control the other party, but now there are constant changes, this kind of reptile must die!
The Ghost Emperor went all out, and above the ghost claw, a black beam of light pierced through Tang Zhong.

"I didn't expect that your will is so strong, so I will kill you now!"

Jiang Weiwei saw the black beam of light, and quickly blocked it with her body, she didn't want to see Tang Zhong have an accident.

But Tang Zhong also saw the black beam of light coming, and he desperately wanted to block it.

"!" Tang Zhong had already turned into a strange ghost, but finally roared angrily.

He immediately blocked Jiang Weiwei's path, watched the black beam of light coming, and directly blocked it with his body.

The black beam of light suddenly transformed into a black spear, piercing through Tang Zhong's chest.


There was a big hole in Tang Zhong's chest.

(End of this chapter)

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