Chapter 1879 Guiding Light!

Tang Zhong's chest was directly cut open, and blood gushed out from it.

He fell to the ground, and the vitality in his pupils dimmed.

Seeing this, Jiang Weiwei called out Tang Zhong, quickly knelt on the ground, hugged Tang Zhong in his arms, and shouted the other party's name loudly.

"Brother Tang...Brother Tang!"

At this moment, the big hole in Tang Zhong's chest was like burning red magma, and his body was still disappearing little by little.

Tang Zhong stared at Jiang Weiwei next to him, his eyes were doting, and now he didn't seem to know what to say, and his voice stuttered.


Hearing the familiar call, Jiang Weiwei hurriedly said, "I'm here, I'm here!"

Now she is holding Tang Zhong tightly and won't let go.

In the distance, the Ghost King saw this scene, and laughed out loud: "This scene is really beautiful, haha, haha!"

He threw back his head and laughed.

Torturing this kind of reptile severely is really the most comfortable thing in the world.

Torturing him to the most painful moment, and then killing him, this is really comfortable!
Jiang Weiwei turned around and stared at the King of Different Ghosts with vicious eyes: "What you... have done to him, I will definitely make you pay back a hundredfold!"

"Repay a hundred times? Is it up to you? Waste?" The Ghost Emperor said coldly: "You should worry about the person behind you now!"


Jiang Weiwei's expression changed suddenly, and he turned around abruptly, and saw Tang Zhong.

Only at this moment, Tang Zhong's eyes began to turn scarlet, as if becoming violent.

"The White Walker was born to fight...he will fight and die!"

Jiang Weiwei quickly grabbed Tang Zhong: "Brother Tang, Brother Tang, look at me, I'm Weiwei, I really don't want to see you like this!"

Tang Zhong was still struggling, but slowly, he was comforted.

A person is born to be another person's medicine!
The King of Different Ghosts stared at the scene in front of him and said frantically, "I...I don't believe it!"

"Get up!"

He kept giving orders to Tang Zhong, he thought Tang Zhong had been hurt, and Tang Zhong had listened to him, but now this kind of thing happened again, which made him really upset.

"Death!" The Ghost Emperor was really unwilling.

Since it can't be used, destroy him.

The other ghost emperor turned his five fingers into palms, and another beam of light hit him.

This kind of beam of light is enough to blast through everything, and the thunder and lightning inside is very frightening.

Jiang Weiwei looked at the beam of light coming over.

She squinted her eyes, this blow must not be blocked by Tang Zhong again!

She looked at the endless starry sky in front of her, and then at the comforted Tang Zhong. She made up her mind and hugged Tang Zhong all at once.

Jumped directly from the broken spaceship.

If you can, let's die together!

The beam of light from the Other Ghost Emperor blasted over and hit the spaceship heavily.


The spaceship is now directly ruptured, and exploded directly from the center.

The other people in the spaceship were also hit by the wave at this time, and they were either killed directly or sent flying by the wave


This small Douluo exploded directly.

In this dark universe, a violent flame exploded.

Seeing that the blow was missed, the King of Other Ghosts went berserk, looking for Tang Zhong and Jiang Weiwei, but found that they were gone.

"Quick... find me, find Tang Zhong!"

The ghost behind him rushed up immediately, looking for it.

But the strange ghost went there, but did not find Tang Zhong at all.

"Huang, that person...seems...seems to have disappeared!"

"What?" Suddenly the ghost emperor's face turned ugly.

Could it be that they jumped directly.

Standing on the spaceship, the King of Other Ghosts looked at the dark starry sky below. After falling, without the blessing of cosmic energy, no matter who it was, it would turn into a pile of ice cubes in the end!
These two...

However, the Ghost Emperor was very angry. He didn't expect Tang Zhong to run away in this situation.


At this time, Jiang Weiwei hugged Tang Zhong and fell directly from the sky.

The two hugged each other tightly, their heads pointing downward.

Even so, Jiang Weiwei was not afraid at all, and it was as if nothing had happened.

His eyes kept staring at Tang Zhong in front of him.

Tang Zhong also stared at Jiang Weiwei with wide black eyes, and murmured, "Weiwei!"

"I'm here..." Jiang Weiwei looked at Tang Zhong in front of him, with a gleam in his eyes and said, "Brother Tang, we are finally together now!"

Tang Zhong turned into a different ghost and can't speak now.

"As long as I'm with you, even if I die now, I'm willing!"

Jiang Weiwei showed a gratified smile.

Two people have now fallen from a high altitude.

And now, the cosmic energy is getting thinner and thinner.

When the cosmic energy is the thinnest, the two of them will be extremely cold, and may be so cold that their bodies shiver, until finally, they will directly turn into ice cubes. That will be the most terrifying thing!

At that time, maybe in this life, the two of them will turn into ice cubes, floating in this void without any fixed place.

But Jiang Weiwei is willing, so at least she will be with her brother Tang all the time.

And they can be together forever!
Jiang smiled slightly.

So she buried her in Tang Zhong's arms.

It's starting to get cold around.

Cosmic energy began to become thinner and thinner.

It was difficult for them to breathe.

And on Jiang Weiwei's eyebrows, there were many icicles, and not only that, she seemed to be unable to move anymore.

It's like being controlled by someone.

She hugged Tang Zhong tightly, and if she was really completely frozen in this way, she would hug her brother Tang forever!

Tang Zhong is a different ghost at this time, but he is still calling Wei Wei's name all the time.

His hand also unconsciously grasped Jiang Weiwei. Now he doesn't know anything, but he understands that the woman in front of him is the woman he loves.

It is in the deepest consciousness of the human mind.

Slowly, the bodies of the two began to be covered with ice, but the two still held each other tightly, never letting go of each other!

That's death!
Maybe both of them don't know the intuition anymore.

Suddenly, at this moment, a ray of light flickered in the middle of the embrace between the two.

I saw the dragon and phoenix jade pendant hanging on Tang Zhong's chest.

It started to flicker.

Originally, the two of them were constantly descending, but when the dragon and phoenix jade pendant was shining, they stopped and were suspended in the middle of the air.

I don't know what the guidance is, the two people turned into ice cubes, and flew out slowly in one direction.

(ps: finally returned to the dragon and phoenix jade pendant)

(End of this chapter)

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