Chapter 1883 Transformation!

"It's your turn!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

The ghost emperor's face was extremely ugly at this time, because he never thought that such a scene would appear, why this guy could burst out with such a powerful strength.


He saw the changes in Tang Zhong's body.

There is a strange force.

And that kind of power, he has seen many times.

"Damn it, you absorbed the source power..." said the King of Different Ghosts.

He naturally knows what source power is. In this endless universe, there is source power.

Those source forces are the forces that support the universe.

For example, there is that kind of source power in the Divine Pillar of Origin.

But it is obvious that the divine pillar of origin has collapsed, so where did the other party get the origin power from?


And he found that the power of the strange ghost that he had penetrated into Tang Zhong's body had now completely dissipated, as seemed to have turned into the power in Tang Zhong's body...

This... how is this possible?
Their power is mutually exclusive with reptiles and Yuanli. How did this person absorb all the power into his body?
And to be able to be so peaceful!

The Ghost King naturally knew the existence of the source power, but they couldn't absorb the source force, otherwise, after fighting so many small universes, if the source force is added up, he can become very strong.

But now the source power of this universe has been absorbed by Tang Zhong, and the three kinds of power are added together to create the current Tang Zhong.

"Impossible..." The Ghost King roared at this time.

Then the pupil burst out with murderous intent, and rushed towards Tang Zhong, punching him in front, with the power of a powerful ghost.

Agitated and exploded with light, it was submerged forward!


Tang Zhong stood where he was, looked at the black fist in front of him, and immediately stretched out his hand.

Whoosh, a broken dragon pestle flew from somewhere.

The broken dragon pestle, which was originally very dilapidated, began to undergo drastic changes when it fell into Tang Zhong's palm.

It's like being reborn.

On the Broken Dragon Pestle, white light flickered, and its size also expanded.

Around Tang Zhong's body, white light flickered, and he was like a holy lord.

Then Tang Zhong stared at the King of Different Ghosts and roared angrily: "I'm afraid you are not qualified now, get out!"

A roar broke out in an instant.

It directly blocked the fist glow from the ghost emperor's attack.

The waves generated by the two attacks swept directly to the surroundings.

Many weak ghosts are now directly annihilated under the fluctuation of power and turned into nothingness!

They roared, but it was of no avail.

At this time, the King of Different Ghosts felt pain, as if his arm was about to split.

"Death!" Tang Zhong narrowed his eyes, and the murderous aura burst out in an instant.

Sweep directly.

The arm of the Other Ghost Emperor was directly swallowed by the white light.

A click.

The arm of the Other Ghost Emperor was pulled off abruptly.

Then the Ghost King roared.

"I don't believe it!" He slammed down on Tang Zhong's head with his other hand.

Fists are suppressed like cannonballs.

Tang Zhong saw it at a glance, and directly smashed the dragon pestle and blasted it out.

All of a sudden, it was bombarded with the arm of the ghost emperor.

A click.

The arm of the Other Ghost Emperor was cut off again, and green blood gushed out.

"how is this possible?"

Both of the ghost emperor's arms are now broken, and the whole person retreated violently, panting for breath.

At the same time, the pupil stared at Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong held the Polong pestle behind him, and he felt that his current strength seemed to be a breakthrough.

Being above the Immortal God King, this feeling really made him extremely refreshed.

"You have also stepped into the emperor!" The ghost emperor gritted his teeth.


This is the first time Tang Zhong heard about this realm. This should be the realm above the Immortal God King. In this universe, only the Dragon used to be an emperor!
The emperor of the universe!

"Yes!" Tang Zhong said coldly.

"So what, you still have to die!" The Ghost Emperor roared.

"I, the King of Ghosts, fought in countless universes... how could I fail here!" the King of Ghosts roared wildly.

I saw his pupils began to be densely covered with black, as if they had been poured with blood, and then, from the pupils, countless red lines spread out towards the body.

"In that case, I will become the real body and kill you. I want to see how you want to kill me?"

"Ha ha!"

At the moment when the other ghost emperor laughed wildly, he transformed.

The body suddenly expanded.

The back expanded, puff puff puff, several sharp bones protruded, like sharp knives.

His head began to change, taking the form of a giant White Walker.

The power of the strange ghost on his body, like a tornado, burst out crazily, sweeping the surroundings directly.

Step on the ground with one foot, and the ground feels like an earthquake.

Tang Zhong stood on the ground, looking up at the King of Other Ghosts

The figure is more than 50 meters high!

Is this the real body of the Ghost Emperor?

It is indeed very strong...

But... so what?
"I just want to kill you!"

Seeing Tang Zhong, he also began to change.

As he closed his eyes, three forces began to move within his body.

The power of the dragon erupted first.

His claws turned into dragon claws, his hair suddenly turned red, and the dragon's horns popped out again on his forehead.

He broke the dragon's horn because of the battle before, but now the dragon's horn has recovered again.

Behind him, the dragon's spine appeared, and the entire spine was burning with endless flames.

The power of the other ghost made his body extremely tall, reaching a height of more than 50 meters.

When Tang Zhong finally opened his pupils, one of his pupils was red, while the other pupil was endless black, extremely deep.

Between his eyebrows, a star symbol appeared.

The source power is concentrated there.

Then Tang Zhong held the broken dragon pestle and stood in front of the strange ghost emperor. At this time, the broken dragon pestle also showed a strange change, becoming extremely powerful.

The Ghost Emperor was unusually arrogant just now, but now, looking at Tang Zhong in front of him, there is only panic in his pupils.

"Impossible...absolutely impossible, how is it possible?"

Now just looking at Tang Zhong in front of him, he was deeply terrified.

Tang Zhong didn't bother to talk nonsense to the King of Different Ghosts, and suddenly slashed forward.

Attack and kill with the broken dragon pestle.

Swept out crazily, directly suppressing the King of Other Ghosts.

The Ghost King resisted quickly, blocking it with his arm.

But in an instant, the power of the Polong pestle exploded.

The King of Different Ghosts couldn't stop him at all, he was killed directly, and his arm was broken!
"This power..."

The King of Different Ghosts is now frightened, and now he dare not stay here.

He wants to get out of here!

This time, the attack on the universe may have failed.

"Tang will definitely die!" The Ghost Emperor shouted at this time, immediately turned around and left, flying into the air.

But with a whoosh, Tang Zhong held the Broken Dragon Pestle to the top of his head, smashed the Broken Dragon Pestle, and hit it down hard.

"Don't go!"

(End of this chapter)

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