Chapter 1884 I am willing!
With a blow to the head, the King of Different Ghosts had no chance to react at all, and the whole person fell down hard, and then landed on the ground with a bang.

And in an instant.

Tang Zhong continued to bombard and kill.

The broken dragon pestle in his hand was aimed at the head of the strange ghost emperor.


In the pupils of the Other Ghost Emperor, there was a broken dragon pestle shining with white light.

He really never thought that he would be so vulnerable.


The broken dragon pestle blasted the head of the strange ghost emperor all at once.

Black juice gushes out.

The head of the other ghost emperor is completely gone.

He roared wildly: "You... Tang Zhong, do you think everything is over if you kill me?"

"It won't end... Immediately, more White Walkers will enter this world, and other powers, you have to die!"

"Ha ha!"

Tang Zhong's face became serious, and he understood what the Ghost King said.

"Who else wants to enter our universe?" Tang Zhong asked coldly.

He felt that this was unusual.

The Ghost King's expression turned grim: "Want to know? But I won't tell you!"

Tang Zhong didn't talk nonsense, and blasted the broken dragon pestle at the King of Strange Ghosts.

I saw the Broken Dragon Pestle stabbing at the chest of the Ghost Emperor.

All of a sudden the power exploded.

The King of Different Ghosts didn't even say a word, he just fell to the ground and died.

Since you don't say it.

Tang Zhong didn't let him speak.

After all, the person who should come will come soon.

Otherwise, it would be impossible for the King of Different Ghosts to be so confident, if nothing unexpected happened, he would be in the air.

Tang Zhong looked up at the sky.

On the cosmic starry sky, the previous vortex is still there, but countless black rays of light shoot out from it.

That black light belongs to the power of the aliens!

In other words, as long as the gap is still there, the ghosts can keep coming in.

No matter who is behind the White Ghost Emperor, as long as the dimensional wall is repaired, it will be extremely difficult for outsiders to enter it.

So the only important thing is to repair the dimension wall.

And the only way to repair it is the source power.

The source power cannot be absorbed by the ghosts, so the dimensional wall can resist the invasion of the ghosts, and what needs to be done now is to repair the dimensional wall.

As long as the Dimensional Wall is repaired, those ghosts will not be able to enter.

And the King of Different Ghosts is so confident, there should be more powerful people to invade!
Until today, he didn't realize how small the universe he knew before was.

Outside of this universe, there are not only enemies like the White Walkers, there must be other enemies.

And now the only thing that can be done is to stop other people.

He wants to mend the sky!

But before that, all the ghosts here must be killed.

He is now the king of this universe, and in this universe, he can completely drive at high speed.

And without being discovered by others.

He wants to kill all the other ghosts.

Kill wherever you go.

Either crushing the other ghost into slag with one kick, or sweeping the broken dragon pestle in his hand, the powerful coercion directly shattered the other ghost into pieces.

Even with a single roar, it can completely kill the other ghosts.

Now that he has inherited the source power, he quickly reviewed the entire universe, and after confirming that there is no power of other ghosts, he can be sure that all the ghosts in the entire universe have been killed by him.

He also found his parents, as well as people he knew, who are still alive.

He has no time to deal with them now.

Instead, he looked at the vortex in the air and rushed out directly, hitting out with the power in his hand.

At this moment, the vortex in the air, the black light is flickering, look at that, and there are strange ghosts who are constantly trying to come in from outside at this time.

But he was directly killed in the vortex.

Then he started to mend the vortex with Yuanli.

Unlimited power to fight out.

I saw that when I fell into the vortex, I started to condense in it.

It was the same as Tang Zhong thought.

The vortex began to be repaired, and he knew that the power he got came from the pillar of origin.

Now he is equal to the divine pillar of origin!

"Make it up for me!"

Tang Zhong roared wildly.

Now he will be like a pillar.

Originally, he was only more than 40 meters tall, but now, his body has grown crazily.

To be like a pillar, it should become bigger.

Enough to stand upright like that.

Tang Zhong burst out all his strength, making himself even stronger.

He is now going to be that savior, saving those who should be saved.

Immediately Tang Zhong roared wildly.

The body became stronger and stronger.

At this moment, from the vortex, endless power burst out.

That's the power of the White Walkers, and now there are a lot of White Walkers wanting to come in.

But all were blocked.

After he punched the source force in, those source forces began to activate the dimensional wall, and then the source force continued to change, and finally transformed into a dimensional wall.

And it is patched little by little.

And now Tang Zhong also felt that his body was light and light, as if the power in his body had been emptied, it was extremely uncomfortable.

Tang Zhong gasped heavily at this moment.

But now he still has to persevere, because in this way, the universe can be protected.

Protect those who remain.

"Gather me together!" Tang Zhong roared angrily.

I saw that vortex began to gradually become smaller.

And at this time, because of repairing the dimensional wall, Tang Zhong felt that he seemed to be able to perceive the outside world, the world outside this universe.

He saw that outside the dimensional wall, it was dark and densely packed with strange ghosts. Now they want to enter this world, and they are desperately trying to blast through the dimensional wall.

Densely packed, the number is extremely large.

Tang Zhong saw it in his eyes, and he felt a bit of shock. With so many strange ghosts, it would be a huge disaster.

Never let them in.

He also saw other universes.

Some universes withered directly, turning into a black hole.

And in some universes, the outer dimension wall is still there, and many strange ghosts are attacking.

Outside of the universe, it is actually like this...

What kind of world is this?

And now Tang Zhong also saw creatures that are different from the aliens, they are stronger than the race of the aliens...

But what they have in common with the White Walkers is that they like to kill.

For the world outside this universe, Tang Zhong can understand very little, but he knows that the universe is not like what he sees, there is a bigger world outside this universe!
But no matter how big the world is, Tang Zhong only needs to protect his universe.

Tang Zhong directly plunged into the vortex.

Start tinkering.

Countless strange ghosts wanted to rush in, but Tang Zhong stood in front of them, killing to their heart's content.

The broken dragon pestle was blasted out at once, and countless strange ghosts were cut off directly.

Now his body is surrounded by white light.

Unexpectedly, the life with the same origin as the other ghosts also began to invade at this time.

Wherever you go, kill everywhere!

Tang Zhong resisted with all his strength.

He roared wildly, killing wildly.

Stop this life from advancing.

Suddenly, he saw from outside the universe, a more powerful life wanted to rush in.

Tang Zhong resisted with all his strength.

Tang Zhong's fight with the opponent is enough for a battle, but he still suffers a little bit now.

This life is too strong, like an ancient demon god, suppressing it, its whole body is pitch black, and it controls thunder and lightning.

Tang Zhong could feel endless pressure when fighting with him.

But Tang Zhong hindered that life, and now this life can't get close to this universe.

However, the number of such lives is increasing.

And they want to devour this universe, and the strength of every life is comparable to that of the ghost emperor.

I really did not expect that the world outside this universe is so dangerous, but it is very exciting.

Now he wants to block all those lives outside.

With a roar of Tang Zhong, he turned into a huge Dragon Emperor!
And the source force in the body has been condensed into a dimensional wall.

"If you want to enter this universe, go through my level first!" Tang Zhong roared.

He swore to the death to protect those he wanted to protect.

Immediately, it flew out of the sky, went outside the universe, and fought with those creatures.

Holding the Broken Dragon Pestle, he frantically moved forward to kill.

Fight against thousands of ghosts alone!
Today's vortex is like a bright mirror.

At the same time, those who were still alive looked up at everything.

Everyone can see that Tang Zhong is fighting with those ghosts!

They couldn't help cheering for Tang Zhong.


Tang Zhong fought with those ghosts. Although the ghosts were defeated and scattered, Tang Zhong was also seriously injured. He was panting at the moment, but he was still fighting hard.

At the same time, the dimensional wall is about to be repaired.

Tang Zhong saw all this in his eyes.

He will not love to fight, he directly returns to the universe from outside the dimensional wall, and then strikes out with a palm, the source power is condensed, and the dimensional wall is repaired at the last second.

And a strange ghost stretched his hand in, but it was cut off by the dimension wall.

The sky above was originally extremely dark, but now, it began to become icy cold.

Tang Zhong released his power, stood on the top of the sky, and grinned when he saw that the dimensional wall was repaired.

And fighting other people outside the universe has already emptied his body...

However, he protected what he wanted to protect!
Now he finally couldn't hold it anymore.

With a bang, his body fell directly to the ground.

And the light on his body is fading away bit by bit!

The huge body began to shrink, returning to the original human appearance.

Looking up at the blue sky, Tang Zhong laughed, and slowly, his pupils closed.

He is so tired and wants to take a good rest!
Then go to sleep.


"Brother Tang...Brother Tang!"

I don't know how long it took.

Tang Zhong just woke up.

Opening his pupils, he found himself in a house.

When she turned her head, she saw Jiang Weiwei beside her.

At this moment, Jiang Weiwei was drowsy, and from that look, he knew that the other party must have been by his side for a long time.

And at the moment when Tang Zhong just woke up.

Jiang Weiwei also opened her pupils, and then stared at Tang Zhong immediately. After seeing Tang Zhong woke up, she stretched out her hand and rubbed her eyes, then grabbed Tang Zhong, and shouted excitedly: " finally woke up It's gone!"

As she spoke, Jiang Weiwei burst into tears in both eyes.

Tang Zhong was so panicked that his brain hurt: "I just fell asleep for a while, why are you still crying!"

"After a while, you still have the face to say that you have been asleep for three years!" Jiang Weiwei shouted.

"What? Three years?" Tang Zhong was stunned. He really didn't expect that he would sleep for three years.

He remembered that he repaired the dimensional wall and fought against life outside the universe, which consumed all his strength. He never thought that he would sleep for three years!

"I almost thought you were dead!" Jiang Weiwei said.

"I'm fine!" Tang Zhong said with a smile, he took Jiang Weiwei into his arms: "I haven't hugged her for three years, it's really comfortable!"

Jiang Weiwei didn't say much, and let Tang Zhong hold her.

"Tomorrow, let's get married!"

"it is good!"

Everyone who learned that Tang Zhong had woken up came to visit.

There are people I am familiar with, my parents, Xia Yuqing and the others, and many people I used to know.

When Tang Zhong saw them, he felt really kind.

Unfortunately, Li Linglong and Qinglong died in battle!


the next day.

The most luxurious area in the universe.

A grand wedding is going on.

All over the universe, living people came to the wedding one after another.

I heard that today is the wedding of the savior of the universe!
All parties are coming.

At this moment, in the bride's room.

Jiang Weiwei is wearing a white wedding gown, they are from the earth, and what is being held now is the wedding of the earthlings.

Jiang Weiwei in the mirror, with a little makeup on, looks very good-looking.

On the side, Xia Yuqing stood beside Jiang Weiwei, holding a comb in her hand, dressing her up.

"Today, you look so good!" Xia Yuqing said.

Jiang smiled slightly, she turned her head to look at Xia Yuqing and said, "Sister Yuqing, I hope you will also wear your wedding dress today!"

Xia Yuqing was taken aback, staring at Jiang Weiwei: "What are you talking about?"

Jiang smiled slightly and said, "Because, I want to be your sister..."

Jiang Weiwei saw everything Xia Yuqing did for Brother Tang when she was on Earth.

Xia Yuqing met Brother Tang a little earlier.

Xia Yuqing was even more stunned: "You...don't talk about this, today is your wedding!"

When Jiang Weiwei heard this, she didn't say anything. She just gave Xia Yuqing a suggestion. If possible, she hoped that the two of them could be together too!
At this time, someone knocked on the door outside.

"You can go out!"

Xia Yuqing said.

Jiang Weiwei nodded, wearing her wedding dress, and left here with Xia Yuqing's support.

As soon as the door was opened, they arrived at a huge wedding scene.

The sky is full of balloons, and the guests are all here.

As soon as Jiang Weiwei appeared, he immediately attracted everyone's attention.

They all looked over.

Everyone else was looking at Jiang Weiwei, but Jiang Weiwei's eyes fell on one person at the moment.

On the front stage, Tang Zhong was wearing a suit and grinning.

Jiang slightly smiled and walked over.

Arrived next to Tang Zhong.

Tang Zhong stretched out his hand and grabbed Jiang Weiwei's hand.

Immediately, the guests below applauded.

Xia Yuqing stood in the crowd, looking at Tang Zhong and Jiang Weiwei, to be honest, she really envied Jiang Weiwei, but... If you want to talk about love, don't the other party speak first?

Weddings began to take place.

Tang Xinglou was the emcee of the wedding.

Now only he has this qualification.

"Worship heaven and earth!"

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

"Bye husband and wife!"

After Tang Zhong and Jiang Weiwei bowed to each other, they looked at each other with expressions.

After so many years, it is really not easy for them to get to where they are today.

At this moment, the two looked at each other.

But suddenly, there was an explosion in the sky...

Outside the dimension wall, it seems that someone has come in.

I saw a person falling directly from the sky.

With a bang, a big hole was smashed into the ground.

Involuntarily, everyone at the wedding scene looked towards the pit.

At this moment, a young man with dragon horns crawled out from the pit and shouted loudly, "I... I'm here to find your Lord of the Universe..."

Tang Zhong looked at the man with the dragon horn, he felt a familiar feeling, the same as the dragon's blood in his body, the other party's body seemed to be flowing with the same blood as his!

"I am!" Tang Zhong stepped up.

"I'm from the Dragon Realm... You have the blood of my Dragon Clan on your body. Now that the whole universe is in disaster, can you help my Dragon Realm to resist the disaster?" said the young man with dragon horns.


Is this a creature from outside the universe?
In line with him!
Looking at the person in front of him, Tang Zhong said: "I am willing..."

(End of this chapter)

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